Victorian era Vampire or Mage game.
MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
Victorian era Vampire or Mage game.
I'd love to do something based on Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, where the setting is based on this post-apocalyptic book. The characters get sponsored by various myths then have to survive hellish scenarios for the entertainment of the gods/spirits/etc.
Scion could probably do it, it would just need to be heavily staffed by storytellers who would serve as the dokkaebi of the various survival scenarios.
If you haven't read it before, it's now in manhwa form.
@coin said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
I want a Kill 6 Billion Demons MU.
Me three. He even has an RPG out that could be used as the foundation.
@sixregrets said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
I realize this is the pandemic brain talking, but an idea just rattled into my head about an alternate Disneyland MU sort of along the lines of Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom.
Dream Park by Larry Niven & Stephen Barnes. Near future amusement park with a pair of massive, 300+ acre gaming domes that can accommodate multiple terrain types, weather, and story genres. The domes are used for VR-augmented LARPS that are recorded and sold as a new form of media entertainment after Hollywood bites it in the Big Quake. There's 4 books in the series and a multi-genre RPG system by R. Talsorian.
- 14 days later
@zombiegenesis said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
I'd totally be down for a Mortal Kombat or Pro Wrestling MU.
I once made an Infinite Worlds character that came from an Earth that achieved World Peace(TM) by having leaders fight duels over their grievances. This eventually evolved into all levels of government embracing the squared circle to settle differences. Everything from HOAs to International Politics were dealt with by steroidal champions looking for the pin. Each region was a circuit of wrestlers pummeling each other in a sort of feudal society where if you wanted into the ruling class, you just had to eat some vitamins, do some pushups and come up with a gimmick.
This might make for a fun mush.
@sg I'm not sure I'd take it in EXACTLY that direction; I want there to be room for crazy/silly fueds and such; though I do like the idea that maybe royal offspring are expected to attain a certain level of accomplishment in the ring before they'll be recognized as an heir to the throne or what not.
Ooo! Ooo! Or the royal family will only allow a character to marry a royal person they love if they can prove themselves in wrestling.
If nothing else, wrestling would be the most universally beloved and successful sport, entertainment, and art form in the world, with room for crazy magical characters like the Undertaker and whatever the hell Bray Wyatt's supposed to be. I'm torn between there being one globe spanning mega wrestling organization, or lots of small ones just so there can be invasions.
@squirreltalk yeah, it wasn't exactly 'thought through' just I wanted to play a pro wrestler for this crazy 900 pt Infinity patrol game and the GM was like, okay, describe your world, and I was like, Okay, so there's no wars, just wrestling! And, not going to lie, kind of would love a game where it's just a week of promos, characters jawing off at each other, and then on Saturday Nights, they have a match to decide where to build the park, by the pond, or nearer to the road.
I dunno if anyone here is into Dwarf Fortress ( for those that don't know, a mostly ASCII and text game that can be played in strategy mode or also as a roguelike), but for a while I have really enjoyed digging into the modding community because the simulation aspects are so insanely detailed and customizable. You can code up new creatures and fantasy races from basic templates and tweak their physiology down to like, their skeletal structure and different layers of fat and tissue and shit in ways that have real impact on the game -- you can also mess up hilariously like I did, for example, and make a creature whose neck doesn't actually connect to its spine, so when you boot it up in the test arena its head immediately sinks into its chest cavity and it suffocates. Or create a flame creature but forget to make its eyeballs' tissue with enough heat tolerance, so they literally melt out of its head and it goes blind.
I mention this because it seems like -- granted with a lot of sweat and elbow grease -- you could recreate a lot of these fun aspects in Evennia, and have a very detailed world that players could contribute to by learning some pretty basic coding, even making that IC by letting players be wizards or alchemists or whatever that are experimenting with life or death magic.
I want it so baaaad
@sg I'd have to see, like, how successful it is to start, and how everyone feels. Honestly I don't think you need to complicate wrestling much to make it fun to play; it's already amazing and ridiculous. Though it IS hard to resist world building.
I'd basically re-lable 'scenes' into 'Segments' for any given (apparently daily?? That or the passage of time isn't super specific) wrestling show, divided into Matches, In-ring promos, Interviews (possibly self-conducted if no one's playing a correspondant), and Vignettes which are scenes that just occur between characters backstage, or anywhere else in the world, where there are apparently invisible cameras; any of which can result in brawls if people run in, get called out, or otherwise feel like starting shit.
I'd encourage everyone to make alts apart from their 'main', just to have a variety of characters, faces, and heels around; as well as allowing them to make/play Referees, Managers/Valets, and Correspondants/Interviewers and what not. I'd love to have an actual system for playing out a match, but that's beyond me, though it would get around the problem of everyone having to agree on a pre-determined outcome (ironically) and just have matches; though if they want to have things play out a very specific way, people are free to just freeform it as long as there isn't a championship involved. Everyone's encouraged to have their own stories and feuds between each other. Maybe you have to post the summary/outcome of the match on a +bboard, or in the scene summary just so everyone can keep up with what's going on at a glance and be informed enough to decide to ask people if their character can get involved if it sounds fun to them.
Everyone's allowed to have one Killer Monster character apart from their main competitor, maybe. You're only allowed to have one Tweener character, if that's even a defined choice at all.
I dunno. I think about it a lot.
@squirreltalk said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
it would get around the problem of everyone having to agree on a pre-determined outcome (ironically) and just have matches
I don't know; I thought that was the beauty of the idea. "What do you mean it's planned out ahead of time?" Just have the two players roll d6s before the match. Whoever wins the roll wins the upcoming match, and they just freeform the fight back and forth with the loser understanding that they need to accept defeat at some point during the fight.
If you kind of want to make it fair, every time a character takes a L, they get a consolation chip. You can turn in consolation chips to up your die roll result at a 1-to-1 rate. The other player can also use their chips, so you can get a bidding war. Whoever wins the bid loses the bidded chips and the loser keeps their chips for another day and gets to add one since they now have to take another loss.
@sg said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
@zombiegenesis said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
I'd totally be down for a Mortal Kombat or Pro Wrestling MU.
I once made an Infinite Worlds character that came from an Earth that achieved World Peace(TM) by having leaders fight duels over their grievances. This eventually evolved into all levels of government embracing the squared circle to settle differences. Everything from HOAs to International Politics were dealt with by steroidal champions looking for the pin. Each region was a circuit of wrestlers pummeling each other in a sort of feudal society where if you wanted into the ruling class, you just had to eat some vitamins, do some pushups and come up with a gimmick.
This might make for a fun mush.
I've suggested to friends when we discuss this sort of stuff that, should a one-world government form and manage to maintain a monopoly on military power, all the states should settle their differences through sports matches. Why have a World War when you could have a World Cup?
I feel like there's a risk of someone losing a bit of motivation if they know they're going to lose before they commit to however long it would take to play it out, but it's another valid avenue. I'd just like for there to be options to keep people fighting, whether or not they've got a specific feud going right that second.
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There's a whole subforum dedicated to development threads! Fire away!!
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@wizz said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
Though beware the catbot @Ganymede, whose wroth is most dire if you make her work.
@ominous said in MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't):
Why have a World War when you could have a World Cup?
Mostly unrelated, there is a music video set in a world where instead of going to war, elected leaders settle their differences by beating the shit out of eachother. Filmed before Trump, it's got Putin and Obama in a bare-knuckle brawl with the rest of the UN watching... and it's being broadcast to the whole world. 'TONIGHT ON CNN: WORLD WAR 3, LIVE!'
Angela Markel slips Obama a gun when it looks like he's going to lose. In the end, Putin and Obama start to kiss with a 'make love, not war' sign coming in at the last second.
Anyways, just throwing that out there, because Little Big is amazing. Video:
@jennkryst I had no idea my life was missing this information and now I feel I can not locate be without it.