@dontpanda These are the things that restore my faith in humanity. Freaking awesome.
RL things I love
@dontpanda These are the things that restore my faith in humanity. Freaking awesome.
Lame thing but listening to a lot of classic rock. Cream, Stones, Hendrix. So good.
@tragedyjones said in RL things I love:
Lame thing but listening to a lot of classic rock. Cream, Stones, Hendrix. So good.
One of my joys lately has been picking good music to bike to and from work with.
Today was Mustard Plug, Pray for Mojo. Yesterday was Paramore, The Final Riot.
@Bobotron said in RL things I love:
On the note of marriage, finally finding the perfect ring, and going to surprise my partner of 15 years and, finally get a ring and actually ask him to get married, when our anniversary comes up next month. Now that we can legally do it and all. Not like 15 years come July isn't already hitched anyway.
Congratulations! My partner and I had been together 22 years when we went to Iowa to be legally married. This year we celebrated our fifth legal and twenty-seventh actual anniversary.
Having a day where my meds are doing what they should (yay). And getting to talk to my therapist and getting the positive feedback I've been needing. That yes, things are getting better and it is OK that I don't hate myself so much anymore.
Game of Thrones. The Battle of the Bastards is as high as any movie I've seen in production values, the performances were spot-on and despite a couple of things that annoyed me about the overall writing that show is firing on all cylinders this season.
Can't wait for the season finale next week.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
Game of Thrones. The Battle of the Bastards is as high as any movie I've seen in production values, the performances were spot-on and despite a couple of things that annoyed me about the overall writing that show is firing on all cylinders this season.
Can't wait for the season finale next week.
What??? How is it the finale already! Not allowed!
@Pondscum The RL anger thread is over there --->
About to watch that episode now. Way too excited about it already, haha. That and the fact that I have the next three days off, so I can slack this evening without feeling guilty/bad/stressed =D -
@thebird In my experience watching GoT increases stress, it doesn't alleviate it.
May your favorite character die last though!
Going to the gym and not having someone jump on the treadmill or stairmill next to mine.
If you had told me five years ago I'd be the guy who sets his alarm clock at 5:30 am so I can ride my bicycle across the city to lift weights at the gym before going to work I'd laugh at you.
And yet here I am. I guess people do change.
Pizza sandwiches.
My workplace is still awesome. So, on Friday, Credentialing and IT are moving to a new building a mile away from here because we're growing. IT moving means relocating equipment and servers, and since we do billing and practice management for the local anesthesiologists and whatnot, the servers being offline means we can do jack shit while that move takes place.
All work stops at noon on Friday so the move can take place. So the CEO is throwing a company-wide BBQ in the parking lot for all of us and we get paid lunch during it. We were allowed to come in an hour early every day of this week, so we won't be missing any hours after the shutdown post-BBQ. This week I'm getting to leave at 1pm, have most of Friday to myself, and not taking a hit on my paycheck. Yay!
And the BBQ was cancelled because, I paraphrase, one of the external vendors lost its mind and IT has to fix that. BUT we WILL be getting an afternoon off as soon as they re-organize that. Whether or not there'll be a BBQ or not, it's still pretty cool. And I get to keep the overtime I made this week to compensate for the hours I would have lost friday. Though it's not nearly as juicy because overtime is taxed higher, so it won't make much of a difference. Still...
Getting treatment for depression has completely changed not just my RL, but my MUSH experience. My reaction to things is more temperate, I'm not so hung up on what people think of me, which oddly makes it easier for me to interact with others. I can't say I'm all the way there, but it makes me realize that my fear of the medication involved is now completely gone. If anything, I'm advocate. The brain is an organ, just like your pancreas. A diabetic takes insulin and no one stigmatizes them for it. Someone with mental health difficulties should not be ashamed to take what they need to be healthy.
I have decided to start living my life like The Rock, always pimping my next project.