This is a really stupid thing to be excited about, but I got one of those plastic-donut things for putting your hair up in a bun, even when your hair is fine and stupid and would only make a little hair nugget if you tried to put it in a bun on your own.
I cut my hair super short when I was about 14? 15? and kept that pixie cut for well over a decade, so I missed out on all of those years when it seems like every other woman on the planet figures out how to manage her own hair. As I've spent the last few years growing it out to past my shoulders, I've also had to (sometimes rather embarrassingly) spend my 30s figuring out how this all actually works.
Now I'm like, "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaait..... I can outside in the summer and not immediately look like an electrified poodle?! AWESOME."
It's a really, really stupid little thing to be excited about, but given the year insomniac and I have had.... fuck it, I'll take it.
(Note: Ponytails are not an option due to the spectacular "young Samuel, the colonial youth excited to start his new apprenticeship at the printer's press" vibe I give off when wearing one.)