Good or New Movies Review
I saw Star Wars on Friday before I went down to my friend's wedding rehearsal.
It was epic. I called a couple of things, there was a lot I didn't see coming, and some things I thought were thought-provoking about a couple of characters. Also, manly tears.
Star Wars was fucking awesome. Much better than I expected, even if the story wasn't exactly "original". They did an amazing job.
- topic:timeago_later,9 days
More Deadpool. Damn him for making me want to see this.
- topic:timeago_later,25 days
I'm mixed feelings on this. I can't decide if this is on my list of movies that should never be remade, rebooted, re-imagined. Or if I think it would be neat. So far I'm tiling the former.
Ip Man 3 saw it today, it was a lot of fun.
I used to hate all reboots/remakes/reimaginings period. But the Star Trek movies and Mad Max have turned it around for me. I'm willing to give them a try. The team on the new one looks pretty ok, so. I think the timing may be a bit unfortunate for some people though.
Finally watched Mad Max: Fury Road.
Was very pleased with it. -
I just don't think someone making Labyrinth again is going to soil/ruin the original for me. It just doesn't happen to me. Make all the remakes you want, Hollywood, you can't ruin the magic dance.
Double posting to add this.
How jaded we have become that anything related to source material must be either a sequel or a remake. There were a number of "Dirty Harry" movies, none of them were sequels. Hell, I don't see the Indiana Jones movies as being sequels, either, just another story starring our whip-happy archeologist.
Bah. Kids these days.
@Thenomain said:
How jaded we have become that anything related to source material must be either a sequel or a remake. There were a number of "Dirty Harry" movies, none of them were sequels. Hell, I don't see the Indiana Jones movies as being sequels, either, just another story starring our whip-happy archeologist.
Bah. Kids these days.
Those are all sequels; in fact, they need not even have the same actor (or even character) to be sequels.
- a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one.
- something that takes place after or as a result of an earlier event.
I just think people give "sequel" negative connotations that the word doesn't deserve.
- topic:timeago_later,about a month
If you haven't seen it, the Justice League Gods and Monsters AU movie is really good. It's worth a watch, especially if you like the DCAU, as it's done by the same crew and animation style.
And some teasers/lead-in to the movie: -
@Bobotron I've been meaning to watch that, wonder if hulu or netflix has it.
@Bobotron said:
If you haven't seen it, the Justice League Gods and Monsters AU movie is really good. It's worth a watch, especially if you like the DCAU, as it's done by the same crew and animation style.
And some teasers/lead-in to the movie: watched this a few months ago, I think? It was neat. It made me snicker because over a year before that I had been playing a version of Superman that--you know what, spoilers. Safe to say, it was very similar in at least one respect.
@Coin Just watched this last night, it was a decent story, I loved the whole being raised by you know what's. That was neat to me.
Saw Zootropolis, was a fun movie. Continues the recent themes of handling social issues (thinking of Inside Out handling mental health). It is very clearly about discrimination, but it doesn't overide the fun of it I find. The fox being a snarky jackass was my favourite, of course.
You mean "ZooTopia," right?
So, recently saw The Witch. I have to admit, it was better than I expected. Just enough in-your-face mixed with oh-god-what-next tension moments, plus a cool story. Really good movie all around.
Deadpool was the tits, of course.
Hateful Eight was another good movie. I enjoyed that flick so much, even if it starts off at a slow burn, like most QT flicks.
What else did I see recently...
The Fifth Wave. Meh. The eye candy was nice, but it was definitely another one of 'those movies'. You know the kind. Definitely aimed at teen girls while they try and desperately cram a romance plot into pretty much anything that isn't a romance movie.
I think that about sums it up for my recent moviegoing adventures.