There's a little bit of envy here. Juuuuust a little. I'm happy for you though, that shit is hellacious.
RL things I love
There's a little bit of envy here. Juuuuust a little.I'm happy for you though, that shit is hellacious.
I'm a huge fan of the Legend of Zelda, one of the first things that got me into fantasy RPG-type stuff. The Breath of the Wild trailer is awesome.
OK, so, I should actually hate this but it's too funny to not share and too funny for me to not love it just a little bit.
Apparently, the blazing ZOMGWTF illness was kicked off by deathstar gallstone from hell, which blocked everything off and started making my other organs get infected and blah blah blah.
When they finally got it out, the resident that was chattier and more friendly with us, who was there for the surgery, said part of the problem removing it was that it was 'a really weird sort of shape, about an inch in size, but more geometric, "sort of like those fancy gamer dice" (his words)'.
I am such a goddamned geek I apparently tried to grow my own D10. Now that I'm officially not dead hurray, I cannot NOT find this funny as hell on some level. (And quietly hope Chessex doesn't try to sue me or something.)
While they would not let me keep it to turn it into a pendant with 'my own personal doomsday asteroid, you missed motherfucker' etched into its setting (because I fucking would have), they will apparently eventually send pictures, which I'm kinda looking forward to despite the gross factor, because dammit I really gotta see this now.
If nothing else you rolled a crit success on your Con score after failing a savings throw.
That's how I read that.
Weird gallstones are... well, weird. A friend of mine had to have her gall bladder out and the stones it had were apparently crystalline in shape. Like, long, narrow, faceted.
I wonder how that sort of thing happens?
I've mentioned building a desk in other threads. This is the finished product. It's not brand new, it belonged to the girlfriend's dad until he didn't want it anymore for a computer he didn't even use I suspect this is somewhere in the early to mid 2000s. Damn thing came in about forty different pieces. Either way, it'll be more than enough room for the computer, which we bought all the parts for yesterday. Eventually, I'd like to get a dual monitor setup.
Floof Wizard for scale.
Congratulations. You have constructed a home for Floof Wizard.
Now where are you going to put your computer?
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
Congratulations. You have constructed a home for Floof Wizard.
Now where are you going to put your computer?
You know, @Auspice said almost the exact same thing word for word on Skype.
The computer will still go there damnit. It just means I have to computer chair. My hope is that he'd rather sit in that than on the desk.
Which is wishful thinking, I know.
Good luck with that. You may want to start a GoFundMe site to pay for the medical bills resulting from your attempts to extricate the cat from the furniture. He looks like a mean ol' Wizard to me.
@Ganymede Thankfully, he's rather harmless of the three. He's the kind of jerk that will tear up the underside of the couch to crawl into it but then hide in the basement when someone he doesn't know comes over because he's afraid of his own shadow.
There was one time when at our old apartment, he was cowering behind the toilet because the Charter guy came over to fix the internet.
So it's the female. She's the little shit that'll claw at you if you bother her sleeping.
Saskia liked me.
But yes, I informed him that he built a fancy cat bed.
@Monogram I remember seeing those desks in the store! They're super pretty really. We really liked them and would have nabbed that kind, actually, but I needed a bigger/gigantic L for the project space. We almost caved on doing two of those with a table between in spite of that. They're seriously nice desks.
I marched.
My calves and thighs and lower back are very angry at me, but I did it. Almost 3 miles, one amongst 120,000 people.
I attended with a couple of people here who I'll let speak for themselves, and another member of the MUSH community didn't march, but was willing to drive us in and out of the city that day, for which I am extremely grateful.
@Cupcake said in RL things I love:
I marched.
My calves and thighs and lower back are very angry at me, but I did it. Almost 3 miles, one amongst 120,000 people.
Thank you.
Now they're saying 175,000 people! Insane.
That's awesome, thank you.
I was going to here in DC but the plan was to take my daughter, and when anticipated numbers kept going up and up and up I got a little nervous that if she got uncomfortable and wanted to leave we'd be pretty much stuck, I still am wistful and part of me wished we'd just sucked it up, but if my 8 year old had burst into tears because of the noise and the press of people and we had to wait 2 hours for the metro to get us out, it would have been rough.
@Cupcake said in RL things I love:
Now they're saying 175,000 people! Insane.
You know, for all I dislike Trump and think the majority of his statements are calculated bullshit to serve his agenda, he made a good point today when told about the massive protest marches.
"Why didn't these people vote?" he asked. Well... tweeted (obviously).
It's a fair question.
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
"Why didn't these people vote?" he asked.
Who said they didn't?
taps nose, points to @Ganymede (Also, thank you too, Gany!)
@Gingerlily It's completely understandable that you wouldn't want to stress out your child. I don't know the specifics of the DC march, but in Seattle we had multiple exit/entrance points along the route, "peaceful marchers" with bright caps to offer assistance to anyone who needed it - like say, a stressed out child, and actually - hey, you might like this -
A little girl got lost during the rally. The speakers up front learned about it right away, and asked the crowd to look for her. Very calmly, people started calling for her, and within about 10-15 minutes, we had mother and daughter reunited up on the stage.
This was only one day, and one march. There's a lot you can do to help the causes you feel strongly about, and don't let anyone tell that any small way you can contribute isn't worth it or less important. If you can donate money? Donate money. If you can donate time? Donate time. Can't donate money or time? Posting info on your media accounts about these issues spreads awareness.
Preaching to the choir, I know. Thank you for your support!
@Ganymede said in RL things I love:
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
"Why didn't these people vote?" he asked.
Who said they didn't?
Exactly. They took the time to travel to DC (and all the other cities), stand forever, and march to protest. Almost certainly they took 10 minutes to go vote. But saying they didn't - based on no facts whatsoever - is a good way to make them not count.