Can anyone provide an info/review of the Transformers games out there? Kinda curious about getting into one. Seems the most active ones are TF Universe and Robots in Disguise.
I haven't been on Robots in Disguise in a good while, so don't know how they're doing, and haven't played on any other Transformers game.
Except mine, which is Transformers: Lost and Found, so obviously I'll mention it. Our ad is here! We're focused on limited post-war space adventures and seeing if the Autobots and Decepticons can crew together without murder.
We're still new, in Alpha testing, etc., but we're past the very early "there are like three people here" stages to a more consistent and present playerbase.
RiD is getting finished up over the summer. We're set at the beginning of the Autobot-Decepticon war on Cybertron, with a mix of IDW Transformers, the War for Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron games and some of Hasbro's newer Alignedverse continuity. We're aiming for 'Classic Transformers for Grownups', and we're adapting James Kerr's TF: RPG sourcebook for some of the play mechanics, barring maps and weapon ranges.
If you want to jump into a G1 setting that's already settled and get going right away, TF:Universe is probably your best bet - if you don't mind GI Joes mixed into the fray.
I haven't been as active as I'd like on TF: Lost and Found but my experience has been that it's focused on interpersonal relationships with a smattering of adventure planned out every so often. It's a pretty relaxed pace.
Mine's up and running but we're in Alpha, so there's a chance you might end up with incomplete combat code, rule amendments as loopholes are discovered and closed, etc.
"I am Chief of Security for all of Cybertron! And I am severely understaffed!"
@Silver said:
I think our Shockwave might actually want to do this. I mean, on the former TF game he staffed on, one of the Female Autobots' quote in profile was "You can't shoot for sh!t, Shockwave!" Heaven help me if we can't have fun once in awhile.
I think the worst it's gotten as far as goofy content is Whirl poledancing in an engex bar on a dare and using his claws to pinch his chest guns while staring unblinking at Thundercracker. The response was pretty much this.
(I make no guarantees about Kup's renaming.)
I always wanted to play Kup and have like a major personal feud with Shockwave. When you think of how many of Kup's friends Big Purple must've sent to the smelting pool over the years...
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
I always wanted to play Kup and have like a major personal feud with Shockwave. When you think of how many of Kup's friends Big Purple must've sent to the smelting pool over the years...
Wasn't the Smelting Pool governed by Lord Straxus?
@Ganymede In the old Marvel G1 Transformers comics, yes. Straxus was lord over Polyhex and his lieutenants were the Insecticons and the cone-head Seekers. We have the lower smelting pools of Polyhex but Shockwave isn't overseeing those. Yet.
IDW Transformers has a different set of origins for everything; the Decepticons started out as a political movement against a corrupt Senate, where as the Autobots were usually the police and blue collar workers who had no idea how corrupt the government actually was. The author of the two series we draw from (MTMTE/RiD) modeled pre-war Cybertron on the Roman Empire prior to its fall, and the Decepticon movement is HEAVILY based on the Bolshevik revolution. You could think of it as Optimus Prime being a George Washington/Simon Bolivar where as Megatron is Stalin or Mao.
The series covers some weightier topics than Prime shooting an oversized basketball into a hoop while leaping over Tracks. As such, the game has run with more political intrigue, ideological tensions, and horrible state-sponsored mental abuse ("personality adjustments" via programmed lobotomies). It's more of a crapsack world/cynicism theme. IDW loves its minor characters though, especially from the old G1 Marvel comic.
These links should give you a quick idea of the 'feel' of what the theme's like.
MTMTE 39 Preview Page 1
MTMTE 39 Preview Page 2
MTMTE 39 Preview Page 3
MTMTE 39 Preview Page 4
MTMTE 39 Preview Page 5 -
One thing I'm really enjoying is Starscream's political ambitions running full-stop into an Optimus-shaped wall, and Optimus isn't really doing anything other than getting really annoyed.
Today Starscream learned it's a real pisser when someone is both incorruptible and has sharpened their acumen by fighting Megatron for four million years.
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
One thing I'm really enjoying is Starscream's political ambitions running full-stop into an Optimus-shaped wall, and Optimus isn't really doing anything other than getting really annoyed.
Today Starscream learned it's a real pisser when someone is both incorruptible and has sharpened their acumen by fighting Megatron for four million years.
Do you have an address for your place? Also, who's free on either side? I admit, it would be fun as hell to play Overlord, and add a little Fabulousness to the Decepticon High Command meetings.
Feel free to view it in all its alpha-testing ignominy. n_n r
If any of you are old hands at mush design, I'll happily accept advice.
Came, saw, sent you an Overlord app.