@tinuviel It isn't appropriate in most workplaces simply for the fact that most people are sensitive, petty, and easily butthurt about differing opinions. It only takes one wrong phrase to upset someone enough that they'll immediately resent you and forward notes to HR that you've offended their delicate sensibilities. Seen it happen like, a million times. So unless someone's a priest, philosopher, scientist, etc, I just don't think it really belongs in typical corporate/job settings.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@tinuviel It isn't appropriate in most workplaces simply for the fact that most people are sensitive, petty, and easily butthurt about differing opinions. It only takes one wrong phrase to upset someone enough that they'll immediately resent you and forward notes to HR that you've offended their delicate sensibilities. Seen it happen like, a million times. So unless someone's a priest, philosopher, scientist, etc, I just don't think it really belongs in typical corporate/job settings.
@calindra Yeah, I know the rationale. I dislike the generalisation that holds such topics as sacrosanct, however, as I was told the same thing by my boss. While teaching goddamn history, which is almost entirely philosophy and religion.
Also fuck all the giant apartment complexes that don’t light the building letters.
It’s pretty interesting who gives directions and who doesn’t on confusing places. Probably the most fun place I delivered was a nighttime delivery to this literal shack with a bunch of rusted out cars parked in the lawn/driveway (no real driveway just ruts across the field behind the house that was in front of it/on the actual road. Creaky sagging porch, boarded up lower windows, a ton of already delivered packages...it looked like a redneck serial killer’s house.
The note on the delivery app was hilarious—it said it was really real and ok to drive on the field ruts, and don’t worry it’s the right place even though it’s abandoned, and not to be scared.
I sooooo want to make an attended/signed delivery there but something tells me the dude/dudess doesn’t ever have signed delivery.
@tinuviel I try not to generalize, but God people make it so you can't help but do it. There's enough crap to deal with on the day to day at work and people just make it worse. And tell your boss to kiss your ass! History needs philosophy and religion! Stop the oppression! Educate the masses! -- I need sleep and my keyboard taken away from me.
TFW you're on the line with corporate help desk for the third time, attempting to get across that you've turned it off and then on again and it still doesn't work.
So there's this field I take Rock to - some of you have seen the video I posted of him running around in it. It's property owned by the Mormon church next door and they're very gracious about letting people use it as a dog park. But since it's not an official dog park, people have to be extra courteous and careful about coming in when there are other dogs already there. I think this is entirely reasonable, as Rock is not small dog friendly and if small dogs are going to come in, I want an opportunity to muzzle him or leash him.
There's this one woman who shows up now and again that has a beautiful husky. She walked in one time with her dog on leash, and I quickly grabbed Rock's halter ring, and advised her cheerfully that I had a hold on him, so they could possibly sniff each other. In a very nasty tone, she advised me "we don't have any interest in meeting your dog". I was baffled by how nasty she sounded, but I was just like, "oh, okay, sorry" and took Rock out of the field because I don't like situations in which some dogs are leashed and others are not. It was an unfortunate encounter, but not a big deal.
So we'd just arrived at the field when I see her coming up with her dog. She looks like she was coming into the field so I waited until she crossed the street and asked in what I hoped was a friendly tone, "Hey, we just got here, could you give us 10 minutes and then we'll leave the field and be out of your hair?" I asked this because she previously had indicated not wanting our dogs to meet and I genuinely thought I was being considerate.
She reacted like I had just squatted and shit on her shoes. She informed me in a very nasty tone that they weren't coming in anyway, ow this was a public space and I didn't own it and they could come in if they wanted to. I was so baffled by her behavior I replied, "I was just trying to be considerate!" "Well, too bad!" was her reply as she walked off.
I don't know what her damage is or who pissed in her Wheaties, but seriously, this chick can go fuck herself.
@cupcake what a shitty personality. I hope she walks into a pole.
Some people are just fucking assholes at dog parks.
The one I used to take my dog to in SC was specifically for bigger dogs. It was the whole point. There was another one geared towards smaller dogs. But the one I went to (with my pit-sized dog) was for the bigger dogs and was an off-leash park.
It was the whole point.
This one day a lady came with her little chihuahua, carried him in, set him in the middle... and then proceeded to scream at all the dogs/owners when the bigger dogs promptly swarmed over to SAY HI HELLO WHAT ARE YOU OMG HI to the tiny dog.... and all the owners rushed over to get their dogs.
Because it was totally our fault, y'know, that she ignored all the signs and the thirty or so dogs running around playing.
Yeah, people like husky lady and all are fucking idiots about their dogs.
I also remember last year, @Cupcake, the reports of the woman near Issaquah (I think it was Issaquah) who would go around with two large dogs off-leash in a park who was being looked for by the cops because her dogs had attacked multiple other dogs and she'd run off every time it happened.
People like that give dog owners a bad name I swear to god.
I came to my boss with a scheduling problem for our site. The entire area would be cordoned off by police for two hours on either side of shift change. I gave him this information along with three proposed schedules to choose from. I gave him this information five days in advance. I asked him to call me the next day with his decision.
I call him the next day. No answer.
I call him the next next day. No answer.
I get to work the day before the cordoning. No word from him. I am told third-hand that 'Oh you have to just show up 3-4 hours early and wait, off the clock'. Not directly from the supervisors.
I spend today calling and calling various bosses and bosses' bosses and nobody picks up the fucking phone.
...I might just miss tomorrow. Fuck it.
I work in compliance, sometimes people do not take compliance seriously or assume they know exactly what to do and can just handwave it. Also doing things 'properly' is such effort! Useless bureaucracy!
In other news I finally got the report for how much the latest compliance breach that I had to contain, manage then try to control cost the company. Over £267,000 just in man hours as a conservative estimate, not yet counting any fines or less tangible reputation damage.
And that was with me getting the 'fixes' in place in half the time it should have taken!
Why can't you watch the implosion from your 12th floor balcony right across from the site? Gee, it must be because I am personally an asshole out to ruin your day. God forbid you and your THREE SMALL CHILDREN are injured by a massive detonation nearby. I mean. The cops cordoned off five city blocks around where we are just to be mean jerks. Stupid liberal police trying to infringe on your right to die messily. MAGA!
But no. Feel free to screech at me about how you pay to be here. (You don't.) and how your bosses will be pissed at me. (They won't.)
@packrat said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice I find that delivery drivers can never, ever find where I live regardless of directions.
My address is literally: 1 <very common four letter name for any street, apartment complex, public location, etc.> Lane.
It is so common that years ago, a friend of mine had a license plate with 1<that name> as their vanity plate, as it was the name of their company, from a completely different state.
There is another 1-8 <four letter street with a slightly less common name for a street but a common name for a person> in our zip code.
We get each other's mail all the time.
There is a very real reason I use my parents' address as my home address for all mail and deliveries instead. (They live next door, but I'm on a corner; they face the cross-street that is more rare in name and has sane, 3-digit numbering.)
It is easier to walk next door to pick up my bills than yell at the post office and wait on hold for hours.
My husband? Sends everything here.
All of his shit shows up just fine.
Nope never ever.It seriously amused the judge who had to deal with our marriage licenses when we explained all of this, and how, yes, we actually do live together, for reals! ...but I can't ever change my address to my actual address because the post office hates me.
When I told him the actual address, he threw up his hands and said, "Sweet tears of baby Jesus, it is a miracle you get any mail at all!" to my husband(-then-to-be).
Needless to say, this was possibly the one time in our collective lives that bureaucrazy totally understood and was not going to give us any shit. Because our address is so fucking ridiculous people accuse me of making it up all the time even when I name the goddamned street.
@cupcake That lady? Wow. She inspired quite the inappropriate volley of profanity in my brain. I'm sorry you had to deal with someone so spectacularly shit-tastic.
May karma deliver unto her what she deserves, but spare her dog (who is probably adorable and lovely) from any of the fallout.
When people go into detail about their phobias, then ask me what mine are, and have the NERVE to look at me like I'M the crazy one in this hospital setting. What happened to the "judge-free" zones?
When people say "don't judge me," I respond with: "Don't worry; I'm judging the living shit out of you."
Outta my face with asking me to lie and shit.
@calindra Everyone judges everyone at all times and in all places and situations. It's how we react to those judgements, and whether we're willing to adjust our impressions, that determines who we are as people. That person, for instance, was a fuck.
<scrawls on the blackboard>
I will not let my mother's soul-sucking negativity, ignorance, and constant state of hand-wringing and endlessly vocal paranoia destroy the first inkling of a fresh artistic impulse I've had in 2 years.
<repeats this 1000 times>
<takes a picture of this>
<tries to sell it on etsy>
<realizes that according to her mother, it would be equally effective but so much better because it wouldn't cost anything>
<crawls off into a grumbling pile with the Tylenol and Xanax to Grumpy Cat the shit out of the rest of this day... and plan how to do that goddamn project some more>
Just because I do not have a car does not mean that I do not sometimes use my parking space or that it is free for you to use at your convenience.
Yes, it is underneath a hotel in the middle of the city, where it is impossible to find somewhere to park, also yes, it is very safe and secure with the CCTV and access restrictions. I also fucking own it, sometimes I lend it to friends or have visitors. If I wanted random neighbors or hotel staff to use it then I would hire the space out for fifteen to twenty pounds a day.
Actually, hotel who keeps letting their staff into the underground parking that you definitely do not own, if I find your staff parked in my spot again then I am going to start invoicing you for it.
@packrat said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Just because I do not have a car does not mean that I do not sometimes use my parking space or that it is free for you to use at your convenience.
This was a pain at my last apartment. Neither I nor my roommate had a car. But her boyfriend (who was there a few days a week) did.
People just give no shits about clearly marked spaces. And I notice it's rarely visitors (aka people doing it by honest mistake) either.