Nov 29, 2017, 2:31 AM

Hrm. This is difficult...

I suppose I'll go in list of games that I have the fondest memories of.

Aftershock, Predacon, Demolitions Specialist with an ankylosaurus alternate mode on Beast Wars: Transformers MUSH. He was my second PC on that game, after playing a Maximal, and was my longest-lived on that game. He started out pretty standard in the villain angle, but as things went on, my capability for the genre and setting got more viable. He spend a lot of time working with a variety of Predacons and involved in a great number of plots. My most memorable plot was directly involving his concepts for weaponry; he used sonic weaponry like a sonic cannon and sound wave explosives. So we RPed out the development of a subtle sonic weapon that, when turned on, deactivated energon dampeners by messing with their frequency. It turned into a really fun plot where we put two of those in the Maximal base, which made them essentially stuck in beast mode for a while. The plot ended in a pretty epic one-on-one fight between a Maximal player and me (the player was a pretty bad twink I realized after, but the fight was fun). He eventually was killed by sabotage and getting blown into a lava pit.

Rock on Megaman MUSH. I played him on and off for years, and I really loved the idealistic young man that was his default mode. He was in even measures childlike and youthful, commanding and with a great leadership bent. He was also the first character I ever actually cried during RP through. Two of my favorite plotlines that Rock was involved in was the first Stardroid TP, where at the end, Rock's human girlfriend was killed freeing the Stardroid Terra from his prison. There was a LOT of emotional and great RP with the player of that PC. Second was the Repliforce Coup TP, where we had our first actual PC in-game death on the consent game. I didn't know it was happening OOCly, the players and staff worked it out and there was a hugely emotional impact of Rock killing a few actual PCs that he'd spent time with, worked with and generally had great emotional ties with.

On Beast Wars: Transmetals, I played too many characters with too many great things to remember. But overall, I think running plots for everyone was my favorite. Out of all my PCs, Imp, my Starscream-alike, short statured Predacon who transformed into a dragonet was fun. I totally Starscreamed that shit up, working behind the scenes and in a vampire-familiar MO in order to usurp Megatron. I got blown up for my trouble, and my spark fed to Rampage.

On TF2k5, I think I had the most fun with Geo, my cassette-bot Decepticon OC. She started out as a gag PC, with the function of Geologist, but eventually grew into her own. And when I bothered to actually do stuff, I got involved in some fun RP. I think one of the best memories was one of the Galactic Olympics events, and a Science Fair event where we got to freeform build stuff. That and the 'Decepticons find Martian civilization remnants underneath an EDC base on Mars' plot, where I got to be a huge central point for the plot in unearthing the facilities and getting them in working order.

On Megaman X, I think playing iX/Return X was the highlight of my PCs. This is very much the 'troll character' I talked about in the other thread, where I got to be a smarmy immortal asshole. But he wasn't without his faults, and some of my favorite scenes were just... doing regular Maverick raid stuff, and pissing off (ICly) other characters so that slagging him over and over and over, in new and creative ways, was never a dull moment. I did enjoy playing him during the Assault on Orthanc, when the three other factions attacked and wrecked the Maverick home city. He was running around in defense of the city and had a fucking flying Ride Armor (giant robot) crashed into him, and all of its munitions detonated ALL AT ONCE. Being immortal, he survived... but damn if the things that other PCs went through to disable him for long periods of time wasn't epic.

On X-Men Evolutions MUSH, I played Gavin/Portal, a sixteen year old mutant with teleporting powers based around opening portals from Point A to Point B. He was a weird experiment, as he was the first gay character I played on a game (I'd primarily played very FC-heavy games, or games where I played OCs their sexuality really didn't matter). I built him to get some play with the concepts of the X-Men genre and Xavier's 'dream'. Gavin was really fun and I got a LOT of awesome RP out of his character. Particularly, I ran a Genosha plotline featuring the 'Genosha as mutant slave country' for the game. It wasn't the smoothest TP that I ever ran, unfortunately. BUT, afterwards, I became very close to the then-Wanda player and a number of other Brotherhood players and got to play out a 'faction switch' in game, with all of the attendant drama of losing faith in Xavier's dream and betraying the Xavier Institute. Was hella fun. And the long-term Pietro player was super cool about Gavin's 'crush' on him, which brought no end of hilarity from Wanda and Avalanche and the version of Boom-Boom that was Brotherhood at the time.