RL things I love
I'm sick. Bad reaction to a shot I think. Feel awful, nausea, headache, fever... etcetera.
But. The one upside? There is no better feeling in the world than taking a shower when you're starting to recover from being sick. I swear. It's almost worth feeling bad in the first place.
Forget medicine. Give me hot water.
Having a long-standing resident e-mail my corporate bosses praising me for my work and for being prompt, pleasant, and professional and then my boss telling me to keep up the good work. In my field, I mostly hear complaints, so it feels pretty great to actually get some positive feedback and recognition.
Having mushes to play on while my TT group works out its obsession with Labyrinth Lord.
I heard a new Taylor Swift song on the radio I had never heard.
@tragedyjones I'm so sorry.
But I think you posted on the wrong thread.
Y'all probably don't want to know what is on my staffing/oocly coordinating huge scenes like court "Keep me Happy/Upbeat OOCly" playlist then.
I'm with ya, TJ!
Now that I've had two years to settle into it, I have to admit that while it certainly has its challenges and sorrows, I'm having more fun and am more relaxed and enjoying myself with the baby I had a couple months shy of 40 than having all my other kids in my 20s. Sometimes the LOLcurveballs the universe throws are kind of enjoyable, at least this one is for me.
Excellent nurses. Specifically those of the ER variety.
Husband had a, as it turns out, gallbladder attack so bad that we had to go to the ER on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Emergency surgery and everything. We just got home yesterday afternoon, and the thing that has stuck with me the most was how totally awesome the majority of the nursing staff was. I know that's not always the case, so I'm super grateful for them all.
My awesome physician.
New sheets that feel awesome!
And my tea got here, plus chapstick that doesn't taste like ass.
That feeling you get when you finished something, and it was good work, and you can actually feel a bit proud of yourself.
It always helps when the nursing staff is awesome. One of the nurses that stuck out most to me when I was in the same situation as your husband was the one my husband and I affectionately nicknamed 'Nurse Dudebro'; he was in his mid-late thirties, and had decided on a career change. He was not the smoothest of nurses, but he was trying his damnedest to do a good job.
- topic:timeago_later,10 days
Seems like a good place to stick this: How to get a song stuck in your head with 3 frames.
I love the zoo. Seriously. I go with my kids and wife and it's an awesome way to spend the morning. The animals are active, the lions are roaring, the polar bears are swimming.
A well-run zoo that operates with the health of the animals and education of the masses in mind is one of the finest things a person gets to experience.
I love that we have a snake farm. SNEKS.
Zoos are awesome. I should see if we have an aquarium.
Also, my awesome yarn got here early.
When you're sick, a cup of consommé and some hot apple-cinnamon tea is apparently nirvana. Why hadn't I thought of this combination before?
Hot tea is a slice of heaven anytime, but being sick sucks. Get well soon!
@Kanye-Qwest Thank you, Kanye!
Other people's mistakes.
I was on Ebay looking for sheet sets and saw a brand new 600 thread count, 100% cotton, sateen sheet set. For $17. Naturally, I clicked on it to see more. Also naturally, I wondered what was wrong with it. According to what I read, not a thing. Ok, let's gamble. I have buyer protection.
They came today and they're so very, very nice. I immediately go back to order another set. Or three. To discover they've been repriced to $60. Oops.
RL things I hate: other people correcting their mistakes before I can benefit from it a second or third time.