Never! I fell asleep in the movie theater the first time through (pregnant, exhausted, don't judge), so I went to see it again. I'd been excited for Civil War, too...But I was kind of sad I didn't get a nap the second time...
There were lots of enjoyable parts. Mostly I felt like the plot was too forced, as a whole, though. The reasoning behind a lot of the characters actions, and such, reeeeally bugged me. Sort of ruined it for me.
Good or New Movies Review
Never! I fell asleep in the movie theater the first time through (pregnant, exhausted, don't judge), so I went to see it again. I'd been excited for Civil War, too...But I was kind of sad I didn't get a nap the second time...
There were lots of enjoyable parts. Mostly I felt like the plot was too forced, as a whole, though. The reasoning behind a lot of the characters actions, and such, reeeeally bugged me. Sort of ruined it for me. -
Wasn't a fan of the cinematography for the first bits of Civil War, loved what they did with Ant Man and Spider-Man, T'Challa was bad ass, loved the updated costume.
Overall: Will buy ASAP.
@thebird said in Good or New Movies Review:
Also, Captain Amercia: Civil War was a bit of a train wreck, too....somehow I think I'm in the minority there.
I didn't find it a train wreck, but I did find it anti-climactic, even though I did not quite foresee the ending.
@Ganymede said in Good or New Movies Review:
@thebird said in Good or New Movies Review:
Also, Captain Amercia: Civil War was a bit of a train wreck, too....somehow I think I'm in the minority there.
I didn't find it a train wreck, but I did find it anti-climactic, even though I did not quite foresee the ending.
I found it a nice amount of Drama in my Superhero Movie. It wasn't tight, but it did what it wanted to rather well.
Also, Peter Fucking Parker. I think I'm going to have to replace the Toby McGuire Spider-Man as the most true to concept I've seen.
@Thenomain That kid was perfect. I also loved what they did with 'Aunt' May, because I never understood why a teenagers aunt was a geriatric...
OH MY GOD Spiderman he was adorable and perfect and so, so on point for the character and also Falcon was shooting GUNS at him and I was like so help me Extremely Lame Hawkgirl Man if you hurt him there will be no rest for you.
@Kanye-Qwest Shooting guns at Spider-Man is just a waste of ammo, he is bulletproof because he instinctively dodges, all of the bullets
Yes....remember what he did for Captain America sobs
Saw X-Men last night. I was really pleased with it. Looking forward to the next couple now, very much so.
The after-credits scene was nice.
Casting choices were good. Olivia Munn looks like Betsy/Kwannon, and Sophie Turner did a really good job as Jean (I was a bit surprised, but I'm not far enough in GoT to see her as a more assertive Sansa, so that's coloring my views on her). And Nightcrawler was so adorbs. -
@Bobotron So the preliminary photos of Apocalypse were pretty horrible. How did he turn out in the movie with the effects added in? Satsifactory? Or still Ivan Ooze?
It won't ever look like comics 'Pocky exactly, but I liked it. I found that, especially during closeups on a big screen, you got a lot of the 'he has hypertech added to his body in weird ways' effect that came across as presenting what Apocalypse is: a mutant enhanced with hypertech. I didn't find it jarring or comical/cartoony, no worse than I found Nightcrawler's Enochian tattoos/scarification to be cartoony or Angel's big-ass metal wings to be cartoony. Though be warned that there is a sequence involving Quicksilver that... well, think back to Days of Future Past and upscale that. I can see the comedy in it, but it's also really telling of Peter's powers in the past decade since DoFP. -
@Bobotron Oh yeah I had a friend spoil a really awesome scene with Quicksilver at the school. I won't detail it here but...I've seen that part.
Thanks for the heads up about Apocalypse though.
I was pretty pleased with the movie as a whole. I've been a big X-Men fan for a while now though. Well.. The movies anyway. (Wasn't allowed comics as a kid, and can't get into them now that I'm older, for some reason)
I liked X-Men: Apocalypse. It wasn't great by any means but it worked in many ways and actually cared about fan service as well as telling its own story. The new (new new) X-Men roster is fun and there's chemistry between the actors; I'd actually like to watch a team made of the new Jean, Scott, Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, etc.
My one peeve which isn't spoiler-y if you've watched any trailer at all - there's a lot of emphasis on Mystique being a leader/revered hero type. On its own I don't mind that but it's because she's being played by Jennifer Lawrence whose star value skyrocketed since the contract was signed, and it turned a perfectly good spy/infiltrator/mysterious character into a front-line person which wasn't ideal.
I was a little iffy on the 'Mystique is the mutant's most known individual,' but it makes sense in the context of the movie universe. She was the most public in regards to stuff going on during DoFP and it's logical to a point.My favorite thing about it? It was a straight-up comics movie. Some of the previous X-Men movies, particularly the early part of the franchise were trying hard to make it 'in the Real World' and not deal with a lot of the more over-the-top X-men stuff. Whereas Avengers and Thor and stuff eats up those standard comic tropes. I'm glad this new timeline gets that.
And like you, I want to see more of the team. They have good chemistry. I'd also love to see some of the more minor characters doing stuff (I am always a fan of background mutants doing mutanty things, like the basketball game w/powers from the first X-men movie that's just a 'here's an example of powers'.)
And there's already a built-in secondary villain for the next movie, who has a reason to hate the X-Men, after the villains 'glare then walk away' thing that happens.
@Arkandel said in Good or New Movies Review:
I liked X-Men: Apocalypse. It wasn't great by any means but it worked in many ways and actually cared about fan service as well as telling its own story. The new (new new) X-Men roster is fun and there's chemistry between the actors; I'd actually like to watch a team made of the new Jean, Scott, Nightcrawler, Quicksilver, etc.
My one peeve which isn't spoiler-y if you've watched any trailer at all - there's a lot of emphasis on Mystique being a leader/revered hero type. On its own I don't mind that but it's because she's being played by Jennifer Lawrence whose star value skyrocketed since the contract was signed, and it turned a perfectly good spy/infiltrator/mysterious character into a front-line person which wasn't ideal.
The interesting thing about Mystique is that, thanks to her powers, she can be both.
She can be in the public eye, and she can be a nobody spy/infiltrator... because you won't recognize her if she doesn't want you to.
Mystique was in charge of nasty mutants for a long time in X-Men, when she was leading The Blob and such around before the whole Death of Destiny plot so it's not even unfaithful that Mystique was well known. The thing about Mystique is that you could know she's out there, and leading these bads, but you don't know where she is, or /who/ she is, at any given moment which is what made her so powerful.
Screw you, Rotten Tomatoes. I really liked Suicide Squad.
I mean it wasn't the perfect movie but it was thoroughly enjoyable... if only Cara Delevingne could act at all.
Rotten Tomatoes seems to be biased against most superhero movies unless they're obvious money winners, like the Marvel flicks. Anything else made by anyone not Marvel? They'll hate it!
I love how people think that Rotten Tomatoes is a site that sets opinion.
They report on opinions. It's a review aggregation site. They're reporting on what a large number of CRITICS are saying.