i mean my coworkers are mildly terrified of me. One time I left my pc unlocked and they did the chicanery that happens to everyone else (screwing with mouse sensitivity, changing my bg to david hasselhoff) and i was so mean to all of them they all know better, now. I'm sorry you can't get away with that.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
i mean my coworkers are mildly terrified of me. One time I left my pc unlocked and they did the chicanery that happens to everyone else (screwing with mouse sensitivity, changing my bg to david hasselhoff) and i was so mean to all of them they all know better, now. I'm sorry you can't get away with that.
@Auspice I used to work in places that had nerf wars. God how I miss working at places that allowed nerf wars. My 30 round drum fed 5 round a second autofire gun is just sitting at home gathering dust.
I think the issue here is that I haven't gotten legitimately angry. I do my best not to at work because I have anger issues and I try to keep them under wraps. I get frustrated, yes. I've had anxiety attacks (because OCD), yes.
The issue is that this girl, I think, is trying to cover her own ass and get me out the door before she loses her own job because she keeps fucking shit up. And our boss fucked up ethics rules shit and she knows a few of us (because I'm not the only one tired of her shit) are on to her fucking up.
Because she's fucking up at her job and at the same time: she has an ego issue.
She's the one who will try to interrupt the call you're on to tell you 'oh you should do this instead' and be wrong.
She'll try to interrupt the chat you're having with management to make a suggestion... and be wrong.
She'll be the one getting into an argument with a user about 'NO IT NEEDS TO BE DONE LIKE THIS' ... and be wrong.But a few weeks back, I was following up on some of our new hire work and came across one that was due the following day that she'd marked 'finished' and found.... she'd done about 10% of it. So I (privately, ofc) went to our team lead and told him. I showed him what was up so he could sit down with her and re-train her on how it should be done and then I went in and fixed it all that night.
Next day tho, our boss was all (to the ENTIRE TEAM) 'You two need to learn how to get along! You're always complaining about her and she's always complaining about you!'
That was the first time I'd ever made any actual 'complaint' and it wasn't even. It was a 'Hey, this is a big problem and if the client had seen this, it'd look bad for our whole team.'
But our boss doing that was like, a huge fucking ethical NOPE. I prob shoulda gone right to HR but I am so strongly a 'don't rock the boat' sort.
I know another guy on our team (who DOES get angry: this dude will put people on mute to cuss at them/the situation/anything >.>) who is sick of her shit and will leave me email rants about how he wishes she'd just shut up and stop the ego trips.
So my guess is: she went from 'yay, another girl on the team!' to 'queen bee' trip once I 'got her' in trouble even tho I was trying to cover everyone's ass and I kept that shit confidential (it was the boss' fault it got made public).
But then again, there's the whole 'she's always complaining about you' aspect so maybe she had that issue all along.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
i mean my coworkers are mildly terrified of me. One time I left my pc unlocked and they did the chicanery that happens to everyone else (screwing with mouse sensitivity, changing my bg to david hasselhoff) and i was so mean to all of them they all know better, now. I'm sorry you can't get away with that.
Doing this gets you fired very quickly where I work.
@Ganymede the pranking or being mean to people? We have a very laid back office because 'stress' and also because 'tech monkies and their social skills"
@Kanye-Qwest said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
the pranking or being mean to people? We have a very laid back office because 'stress' and also because 'tech monkies and their social skills"
The pranking.
You can be very laid back and not fuck with people's shit.
You can be very laid back and sensitive to the social peculiarities of others.
The instant someone screws with another's work station is the moment they get fired.
Like, seriously.
Cats have better manners than that.
My IT office is also much with the prank wars and screwing with each other and such. Right now, we have sticker wars, because stickers-on-things is one of the things that drives one of my coworkers completely bugnuts. So of course we put stickers on his everything whenever he's not looking.
He gets his revenge, though, never fear.
Childish? Sure. Fun? Yessssssssssssssssssssss.
There's someone I work with who has OCD. Sometimes people mess with his stuff because he's also a jerk, but not too often because he legitimately seems like the kind of person who will go from quiet to burning down the building. Yes, he even looks like Milton.
It's sadly dangerous to ask people to not mess with your stuff because some people's children take that as an invitation to mess with you more.
I don't know if you have a webcam that you or some nerd you know can set up to record motion, then politely ask the specific people to stop doing it. The Wyze camera is also pretty nice for that, and not very expensive.
I'm sorry things have gotten that far, @Auspice. I hope things settle soon.
@Ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
The pranking.
You can be very laid back and not fuck with people's shit.
You can be very laid back and sensitive to the social peculiarities of others.
The instant someone screws with another's work station is the moment they get fired.
Yes. If something like this happens at my work place, I will personally do the firing.
It's probably a good thing I never wanted to staff on a MU*.
Working with other people always sucks. This is one of the reasons that I have kept my crappy retail job for as long as I have (since 2007) and haven't tried to find something better.
There are 5 employees where I work, I am the general manager. There are only 1 or 2 people on at a time so half the time I am here by myself. The rest of the time, I am working with one of the three girls who have been with me for years or the new part-time guy (technically also one of the "girls" :p) We rarely ever argue. We don't take each other's stuff. No one goes into my office when I am not there. No one is in a secret competition to win favor with the boss, or trying to set someone else up to take the fall because they aren't doing their job. I never dread going in to work because I might have to work with someone that I don't like.
The cost of this peace of mind? I am salary-capped at $58k, which isn't a lot considering that I live in the glorious People's Republic of Maryland, where the cost of living is so ridiculously high that there is a 5+ year waiting list for subsidized housing.
I've convinced myself that it's been a worthwhile tradeoff.
I'm certain that if I were in your shoes, I would have quit already, and would probably have burned a lot of bridges on my way out.
Considering I don't even make 40k... I'd be thrilled. But I also know Maryland's cost of living (it's a big part of why I left) so yeah. I feel you.
I desperately hope to find something new but I am very stuck in being well past entry level and even marginally into management...
So I think I'm just stuck in land of over/under qualified.
@Scissors said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Yes. If something like this happens at my work place, I will personally do the firing.
It's probably a good thing I never wanted to staff on a MU*.
Are you kidding? You're exactly the kind of person many Mu*s need.
I try to be tolerant at work. One girl who sits in the cube behind mine is eating constantly (and it is not quiet or without smells), but she's also 6 months pregnant and she's trying to be quiet and all that. She doesn't eat anything atrocious (like the boss and her microwaved sulphuric foods. Today was cabbage.)
There's another girl in the office, who goes out on her breaks and lunch and smokes like a fiend in her car - and then sprays on cheap, horrible body spray to cover it up - which it doesn't. She comes in and there are several of us who all cough for a few minutes, it's that strong in her wake.
Then there's the air freshener. It was spraying every few minutes, a couple weeks ago when someone brought it in. It gave me a migraine, made the pregnant girl complain about feeling nauseous, and made another girl complain about a headache.
They moved it. 4 desks from its original position. It's still there, despite me going to the boss twice about the migraines it has been giving me, and making suggestions/offers to buy something less chemical laden. -no response, still there. I'm still getting migraines every day.
I called the HR department, only for them to tell me I have to talk to my boss' boss about it. I'm also supposed to start working from home before the end of the month. So I really don't want to get a migraine every day, and I also do not want to go to my boss' boss just before I'm supposed to be moving out of the office.
Some people really do not understand how much smells can affect people.
Like why tf an air freshener and not a purifier?
Endless Hasselhoff was a prank at work. However, it was also required that your machine be locked anytime you were away from it.
So it was also a friendly reminder. -
@Auspice No idea, other than the freshener was battery op, because we can't plug in things at our desk?
Co-Workers who wear their emotions on their sleeves and just because they get told to stay out of where they shouldn't be to begin with, they run cry not to the boss, but the boss' boss' boss' (Yes, jumped three levels.) Then they expect everyone to bow down and cater to them because they will "Tell on you and you know it now." God I hate these people.
No, I am not being "needlessly picky" I am, in fact, teaching your child grammar.