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Good TV
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click to showAlso: Am I crazy for wanting a Leftovers themed MU*? Give me the apocalyptic angst!
98 percent of the world being around isn't an apocalypse. It's not even as deadly as the flu.
The Leftovers was a bad show.
@sockmonkey said in Good TV:
I know I am really late to this party but OMG DID ANYONE ELSE WATCH THE LEFTOVERS?! I just slammed through all three seasons and Carrie Coon is amazing and I love her and she should be in everything. Like, she was great in the third season of Fargo (it's just a pity that the third season of Fargo simply wasn't as good as the first two -- not that that was on her) but she was transcendent as Nora Durst.
I WAS NOT grooving with the first season, but stuck with it because I'd really enjoyed the book. Then I quit. Got back on it after the third season wrapped and there was so much critical hype about how gr8 it was, though.
Ended up digging it a LOT. Carrie Coon is amazing and always was, even during the first season that I Was Not Into. Shame she never got an Emmy for that performance.
@Admiral I didn't take it as the percentage of people missing being what defined some people's worry that it was a sign of the apocalypse -- it was the nature of their leaving. If millions of people suddenly blinked out of existence at the same time, it would be unnerving to say the least.
@Three-Eyed-Crow She was great in Fargo, she was fantastic in Leftovers. I agree that she should have gotten an Emmy!
The sky is blue! A sign of the apocalypse! A bird flew by! The apocalypse! A comet! THE WORLD IS ENDING!
The whole premise is ridiculous. The show confused 'random bullshit and brooding' with 'complex plots'.
It confused 'depressive nonsense' with 'moody atmosphere'.
It is a smug, self-satisfied mess of nonsense.
I'm not sure you can say the sky being blue would be equally as panic inducing as a person blinking out of existence before your eyes.
You didn't like it. That's cool. There are plenty of shows that I am all MEH about that people have been wild over.
@Three-Eyed-Crow Oh! I forgot to mention: I think I am one of the few people who didn't hate season 1. Everyone who told me to watch Leftovers was like 'Just skip season 1, it's awful' but I actually liked it. Weirdos gonna weird, I guess!
Finished The Punisher.
It's pretty good. The last couple of episodes dragged a little more than I'd like, but they were still pretty good.
Sinking my teeth into Stranger Things 2. So far, pretty good, but not as good as the first season.
Thus far, 'The Toys That Made Us' on Netflix is fun and interesting. Lots of memories for the inner child, lots of 'omfg, seriously?' for the inner grownup.
There are probably enough of us old enough to enjoy this one on this level, so it seemed like it was worth a mention, even for folks who did eventually grow up and don't have a house full of action figures and dolls and whatnot!
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Arc started airing last night, full sequel to the original Cardcaptor Sakura. It hit all the things I wanted, including Syaoran's continued dumbness when it comes to Yamazaki's lies. And it's so pretty, as par for the course for CLAMP.
@surreality said in Good TV:
'omfg, seriously?'
I know right? Hearing Kenner's story with Star Wars blew my mind. I was sure Lucas developed the movie specifically for toy sales.
@sg I really enjoyed it. Lots of happy kid memories in there, and lots of 'ooooooh, interesting!' for the harmless gossip-lovin' adult in me.
I actually felt kinda bad they mocked poor Jem so hard, though.
Many years ago, when in a much different financial position (the whole family was, really), I wanted to make a collectible fashion doll, and the person I worked with was one of the sculptors who worked on Jem, because I absolutely cannot physically sculpt for shit. She was a lovely person and was really pretty dang cool, even if that project ultimately never went anywhere. (The mold-maker we drove the sculpt halfway across the country to deliver it to apparently couldn't manage it, and disappeared with the prototype. Booooo.)
I would actually love to see that series continue with some mention of how much 3d prototyping has changed things along the way, because boy howdy has it ever, and it's not as fun a story but some of that stuff is really pretty cool. There's a long-standing love/hate debate about this among BJD collectors last I bothered checking, but the versatility and quick production has let some of those companies start marketing to a more diverse audience that's more into model kits and action figures, which is kinda neat. (One of the companies had a booth at NYC Comic Con for a couple years, for instance -- dunno if they still do -- because of the crossover appeal of a lot of their stuff at the time.)
The Jem part hit me in the gut so hard honestly. The literal glee that woman had on her face when she talked about wrecking them like that. I was like holy shit do not piss this lady off ever
I adored Jem as a little girl. Fuck, I still do. I got the damn theme song stuck in my head the other day for no reason. will never grow up
I remember being so upset when I got my first Misfits tape and finding out it was a Danzig band and not the evil band from Jem.
@zobi They made some quality stuff, too. I kept some of it for a long time until I had to sell off a bunch of old stuff because it was just so well made I would still, as a costume geek adult, pull it out of its little box to make happy squeaky noises at it.
...they actually constructed shoulder pads in those tiny little Jem outfits!!! (Hey, it was the 80s... ) That was a level of detail that nobody was doing commercially at the time, and it always stood out to me as impressive as hell.
@surreality I never realized how cutthroat Mattel was until watching that show. I knew they liked to keep their shit on top because of money, but the things that they did. The people they squeaked out just to stay on top, not giving recognition. Man, to be that guy (I am shit with names) and just literally get himself scrubbed from something he created essentially, jesus. I can't imagine. I felt so bad for his daughter.
I was never lucky enough to own anything made by them as I was swarmed by Barbie dolls as most little girls were, but I loved Jem so much. She appealed to something that Barbie never quite could hit despite her fantastical nature and the similarities between her and Jem. Maybe it was just because she was an option, and options are nice.
@zobi We are doing a whole-house decluttering this year; if I run across any of them that might still be in boxes somewhere in the attic, I'll let you know. (We prefer to send things to good homes rather than toss them and yard sales/ebay are a giant pain in the ass.)
@surreality Oh my goodness, that's so kind of you. Thank you! Just let me know if you do and we can work out all of the details and stuff
@zobi We won't get to the attic until summer, but will definitely let you know.