Mar 14, 2023, 2:54 AM

Well, since @Cobalt decided to go to that other Forum, where she is fully aware I do not go, and would not make an account at, to display half-logs and even more half-truths, here we go.

  1. I had gone to Cobalt, about someone I had done a fair amount of RP with, that kept saying they didn't want to share the logs. I could see it on some of them, the more emotional stuff, or revealing weaknesses. I asked her if it seemed Sus or Red Flagg-y, and she said it did. I said I was trying to work it out with the player, and not get staff involved. I should have told her straight up, the player was Isaac, and had it 'on file', because I am totally certain the log he sent her came after that interaction I had with her.

  2. While I have have not indulged in going over to BMD to read the endless slagging I've been told by a good dozen or so is going on, I have been shown what she posed as her proof my character 'attempted SA' and then gaslit another character, was not the whole log, nor did she share, or claim to have seen any other context.

Now, when I told someone that I was frustrated that Isaac's player was resistant to sharing (And Isaac's weird insistence they were not in a relationship, but more than friends, etc) , they suggested I download all the unshared scenes before I went to him and tried to explain why it matters to me, and before I went to Cobalt. So I have 9 logs, since the 10th one was shared just before I was banned.

The log in which Cobalt says my character attempted SA on a character rolling on Molly (and possibly mixing it with something else is hinted at - Do not read if you are uncomfortable with RP mention drug use/someone being high, or of friends cuddling/ a kiss aimed for a cheek and hitting the jawline.)

Also, it may be just me, but since they have enhanced senses, you'd think he'd know she was jerking his chain about the sex thing right away. And - honestly? If tucking drunk/high friends in, and sleeping next to them (in case they get sick, the high goes bad, etc) and even snuggling is attempted SA, I guess me and a good dozen of my friends from my partying days have a lot to answer for?

That scene started on 2/14, and ended a couple/few days later, due to RL. Their very next scene, was started on 2/18 - the night of the amateur night at the Peach. She'd mentioned it to Isaac previously in yet another unshared scene, but this scene references the one before it.
(There is again off screen drug use, mention of it, and description of a striptease. There's discussion of accidents and death, due to drugs.) This scene reveals the secret Cobalt made us put into our app for the game, and at least partly why Mackenzie was so emotional in the first scene.

Add in the fact Cobalt waited days to Ban me and in light of knowing I was having issues with someone I'd played with a good deal, she never thought to take a second and think about that, it seems, or speak to me at all.

Could Isaac's player have altered the logs he gave her, if more than one? Certainly. But the copy paste I was shown of the log chunk she shared was similar if not the same as the one I'm sharing, so.. you can judge?