@Macha said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
One thing I have noticed, is that I don't forget things as often. But I still want to put things off that make me anxious. It's a challenge.
The latter is partially learning.
I've been on anxiety meds for a year and I have learned:
I am more confident, yes, but only once I make myself get up and do the thing. Once I'm in the middle of it, it's easier than it ever was.
Example: The other week when I had been upset about the feedback on the training materials and my team had stood up for me, I wanted to make it clear I was grateful and I knew I needed to do it in person...but without sounding like I was badmouthing the boss. A hard thing to do.
It took me a full day to work up the courage, pull our BUC aside, and do so. I kept over thinking it. But once I did the thing I was fine! I just had to push myself into it.
I still get social anxiety. And that's fine. Just because I'm on anxiety meds doesn't mean I'm any less of an introvert. Now I'm just learning to untangle 'what's my being out of social energy and what's anxiety?' They were tangled up together for so long, they often became one and the same.
I shake things off easier. Embarrassment. Upsetting situations. Stuff that could cripple me emotionally for days I can now much more easily step back from, examine, and move on. This might be the biggest benefit to the meds and why I absolutely need them in my life.
ETA: And now I realize you meant different meds and ha. I'm in the middle of a terrible iron crash and sort of punchy and all over the place until I leave work in half an hour and can get food.
But I'll leave the above intact because maybe it'll help someone.