@macha I can't do anything else. I went through the exact same thing when I was his age. I was told I was brilliant, tested high all around... but my grades suffered because I never turned in homework. In class, while engaged WITH the class, I was fine. But as soon as it went to 'quiet work time'... out came the books, the headphones (walkman at first, portable cd player after that). I was constantly in trouble for being 'lazy' or 'unmotivated' and 'not living up to my potential'. I would also skip classes that I deemed 'unnecessary'. Like chemistry. Science and I have a LONG mutual hatred of one another. I refused to take PE and got an academic waiver, loaded up on stuff like accounting classes, computer classes, technical drawing courses. Things that might actually be useful to me in life. I was 2 courses shy of graduation at the end of my sophomore year despite everything.
School has changed. My son doesn't have the opportunities in his school system I did in mine. This schooling from home has hurt him so much academically. PE is no longer a required, full-time course he can opt out of in favor of something that might be more beneficial to him. I get it. I hate that he's stuck in this. I hate that he's being forced into this by an antiquated school system. So I do everything I can to advocate for him, to stand up for him.