RL things I love
@Caggles Be disappointed. It is a fancy way of saying procrastinator
@Alamias said in RL things I love:
@Caggles Be disappointed. It is a fancy way of saying procrastinator
I will be calling my husband that...
@Alamias said in RL things I love:
Be disappointed. It is a fancy way of saying procrastinator
Actually, the term refers to a stratagem, thank you.
The word "cunctator" alone does refer to a procrastinator, but it has a specific historical meaning.
Things are getting crazy in Sweden as well, but I am watching people get together to help each other, which is what I expect of people here - but it's still heartwarming. Our local shop even opens one hour earlier, so between 7-8 in the mornings, only seniors in risk are allowed to shop there. Just called my mom and dad and told them that, mom was quite happy to learn this. They are both above 70.
Seeing a bunch of groups on facebook offering to do shopping for people in isolation and for elderly (they shop, food is left outside.) Might still be a tiny risk, but long as people wash their hands and are healthy that do the shopping, it's still better than someone risking to go to the store themselves.
Also really like that the Swedish government LISTEN to the experts, and that they're taking the right measures at the right time, to help our health care institutions to the max.
@Ganymede Shit. I've been Laywersplained.
@Alamias said in RL things I love:
Shit. I've been Laywersplained.
Those who fail to appreciate the genius of Verrucosus end up like Paullus and Varro.
In my city the pot shops are still open, because they are an essential business. I have delivery scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Its the little things during a pandemic.
The kind soul that gave me money to buy Animal Crossing. It's pre-loaded (digital means no putting more weight on deliveries or touching things other people have!) and now I can wait a day for it.
Really, thank you. It's wonderful and lovely and means I won't try Stardew Valley yet again (I love that game in theory, but every time I play it I get frustrated by how SLOW it feels).
Best news of the week, just got test results back and it is not covid19, he had influenza and this is day 2 of no fever. Which means I can go back to work, do not have to blow through all of my sick time, and do not have to worry about how many people I infected.
I hope all goes well and that he keeps safe and healthy!
Thought we might bake, being stuck at home. Made scones. They're alright. We had a dough fight, making all laugh.
The greatest putdown I have heard lately, said to a guy who was trying to mansplain to a woman (totally unsolicited) why her colourful, artsy long nails are impractical and anti-feminst.
'You are flat white, double espresso woke'
Started a new job in december and it was soon quite obvious that I don't see as well as I thought I did. Age thing likely, I'm 45. Took me awhile, but finally got my glasses (through work, they paid for them!), and now I can SEE. It's such a huge difference, can't believe I didn't even realise before I began that job! Mind, that job requires me to stare at 10 monitors for 8 hours. I did however have to enlarge all writing on my own computer at home, prior to this, so you'd think the penny would've dropped...
Either or. Fucking love my glasses. I love pushing them up on my head when adressing someone else at work, I love polishing them, I love how they look on my face and most importantly, I love that I can see clearly again.
I'm glad so many people are dragging that stupid "Imagine" video making the rounds right now, even if I wish they'd show a little more perspective and remember a dumb publicity stunt from celebrities deserves to be held to a lower standard than, for example, our elected officials.
I am WFH today. This is the first time in well over two weeks (almost three!) that I have done anything besides "Stare at Netflix. Wheeze into nebulizer. Sleep. Maybe visit a doctor or have groceries delivered."
I have over 500 emails waiting! THIS IS SO EXCITING.
(Also, it's sad that I consider emails exciting.)
Can't make my family go vegan, but as a result of the COVID-19 craze I have managed to get them on board with taking slightly better care of their health & immune system, and I am now their bonafide green smoothie guru.
This morning, our CEO announced an emergency $5 million donation to organizations fighting COVID-19, including to hyperlocal organizations like food pantries that operate in the same cities as each of our global sites. They also announced that our corporate giving program will go from donating a 50% match for any charitable donation that an employee makes to a 100% match.
This wasn't announced in a press release. That's not how my company rolls. This was announced in a private video to employees, as a follow-up to letting us know that they're paying out our usual June profit-sharing payment in April this year to help those of us whose families have been reduced to one income, in the hopes that those employees whose families are all able to work from home and maintain their usual income will give an even larger portion to non-profits than they usually do.
And that portion? Is already pretty high. We normally time our internal campaign to support local anti-hunger organizations to that annual bonus payout. The year I led just my department's campaign, which is less than 1% of our employee total, we raised something like six tons of food between us.
Please excuse me while I get all weepy at my laptop.
Thanks to everyone being stuck at home I get to do my first D&D game in 20 years.. with most of the members of the group of friends I played with back in middle and high school. We are spread out from now from eastern Asia to the midwest, but we all actually have time now to sync up and give it a try.