Another note:
I'm so fucking glad to see TV shows casting strong bodied women as strong bodied women.
I'm referring to Cara on Mandalorian and Draper on the Expanse, specifically. Sure, Milla Jovovich is strikey, which is exactly what a thin, scrappy, modelesque chick would have to do in a fight, but I'm so tired of bikini models getting cast in roles where their body type is all wrong. Cops, Marines, Soldiers? This ain't just cardio, there's a lot of body training involved and most female cops I know are tough, buff, and can take some shit.
So to see characters like Draper, played by Frankie Adams (who is 5'11" and is a healthy body weight and build) play roles that are supposed to be these badass women that guys like me would be smart to listen to when they say "get behind me and let me take care of this" is great. My family has girls who played boys high school football and do MMA. I'm glad to see actual tough girls in tough girl roles.
I read an article where Gina Carano (Cara in Mandalorian) was saying that she's grateful to Mando because she was getting passed over for action roles because she has big arms, big legs, and she was told that she wasn't the body type they wanted for the role.
Fuck that. I dont care how machismo I want to feel at any given time. I wouldn't wanna fight Carano, Frankie Adams, or Ronda Rousey and wouldn't feel one bit bad about them putting some dude in a bar who is giving me shit into a chokehold.
Positive improvement.