Sexuality: IC and OOC
@Cupcake said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
I wish there was a word for that kind of 90%/%10 variable beyond "bisexual".
If someone asks, retort “Well I wouldn’t fuck you, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Or if you’re one of those civil, nice people (weirdo), “it depends” should do it.
@Thenomain Especially if your PC is a lawyer.
@Roz Heteroflexible, I love that.
@Thenomain It's actually less for others than it is for me. I like the notion of "knowing my tribe" while at the same time respecting the preferences of others for whom the notion matters less.
Edited to Add: I realize we're talking about my characters, though choice of pronoun is not entirely inaccurate. My attractions to women have been few, but they were there, and I won't refuse to acknowledge them.
@Cupcake "False claim to queerness" -- I feel this on a visceral level. Given that I consider myself demi/pan-- in that I have the potential to be interested in anyone --but I typically have fallen into long term relationships with men.
I married a man, I dated another man for five years after my marriage. There are women I would have been with if the timing and opportunity were right...
It just never is. And so I feel like a pretender saying I'm a member of the LBGTQ+ community when I have mostly been in monogamous hetero relationships.
I probably fall into that category too. I have slept with women, made out with women, had fleeting crushes on women, but what really curls my toes is guys.
I have also played a few male characters but generally only in forum settings, with only a couple of attempts on MUSHes. I don't click with them as well, as characters, and that's something I've always lamented. I would love to be able to play a male character whose story gets me as excited as my ladies' stories do. No luck yet, but maybe one day. If and when it happens, I'm not sure what direction his sexuality will go in but I know myself well enough to guess it won't be gay. I am gun shy about creating a gay male after seeing the horrorfest of fetishized female-played gay men back in the 90s. It was bad, y'all. So very, very bad.
Sexuality is generally dictated by my character's story but upon reflection, I realize I haven't had a successful gay love story in the long term. The closest was my Mekhet elder, with her ghoul and her childe. Caroline's best loved were all women, but she was more sensual than sexual and I would not call what she felt love (vampire elders are great). Others have run the gamut but I admit my characters often end up with men.
I currently play one straight girl, one bisexual woman, and one heterosexual/demiromantic chick. All three are in relationships with dudes. I did recently create a woman who has an ex-wife, and a daughter, but I haven't found the spark for her story yet.
@Caryatid said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
I would love to be able to play a male character whose story gets me as excited as my ladies' stories do.
You make a guy; I'll make a girl.
We are magic. It's sort of stupid.
@Pacha I don't know what they're doing now. I followed them briefly when they revived the game, but I'm not interested in their approach to games or their system being applied to Tolkien's legendarium. If I want to deal with complex series of commands and mobs and whatnot, I'll play on HellMOO and have much more fun.
Fair enough!
I now feel boring as fuck for playing heterosexual men all the time.
@Royal said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
I now feel boring as fuck for playing heterosexual men all the time.
Never too late to change it up!
Agender, female sex, pansexual
Tend to play pansexual female characters who are primarily attracted to men. My minority of male pcs and majority of female pcs tend to be attracted to men, based on physical traits, and more rarely women, but more often emotional or personality traits in women.
@Salty said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
Tend to play pansexual female characters who are primarily attracted to men. My minority of male pcs and majority of female pcs tend to be attracted to men, based on physical traits, and more rarely women, but more often emotional or personality traits in women.
I find this kind of interesting, but only because IRL I am the opposite in a sense.
I am primarily attracted to women physically, but emotionally attracted to men... But I suppose I am considered demisexual because I can't feel a sexual attraction to someone unless there's an emotional component (I can find someone physically appealing without feeling a sexual draw: women are a goddamn work of art, all right?). It's why my long-term relationships are often with men, but in my late teens and early twenties I had some dates and a lot of flirting and brief sparks of things with women. ...I tend to end up sighing over a lot of straight girls. >.>
But it's fun seeing someone who is (at least in an RP sense???) the mirror to that!
In real life I am primarily physically attracted to women but with men there is a super specific type, and anything outside of that is insta friendzoned, bur in game it tends to translate as the exact opposite, mostly because so many female pcs are described attractively, and also the preponderance of ladyqueer which reads as terrible to me as a player. I want to say it is that a lot of men play women and especially queer women but someone else made the logical point that if they do it well it typically isn't picked up on as a guy doing it, so I can't be sure that the majority of them are but it feels like it. So it winds up being personality and circumstance that attract my pcs to women.
@Salty said in Sexuality: IC and OOC:
I want to say it is that a lot of men play women and especially queer women but someone else made the logical point that if they do it well it typically isn't picked up on as a guy doing it, so I can't be sure that the majority of them are but it feels like it. So it winds up being personality and circumstance that attract my pcs to women.
I wonder if it even matters what the RL gender of the player is. I know that I really don't give a shit, and I hope that people who RP with me sexually also don't care. It's not like, after a good TS session with someone who is of an RL identity that I'm not normally attracted to, I suddenly toss my cookies in the shower and scrub myself clean (edit).
Back when I used to TS more often with more RP partners, I could usually spot the female playing a male by their description of male orgasm. I would imagine the same can be said about a male playing a female for someone who is female.
I think that for me, it's a real downer when I TS that the person engaging in the act actually has never felt the sensations would happen in the meatspace. I don't have an issue with RPing females that play males and vice versa. But between the lack of a shared physical resonance (and my personal, anecdotal experience that many people that TS females as males or males as females have been batshit crazy, says the crazy person) I just really don't like that sort of TS experience. Doubly so if I find out they've gone beyond just intentionally concealing their sexuality to outright lying about it. Kinky TS requires a modicum of trust and shared empathy that cuts into RL... and someone who is lying to me... I can't extend that trust.
In my old age, I've accepted that I predominantly like men in both the meatspace and online and I just don't have the bandwidth to mess around with TS that I am not particularly attracted to IRL. I suppose that's another reason why if I'm going to be fucking or being fucked by men online, I better get the real thing.
That said, if Charlize Theron or Lucy Lawless walked up to me and told me to drop my pants, shoves a gag in my mouth and tells me we're going to fuck in an alley where there's a good chance someone will see us, I mean. Yes. RL or IC. Fuck Yes.
These days I feel kind of weird, because I would prefer to skip graphic intercourse pretty much, and move to the before/after. It's not that I mind graphic, I don't. Or that I think people are boring, usually if I'm in the position at all for there to have been sexytimes, it's with someone whose RP I enjoy, and I am sure I would enjoy that scene with them too. I am just more interested in the things leading up to/responses afterwards and would rather spend the time on that, especially if it's happened before?
But talking about TS can be One Of Those Things. Can you say "I prefer to FTB graphic sex, but can promise lots of RP around it/am happy to work out details of stuff they would now know about the PC if desired/I am not judging you and it's okay if you would rather NOT engage in relationship RP with someone who isn't going to provide that at the frequency you like" without coming across as someone who is just saying that but is a super hyper controlling stalky freak person? I don't know that you can. Mostly due to my own biases that almost every PC that I have engaged in RP with that had a super long or overly complicated explanations about their RP has tended to be someone who is super needy or controlling.
@Ganymede to me personally, it doesnt. It is hard to click with romantic chemistry with women characters for me, and it is in part how they are played, in some cases. In others, it is that their looks don't appeal, or in others still it might be other things. i have just seen so much badly done girl/girl ts that I would most of the time much rather keep the romantic side to flirting and sensuality over any overt sexuality because a very real part of me dreads seeing them rp something that will just totally squick me out or ruin how I look at them. if I had to attribute that to something it would probably be that the first ts I ever witnessed was 2 girls hooking up in my characters apartment complete with uh, how to put it delicately, fists engaged, and the mutual abuse of one another's backsides. I knew for a fact from talking to their players that the players of both were guys. it ruined girl on girl stuff over text games for me almost entirely.
@salty I think that would ruin any interest in RP for me, especially if it is in the context of a generally non-sexual RP MU.
@Ganymede I don't care, but then... I'm also fussy as fuck-all and FTB-prone more and more. There are... four people I've written anything like that with in the past four years.
I have had too many experiences like the one Salty describes to veer far from my 'all straight chicks' comfort zone.
There are a handful of sane players I'd be OK with f/f scenes with, but since it's not something I chase down, it's in that territory of 'if it happens some day, it happens some day, if it doesn't, it doesn't', and I'm pretty zen either way that shakes out.