Dec 5, 2015, 7:50 PM

Finally getting a diagnosis and medication that already is helping in a huge way. The last two years have been pretty hellish for me healthwise, with a lot of non-answers from my doctors. I finally went outside of my HMO for a 2nd opinion and full lab work up, got a hypothyroid diagnosis for certain with some pretty strong indicators for Hashimoto's (more tests to see if that's actually the case soon, and at least now /those/ will be covered by insurance and supported by my HMO!) but I got to start treatment for the hypo and for the first time in almost 2 years I feel like I'm getting the old me back. So good when the medical professionals /listen/ and are willing to investigate without putting you into a box. Now I just need to find a doctor that will do that that's also fully covered by my insurance.