RL group I'm in.
Planned an outing on FB, not the Discord (most get planned in the Discord & FB, dunno why this was just FB).
Screenshot posted in Discord as a 'Hey guys, I'll close voting tomorrow!' showed it was a difference of ONE VOTE between two dates and I was like 'Hey! Can it be the 14th not the 7th! Please!' because the 7th is Austin WitchFest. Which I have a ticket to. I ALSO remembered our last meeting a handful of people sighing over the date because they had voted 14th.
Today the date went up. The 7th.
So I commented 'Hey can we start planning the next trip so I can go?!' because I've been wanting to go to this place for AGES. And sure, I could make the 2hr drive solo, but...... why would I want to?
Go msg'd by the organizer and bitched out for being negative and so on. And I was like look, most things have been scheduled in the Discord, but this one being scheduled on FB felt like a slight against me. I know it wasn't, but my vote got left out.
She insisted she counted mine, but it was still a 'wide margin' between the 7th and the other dates.

Because that screenshot showed 12 votes on the 7th and 11 on the 14th. My vote would make it 12 and 12. I doubt it changed that much overnight.
I apologized anyway, said I wouldn't be 'so negative,' but I'm still really vexed (because I also know I'm not the only Discord-only person). She could've gone 'hey, this big event is happening this weekend: let's not try to schedule then' and looked at other weekends. Or done the scheduling in both (Discord and Facebook). Or, I dunno, understood that some people would be disappointed by the date chosen. 
and even if my vote WAS counted, still a difference of just one and.......maybe still just not schedule on a weekend with a big event? Or let me be disappointed and voice that disappointment? OR NOT SAY IT WAS A WIDE MARGIN?!