@sonder said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
So the other week I dealt with a 'feedback' email from a user that was just laden with abusive language and profanity. I basically said: 'We appreciate your feedback if not the abusive language it was delivered in.'
Got chewed out for doing so and told 'Saying that isn't needed. Just thank them for the feedback.'
Fuck that noise. Part of being a team lead is going to bat for my team and I know it bothers some of them when they get abusive language and threats, even in an email. I was actually downright polite. I've shut people down in the past and told them we'll gladly assist them when they can be polite about their request.
I fucking hate when companies are OK with their front line agents being treated like shit.
As someone who has to deal with this shit and who supervises the people being abused, FUCK THAT. The customer is not always right and that shit should never ever be rewarded. It feels really bad when you get abused at work and your bosses tell you to suck it up.
Fuck that.
The entire reason I will no longer work call center jobs is every single one I have worked in the past required that you stay on the line no matter how abusive the customer got. It didn't matter if I was getting death threats slung at me. I had to stay on the line and 'just try to hear them out. They're just frustrated at the situation, not at you.'
And I'd get lectured on being too sensitive if I was called any number of slurs, cussed at for half an hour, threatened, etc... and begged if I could release the call. Nope. 'Stop being so sensitive.' 'Just hear them out and let them get it off their chest.'
So no. I don't want the people on my team to have to become inured to that like I have. I don't want them to get to where it's just a part of life to be seen as being worth less than anyone else. I can pretty much point to working in customer service for well over a decade as to why I have been utterly incapable of building up any remote ounce of self-esteem. The customers didn't help. Management didn't help.
And while my company, internally, doesn't stand for that (on other projects, they've always supported nipping that shit in the bud)... They so desperately want this client that they're bending to them and their 'just deal with it' on the abusive language front.
I need a new job so bad. They want us to start taking calls 'soon.' I've always said I'd never, ever take calls again. But I'm about to be forced to because I have absolutely no other options if I want to keep paying my bills.