@aerianyx said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@ganymede @Auspice I'm on Welbutrin at the moment, but it's giving me insomnia. One of my docs said if the insomnia persists and becomes untenable that he'd add trazadone to the mix. I was on that before, and stopped taking it because it made me very sluggish/sleepy. I really dislike medication in general, I've had to get over it because this shit is just not livable without it at this point. It would be really nice to find the balance where I'm functional and better able to deal. Cuz where I am at right now.. just doesn't feel ok.
Oh, that might be it.
Wellbutrin is good for depression. It's what I use for depression.
That's why I had to keep fighting my doctors. They kept insisting: 'give the wellbutrin time to see if it helps your anxiety.' It never did. Period. It was great for my depression! Really great. I've had to adjust the dosage a couple times as my body adapts to it and that's normal. But it never. once. helped with the anxiety. Maybe it does for a select few? But it never did with the sort of brain weasels you're describing.
When my doctor finally agreed to add something else, oh man. It was amazing.
As for trazodone... I can't take the stuff, personally. We tried it to help my insomnia once... it never helped me sleep, but I'd spend the whole following day feeling like I was drugged. ;.; If it helps, great! But I'd make sure if you get put on it, to make your first day or two over a weekend so you can try it out.