@quinn said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It wouldn't be dramatic of you, but depending on how close you are to her, it could just play into what I will assume is his "woe is me" play where he has to deal with his crazy ex and no one understands him blah blah but now SHE sees what he has to deal with and hey, drinks on him?
Speaking from someone who has been there, done that, got the "I should have listened to you" speech after he did turn out to be the total abusive asshole I tried to warn them away from.
And this is what I worry about, except it won't just be an 'I should have listened to you speech' right away.
She is in a very, very fragile place, which is why I'm so anxious for her. She went through worse than I did because her ex wasn't just emotionally abusive, but physically, too.
My ex could undo all the work she has done and been doing to recover and put herself back together. And not only am I far away, but so is her best friend (they recently moved to Florida). Who I am sure is also anxious (because she lived a few blocks from me and was someone whose house I would go to when I needed to escape) about it.
@tnp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice If you do, be prepared for her to tell him everything you said and then the resulting drama on FB. No good deed goes unpunished.
I know this all too well.