@Auspice I cheat HARRRRRD on that sort of thing, and use embroidery floss a lot (usually split into two or three lengths, because apparently I want to go blind). Depending on the scale of what you want to do, that's one way to do it for under $$$, and without a mountain of stuff left over at the end.
RL things I love
@Auspice I cheat HARRRRRD on that sort of thing, and use embroidery floss a lot (usually split into two or three lengths, because apparently I want to go blind). Depending on the scale of what you want to do, that's one way to do it for under $$$, and without a mountain of stuff left over at the end.
At our family dinner on Thanksgiving, my stepmother was speaking to my niece because some kids at her school were teasing her about being weird and said something like, "It's okay to be weird if you are smart."
I told them all to go to hell through a mouthful of pie.
I love my family.
Newflouf is a very slippery-coated cat.
Newflouf tries to sit on me to sleep... and sliiiiiiiiiiiiides down the comforter to land in a flumph.
Newflouf tries to sit on the back of my chair, where the faux leather has all worn off and the underlayer is smooooooth, and sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiides down to flop against my back.
I had a trilly, chirping goofball with her heavier-than-it-looks hind end landing on my shoulder, paws daintily resting on the back of the chair to survey the hall, for a solid twenty minutes of now I can't move or I will disturb the behbeh.
I don't think I'm supposed to be totally d'aww over that, but I am. I so am.
@JinShei said in RL things I love:
My step-dad died earlier in the year, and it has been a pretty shitty one when it comes to family stuff. But yesterday my mother gave me his desk. My daughter and I smothered it in oil today and cleaned it, and made the drawers move...
I am sorry for your loss, but I will say that is an utterly gorgeous desk. I have a deep love for secretary desks.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
@JinShei said in RL things I love:
My step-dad died earlier in the year, and it has been a pretty shitty one when it comes to family stuff. But yesterday my mother gave me his desk. My daughter and I smothered it in oil today and cleaned it, and made the drawers move...
I am sorry for your loss, but I will say that is an utterly gorgeous desk. I have a deep love for secretary desks.
Isn't it beautiful? It won't work for my original plan (sewing machine neatly folded away) but it will store it on the top, and put all manner of stuff inside. I need to fix the original handles on one drawer, and the hinges, and I might need to get some sort of wax to help things slide more gently (I don't want to sand anything). Otherwise...
Since we're empty-nesters for the second year in a row and neither of us bothers with our trash families, my husband and I don't really do much for holidays we used to go crazy on because of the kids. I still cook us 'holiday' meals but mostly because that sort of stuff is too hard on our budgets but is on sale during those times, not because we're actually celebrating.
This year we were going to go to Daughter #2's house 7 hours away because she's eight months into a really hard pregnancy that's going to require neo-natal surgery and she wanted family around for holidays but I didn't want them driving. Blizzards rolled through the Sierras and her oven igniter ate shit so we've postponed, and I went ahead and bought November holiday dinner fixings for us, and as usual I bought too much.
Cut to my son, who is also expecting a baby with his fiance and since they just bought their house in April, they were going to stay home and do their new little family thing. Turns out the fiance's mom ended up hooking her into a trip to Texas for moral support because the awful branch of the family decided to show up, so my son called and asked if he could come to us for dinner. Fuck yeah, score!
SO Thanksgiving went from 'meh' to 'woohoo' because every course went perfect (last year I dropped a pie in the litter box, for an example of how things usually go wrong), and even though I miscalculated the turkey cooking time (as usual), drafting my ridiculously huge 80s toaster oven ensured that everything was ready and served simultaneously and I got to sit down with husband and son to watch The Irishman.
My RL thing I love for today is that one day you get the best of good luck amidst a whole year of just suffering and fuckery.
ETA: Getting my husband to agree to try 'Mass Effect' because I could download an XB360 version for $5 was just a cherry on top.
Every evening, at around dusk, I get to see hundreds (if not a thousand) bats fly south along the horizon and every morning just before dawn I get to see them all fly home.
I don't know why it gives me such a happy feeling, but it does. Also I want to play a Vampire again.
Someone taught my 5 year old to say "Stop!! Hammer time!" So for shits and giggles I showed him the original video of the song. And he wanted to watch it over and over and now says he wants "big pants" like MC Hammer and keeps running back and forth trying to do it sideways and singing "Ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhhh" like the middle of the song. :P. I am sure I will be annoyed by it in the next hours but right now he's pretty cute.
That kindness can still exist in the world. That people can still be grateful when you offer help. It feels good to at least offer, and even better to help.
I got my reddit Santa Gift person!!!! I've been shopping since yesterday. I'm SO EXCITED to send a gift to someone and I wouldn't have been able to if you didn't tell me about it!!
On a sad note, I missed ornaments and cards. I've never used reddit (don't lynch me bro), is there a way to set up something to alert me when there are new gift exchanges?
Are there more coming? I need more Christmas/Random Gift Giving in my life.
@RightMeow said in RL things I love:
I got my reddit Santa Gift person!!!! I've been shopping since yesterday. I'm SO EXCITED to send a gift to someone and I wouldn't have been able to if you didn't tell me about it!!
On a sad note, I missed ornaments and cards. I've never used reddit (don't lynch me bro), is there a way to set up something to alert me when there are new gift exchanges?
Are there more coming? I need more Christmas/Random Gift Giving in my life.
If you're doing reddit Santa now, you'll receive alerts every time they do a new gift exchange.
I'm not doing their secret Santa this year cause I'm doing imgur's.
But they do tons of them throughout the year, never fear!
@Auspice Wait, what is this imgur one?
Everyone! I need all these exchanges that you all know about. I NEED THEM ALL
@RightMeow said in RL things I love:
@Auspice Wait, what is this imgur one?
Everyone! I need all these exchanges that you all know about. I NEED THEM ALL
Imgur one is closed. Matches went out yesterday.
I've missed it every year before now. You gotta like, catch the announcement on imgur itself. -
@RightMeow said in RL things I love:
@Auspice Wait, what is this imgur one?
Everyone! I need all these exchanges that you all know about. I NEED THEM ALL
However.....you should look up subreddits like RandomActsofAmazon.
It might have gone downhill but like, 5? years ago it was full of really lovely fun people just buying fun little gifts for people and it has tons of related subreddits.
I used to love buying presents for people at random. There's nothing quite like surprise present.
After being ovenless since the week before thanksgiving (luckily this range has been a fucking piece of shit from day one so I have a plug in turkey roaster AND a countertop monster toaster oven along with various other work around appliances so Thanksgiving was not a bust) my new oven is here and being installed today!!!
When the dice go your way in an epic battle.
Last night was tough as we were fighting off a huge encounter of Sahuagin attacking in waves while we were protecting a town from basically getting taken away as slaves (or food). A huge Sahuagin Baron was giving orders and generally being a real pest as he had blood frenzy and three attacks doing a lot of damage to our fighters and barbs. After we finished the first two waves of fishy folk, the Baron was talking about how we were going to be fed to their god Sekolah, etc. We prepped up, and a new round of combat began with another waves. My Kenku level 7 ranger hunter marked and did dread ambusher, rolling a crit and scored 30 for damage. The DM with a smile pulled out a deck and chose a card for my crit, resulting in quadrupling my damage. 120 to the Baron, and down he went.
Blood for their blood god.
Yesterday my SO asked me to help her clean up a room and set it up as a craft room. A bunch of boxes got set in the hallway. We just moved, so we have a bunch of weird stuff in wrong packaging, like an Amazon box filled with hand towels.
I see a taped box for a computer monitor. A 24" computer monitor. I didn't remember packing that.
Me: "Hey, babe, what's packed in this computer monitor box? Do I need to unpack it?"
Her: "...shit. Merry Christmas. Guess I'm gonna have to find you another xmas present, now."
Moral #1 If you're hiding Christmas gifts, remember that when asking your SO to help move stuff around.
Moral #2: If you call it out, you might get an extra present out of it!