Looks like stupid person.
eta: lol 'still wear a hat with the visor flipped up' -- I am dying.
Looks like stupid person.
eta: lol 'still wear a hat with the visor flipped up' -- I am dying.
@Sunny Is this what being old is?
Damned slang!
@Admiral said in Good TV:
Well that's a shame, I liked that show, and he was the best part of it. Guess I won't be watching Season 3 and onwards.
EDIT: Scratching my head here as to why anyone would make this decision. Did they read the book? Did they read that chapter in New Orleans? Why on Earth would anyone think Mr Nancy's speech was "too much" for a show based on this book?
I'm a few episodes in to the new season of The Expanse and except for a few random moments, I gotta say: these peeps are so good at pacing.
@Admiral said in Good TV:
Well that's a shame, I liked that show, and he was the best part of it. Guess I won't be watching Season 3 and onwards.
EDIT: Scratching my head here as to why anyone would make this decision. Did they read the book? Did they read that chapter in New Orleans? Why on Earth would anyone think Mr Nancy's speech was "too much" for a show based on this book?
Why would they fire an actor for the lines he spoke? Did he act them out badly?
Orlando Jones talked a bit more in-depth here about the whole thing.
@Wizz Burn Gorman is so good in this season. The perfect mix of Karl Tanner and Major Hewlett.
Man, I want to binge drink so hard I forget I watched season 4 just so I can watch it again for the first time again.
@SG Will always upvote Burn Gorman. Always. One of my very very favorite 'that guy's.
Orlando Jones talked a bit more in-depth here about the whole thing.
So they fired Orlando Jones and hired Marilyn Manson?
Oof. That's a big oof. That's a mega yikes.
I ... just yikes.
Maybe they'll want to add Johnny Depp to the cast, while they're at it. And hire Woody Allen as a writer?
What's Roman Polanski doing these days?
I feel sincerely bad for Ricky Wittle. Guy can't catch a break.
Also, some new stuff I'm watching...
Expanse is good as it normally is. So good. Watchmen was amazing. I'm enjoying V-Wars on Netflix.
Also, Crisis on Infinite Earths may be a huge clusterfuck but it is a beautiful and amazing clusterfuck. I love it so much and I hate them for splitting it between December and January.
@Cupcake Interesting to see Somerhalder play Human vs Vampire for a change lol
Good week.
Mandalorian tonight.
Witcher Friday.
Going to see Star Wars on Sunday.
Good week.
Going to see Star Wars on Sunday.
I'll message you all about it on Friday.
People have been talking about this all week and it is legit sad to me that I had no idea what they meant because I have been so disappointed and disinterested in the new trilogy. I loved Star Wars as a kid and teen, but maaaaaaan did the prequels position the stake and the sequels hammer it into the heart for me.
(...That said, The Mandalorian fucking rocks.)