There is a new car parked outside my apartment. A truck, really.
In the spot I usually park in. It's just outside my window, right by my door. A lovely spot.
But this old-ass (early 90s, so p. ancient for a car), beat-up, rusting Ford pickup is full of junk and has an after-market alarm.
A malfunctioning after-market alarm.
This truck has not moved for two days now.
This alarm goes off oh, every couple of hours.
All day.
5am yesterday.
Just now, 1:20pm.
Sometimes it's just a long series of beeps. Sometimes it's a full alarm going off.
Last night I reported it to the APD non-emergency, but since I can't pull up the reference number in their report database, I guess something bigger came up and they couldn't make it out (understandable). I've reported it to the front office, but they'll give this person 24 hours before they have it towed.
Oh because the kicker: this isn't a resident vehicle nor does it have a visitor tag on it.
Fuck you junk truck. I'm a barely functional human being due to your fucking junk alarm and I'm this close to taking something big and heavy to your car to tear the POS out of it.