Jul 6, 2015, 6:20 AM


Thanks, Gany. I'm not sure that I'm really the better person; I'm letting them both walk, and I'm not going to chase. If they ever want a relationship again, they can come to me. The level of ugly is ridiculous. I found out today it wasn't just me though; they have torn into my other brother and his wife as well (for the same reason -- we all told the sister-in-law that her hatred had no business in any of this) and said they won't have anything to do with them either, and that my brother and her will never be coming out here again.

Something tells me that will change when my father passes, but if I don't hear from them at all until then, you can bet I'm not going to be particularly understanding of their absence. The really sad thing is that I think the reason the fits are being thrown is because my dad refused to give them anything of mom's that they could pawn for cash. They were allowed to take any sort of memory anything, but nothing they could just go sell. Because obvious reasons.