@Coin Oh man. Three hours?! Worst feeling. Upvoted because I have nightmares every time I oversleep. It's like my brain is already punishing me.
RL Anger
@Coin Oh man. Three hours?! Worst feeling. Upvoted because I have nightmares every time I oversleep. It's like my brain is already punishing me.
@Kanye-Qwest said in RL Anger:
@Coin Oh man. Three hours?! Worst feeling. Upvoted because I have nightmares every time I oversleep. It's like my brain is already punishing me.
I biked almost 30 miles between Sunday and Monday, and I was sick day before yesterday, but yesterday I came to work. So I guess my body was like "noooooooooooooooooooooope" and my brain was like "butbutbutbutbutbut" and they split the difference.
Not as sick as I was yesterday, but still definitely sick.
Sort of tempted to move my hours today just to get some extra rest in. May not be a terrible idea.
My boss' dog which he's been bringing to the office for years passed away today. She was the nicest one, too, very polite and gentle (she'd only stare at you sadly while you ate), never demanded attention or got in the way... she was a very dignified, good dog. He was really attached to him, too, and always used to stand behind the back door when he'd go outside waiting until he returned.
Here's to you, Molly. I hope you don't mind waiting for a bit longer this time.
People who require social media proof of your love and gratitude for them. People=my mother.
"How come you never post pictures of me on your Facebook? Are you embarrassed? Why don't you thank me for everything I do for you on there?" Followed by a thirty minute rant about how clearly I'm only posting to FB to make men jealous (????) and to hurt her feelings.
Because apparently saying the good things to her face multiple times a week doesn't count. We all know it only counts if it's on social media, right?!
@VulgarKitten said in RL Anger:
People who require social media proof of your love and gratitude for them. People=my mother.
"How come you never post pictures of me on your Facebook? Are you embarrassed? Why don't you thank me for everything I do for you on there?" Followed by a thirty minute rant about how clearly I'm only posting to FB to make men jealous (????) and to hurt her feelings.
Because apparently saying the good things to her face multiple times a week doesn't count. We all know it only counts if it's on social media, right?!
It sounds like she's jealous of her friends (or acquantainces) and their kids who lavish them with compliments where everyone else can see. Happens quite a bit, where people see something nice happening to someone else, and, if it isn't happening to them, too, completely ignore anything else that might have correlation or comparison in order to have something to complain about.
@VulgarKitten We're facing that right now with my sister-in-law. Why we didn't like a picture of her kid, a video, or whatever. On Sunday she text my wife to ask why she hadn't liked a video.
To which she informed her in-law that she can't see anything on her page, because about half a decade ago she(the in-law) got upset and restricted what my wife could see on her page and is now apparently too stupid to reverse it. So this has been the song and dance for a few years now as she regularly whines that my wife doesn't acknowledge her crotch-goblin on social media, because of her own error.
@VulgarKitten We're facing that right now with my sister-in-law. Why we didn't like a picture of her kid, a video, or whatever. On Sunday she text my wife to ask why she hadn't liked a video.
To which she informed her in-law that she can't see anything on her page, because about half a decade ago she(the in-law) got upset and restricted what my wife could see on her page and is now apparently too stupid to reverse it. So this has been the song and dance for a few years now as she regularly whines that my wife doesn't acknowledge her crotch-goblin on social media, because of her own error.
I'd just restrict her access to my own feed, post stuff, and text her super pissed with, "WHY AREN'T YOU LIKING MY SHIT? DO YOU HATE ME? YOU'RE RUINING MY LIIIIIIIIFE!"
@VulgarKitten Being on your FB I think I've seen your mom on there. So she's, y'know, on it. That sounds like a mom-guilt trip, the kind they are very well versed at!
@Faceless P.s. It also all ends up being dick pics. Not MY dick, but just dick pics. Like, artsy, tasteful ones? Maybe a close-up of the David...
@Coin I would do that. My wife won't. She wants to keep the peace among her family. I think her sister-in-law is eight shades of cray-cray. She has this huge competitive streak with our kid, for whatever reason, so if my wife posts something that our kid does or whatever, Cray McCrayzerson will post something that is an attempt to replicate it a day or two later. It's exhausting.
In one of those examples where she attempted to replicate something our kid did, with hers, she threw a fit because my mother-in-law liked my wife's picture and corresponding post. But not hers. Which clearly meant that my milf-in-law HATED HER WITH EVERY FIBER OF HER BEING!!!11!
This is also the same crazy person who, at a funeral for my spouse's grandfather, broke down sobbing and making a scene when my wife and her family took a picture together and she(the sister-in-law) wasn't included. Just outright sobbing, crying, and even infiltrated one of the shots...so there's just this crazy person in the back, peeking around Jafar(the father-in-law, you've seen the picture, I think) with an ugly-cry face. She was upset because she was excluded from the "family photo" of my wife, her sister, brothers, and parents. It was pointed out that I wasn't crying about it. In fact, I was taking the picture. That did not appease her.
It sounds like she's jealous of her friends (or acquantainces) and their kids who lavish them with compliments where everyone else can see.
I don't compliment any of my friends on FB. Ever. If I want to send a message, I do it via PM or posting something directly to their wall.
People don't want my kind of attention, because it often brings vulgarities and kitty videos.
I, for one, am a fan of both vulgarity and kitty videos.
Even better if the two are combined.
@Coin Penis portraits is the term for artful, classy dick pics. At least it should be.
@Ganymede If I want to send a message it's usually in the form of an ER visit for one of their loved ones.
I live strongly by the belief that a friend is just an enemy who doesn't have the guts to kill you.
@Duntada An enemy is only a friend that has the decency to stab you in the front.
When people use the word masseuse.
It's not anger. I just groan a bit and have to fight the urge to say: It's massage therapist.
@Catsmeow This. After having seen the way that word makes the little veins on my husband's forehead do the cha-cha, I totally correct the shit out of people.
When it's some asshat hitting on me RL, I will shamelessly be that bitch who is all, "Oh, that's lovely, my husband is a massage therapist, too!" -- which would be much more passive aggressive than I ever try to be if I made any attempt whatsoever to hide the disgust in my tone, and that shit gets dialed up to 11 instead.
Getting out of bed in winter is eleventy billion times harder than getting out of bed in the summer. Eff you, winter. EFF YOU.