@Misadventure Don't feed them.
RL things I love
@Misadventure Don't feed them.
@Misadventure said in RL things I love:
@tyche @admiral Are either of you seriously suggesting that what someone sings about, or how many people they date has bearing on whether they were sexually assaulted or not?
Not I. I'm a swiftie.
@Tyche said in RL things I love:
I'm a swiftie.
I heard that about you.
You know, from your wife-slash-girlfriend or husband-slash-boyfriend.
It's a bad joke.
On purpose.
... I think.
@Thenomain said in RL things I love:
@Tyche said in RL things I love:
I'm a swiftie.
I heard that about you.
You know, from your wife-slash-girlfriend or husband-slash-boyfriend.
It's a bad joke.
On purpose.
... I think.
Your mother should be more discreet.
That was too easy.
P.s. Posting from Gencon 50... after 3 pitchers
@Tyche said in RL things I love:
@Thenomain said in RL things I love:
@Tyche said in RL things I love:
I'm a swiftie.
I heard that about you.
You know, from your wife-slash-girlfriend or husband-slash-boyfriend.
It's a bad joke.
On purpose.
... I think.
Your mother should be more discreet.
That was too easy.
So, after my mother died, I took basically half a year off from my career. No auditions, and I sang basically at the concerts I had previously signed up for and where I had a contractual obligation.
I started off April by getting new recordings to send out for pre-screening (many opera companies nowadays will ask you for pre-screening video recordings before they'll give you a live audition)- particularly for two roles I really wanted to sing: one for Handel's opera Xerxes, for the role of King Xerxes (no golden speedo, no), and Mozart's Magic Flute for the role of Prince Tamino. Tamino, I've done before and can do in my sleep. Xerxes is one of my dream baroque roles.
Well, I heard nothing for months, so I assumed I had been passed over. Today I get a double-whammy in my email: I got Xerxes. They apparently wrote down my e-mail incorrectly and have been trying to get in touch with me for a month. But I got the role!
I just have, like, a month to memorize it. Yay >_> but yay!And I also got an audition date for next Friday. So yay, I'm actually making my comeback.
@Ganymede Thanks!
@Vorpal Remember to post the youtube video here.
My spouse enjoys scrapbooking and planning? Plannering? She likes keeping an organized planner. I mean, this thing is laden not only with the day's schedules weeks(or more) in advance, but there are stickers here and there that are relevant to what's written, notes, this and that. Everything under the sun. Harry Potter stickers, kid with a doctor stickers, grapefruit stickers, this sticker, that sticker, a sticker for every occasion!
A few short months ago she came to me and told me that she had something she was really excited about, something she was interested in doing. Cool!
Faceless: "Well, what is it?"
Mrs. Faceless: "You can't laugh..."That's pretty much the way to make certain that I'm going to laugh.
F: "Okay."
M: "So I put in an application to do PR for an online retail shop and I'd advertise for them and stuff through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media."
F: "Okay. And how much do they intend to compensate you for your time?"
M: "Well..."
F: "Well?"
M: "They would pay me in stickers."Aaaaand there's where I lost it. I haven't laughed that hard, that long, or with that much vigor in years. Nor have I since. I couldn't breathe. At one point I sincerely thought I was going to lose consciousness. My laughter wasn't because of her choices or her interests. It was because my wife, in pursuit of something she enjoys, was willing to essentially be compensated with peanuts. To each their own. In her defense, one month she spent something like $75 on stickers. Stickers.
Flash forward to this evening. My wife comes to me at my desk while I'm trying to RP. I pause my music, I take off my headphones, I provide her with my undivided attention.
M: "So I want to show you something, but you can't laugh."
F: "...oh god, not this again...I can't do this again", as I'm beginning to crack up even thinking about the last time.
M: "No, really. It's something that I ordered for myself, for my birthday."
F: "Your birthday was quite a few months ago."
M: "I was on a waiting list."
F: "Okay. You can not get mad at me if I laugh."
M: "Okay!"She shows me her phone. It's a picture of her. No, an artwork of her. She had commissioned someone to take a picture that she had, of herself, and turn it into an artwork. I just stared at it for a moment, studying it, noting how much it looked like her. How great it looked. How I wanted two more just like it.
M: "You aren't laughing... do you like it?"
F: "Why would I laugh? It's beautiful! I want a copy, for my desk, in a frame."
M: "Really?"
F: "Yes!"She couldn't believe I loved it. She thought I'd think it was silly.
I couldn't believe she'd even question it. She's the strongest, smartest, most wonderful person that I know.
She gave me my son. I know I talk about my family a lot, with folks in private or even casual mentions here. It's because I'm proud of what I have. -
@Faceless Thanks for the story! That's the text equivalent of kitten pic shares first thing in the morning.
That is the sweetest. Thank you for sharing.
Well, for my goth as fuck horror buff gf, I ordered a proposal kit. A pewter human skull and bones ring and a copy of Ringu on DVD to hide it in. Is it October yet?
@Meg's choice in wall art. >.>
@Auspice look. There's a long story there.
@Meg said in RL things I love:
@Auspice look. There's a long story there.
I bet it's as glorious as the art itself! And the frames!
Ok, for anyone curious. These are the pictures she is referring to, I'm p sure. And it's a long and not very interesting story. Like, a number of years ago, about 6? 7? My stepdad gave them to me to sell on e-bay for him. He'd bought them when he was young and just out of college with his first real job. And he thought that naked women in fancy frames was classy art. Literally, he was just trying to figure out classy art and he looked at these and thought 'yeah, this'.
So I got them, meant to list them somewhere to sell them-- never did. So instead, they sat around my apartment for a year because I was too lazy. Then I got the bright idea to just hang them up, because if I was too lazy to sell them, hanging them up is the next logical step! So I did. And then they just kind of became-- permanent. I even rearranged the art several times, until eventually now they sit above my bed, making a faux headboard for it.
@Meg said in RL things I love:
Look, I got to sleep with naked women over me.
I'll take that any day of the week. -
I have a similar story, save it was my grandfather's and it was not only a naked woman, it was a framed naked woman FUZZY painting. Like the black parts of it and the background was made of the same stuff the old marker posters were made of. I think it's felt but it may not be, I don't know. I had it for many years, until my brother in law's friend (he was helping me move) saw it and thought it was the greatest thing in the history of things. So it's in his garage now getting the love and respect it deserves.
Why has no one ever given me a naked lady painting?!
ETA: I didn't even know they made fuzzy ones until now. It is my new mission to haunt yard sales to find one.