@bleys5 The place we go in Florida every year, their hotel restaurant has added poutine to their permanent menu. (Almost nothing stays on that thing, it changes almost completely from year to year otherwise.)
Every year, we order room service precisely once, for that, because that is sweatpants on the couch food, not 'do we even have clothes nice enough to eat in this restaurant omg how the fuck did this place ever get listed on the timeshare program at all' restaurant dining.
They have seafood variations, too. Kinda amazing.
(Srsly, people... if you happen to be anywhere near Cape Coral, FL? Go to the Westin and order the damn poutine from either of their restaurants. It will cost you but you will be epic food coma happy; they'll customize it with more or less anything you want from their menu on it, from bourbon-braised brisket to grouper.)
Through the year, the fix is sated by a small cup of brown gravy at the diner when something includes fries. Everybody looked at us funny for that at first, until we explained: "Do you ever put gravy on mashed or baked potatoes?" "Well, yeah, of cour--oh, hey, yeah!"
We have converted many a soul away from ketchup this way.