@Sparks That is the reason I have been desperately seeking a way to hook up that old 30inch monitor, like I have room for my desk on it or something. (Bwahaha I so don't but I'll make it fit!!!) I took damned good care of it for a reason, and yet, apparently there is some adapter or another that simply does not exist. (It has stumped everyone who has been asked.) I could hook it up to the 2010, and have the connectors for that, but this poor damned thing is on its last legs and I suspect putting that strain on it would cause it to set itself on fire at this point.
The iMac Pro glare is not bad. I dunno if it's the angle, if they finally managed a decent coating, or what, but it... actually isn't bad, despite not being matte. It's better than the 2010 in that regard, that much is certain.