Dec 7, 2019, 7:31 PM

I am having this discussion on another board but the issue with online 'proof' is it's all fakeable. As we have seen in this thread. Someone had brought up oh well screen to screen.

I figured out how to fake that too.

Enable windows clipboard history
Click on the userid you want to display and copy it
Open voice call with the witness, share program or monitor 1
go click copyid of a user
windowskey + v
on the way down to message line click original userid you copied earlier
click message line

With a little practice, you can do it without them noticing as it just takes a click and you can flit back over. In addition windowskey+v to bring clipboard history doesn't create an icon on the toolbar at the bottom of a desktop so if you're sharing program only or monitor 1 and not all monitors they cannot see it at all.

When I pointed this out to someone advocating it's very simply to verify they then said oh well give me remote access at which point I'm like so we can't trust someones word or their screenshots or their real time screen to screen now we're saying give me remote access to your computer or it's fake?