RL Anger
Dedicated worker in the cubicle next to me felt guilty that she had taken 2 days off sick and decided to come share her chunky cough with everyone.
For fucks sake, you get paid sick days for a reason! Don't give me fucking TB!
That is almost as bad as my situation: co-worker in the cubicle next to me will not stop making personal calls, giggling like a forty-five year old woman going on sixteen. Manager is too chicken shit to call her out on it.
Thankfully, this is my last week here. Then I get an office to myself. Booyah.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why I work from home.
Not all of us have that liberty, unfortunately. And while I could do a lot of what I do from home thanks to terminal servers and Remote Desktop, my manager refuses. But not my circus for very long, though....
@BigDaddyAmin Oh trust me, I am grateful for having gotten this job. Up til now I've worked a series of horrific food service and clerical positions. >.>
Working from home can be great. But it's also filled with assholes from the internet. For example:
"Are you actually even an employee? You're voice is too husky and I find it inappropriate." - Actual quote from a customer. (I do wireless network technical support)
Also, in what world are 85% and 88% a fail. 90% is a pass now? I need someone to teach me how to robot or some shit. I know I'm still new and they don't expect my numbers to be the best and they have been going up, but it's just disheartening to do your best and still be told you are failing.
How to Robot: Stop taking it personally, but don't turn off your emotions. People are people, and if they insult you, you do not have to take it. You do have to pick your battles, tho, and that's where you can improve. The more you know where those lines are, the less you have to concentrate on paying attention to them, the better you'll become.
It's harder for some people (me, for example) than others.
Don't go out of your way for these people. Go out of your way for the people who make you feel good. Otherwise, hit your buttons and move on knowing that the next person won't be like that.
Edit for something interesting that came to mind: When I call Apple tech support, they do not parrot my issue. 'I'm sorry that you're having problems with <exactly what I said>, Mr. <my last name>.' No, you little shit, you are not sorry and I want you to stop acting like a robot. Apple's response is much more human, like, 'Oh, let's try to fix your <underlying issue> then.' Incidentally, this is the attitude of most upper tiers of tech support, if you end up with them. I don't think this is coincidence.
I guess what I'm saying is that you 'robot' by not acting like a drone.
People using the phrase "big pharma". I'm hearing a lot of it right now due to current events, and it drives me nuts. "Big Pharma" is the reason I'm fucking alive right now, thanks.
I saw this little video on how to tell if a conspiracy was wackadoo or not recently. Now it doesn't work for everything, but it's pretty good:
"Does X affect the really rich?"
So "Do really rich people die of diseases that they could have been cured of if only Big Pharma had released some super secret cure, but didn't want to because they want to keep the population down?" Yes, yes they do. There is no secret cure.
"Do only rich people benefit from technology from Roswell?" No, almost everyone has a smart phone now. Aliens are real and being hidden away.
Of course that has nothing to do with prices or anything.
@Insomnia said:
I saw this little video on how to tell if a conspiracy was wackadoo or not recently. Now it doesn't work for everything, but it's pretty good:
"Does X affect the really rich?"
So "Do really rich people die of diseases that they could have been cured of if only Big Pharma had released some super secret cure, but didn't want to because they want to keep the population down?" Yes, yes they do. There is no secret cure.
When it comes to Big Pharma and Big Oil, the conspiracy theorists tend to be half right. In most cases the big companies are not preventing any new development (Every now and then there is a case where they deliberately sit on a patent with no intent on using it, but it's fairly rare and usually not something super groundbreaking) however for obvious reasons they don't spend any of their R&D resources on things that they think would lower their own profitability and they do spend quite a lot of their money on advertising their own products over whatever new developments may come by.
However as especially in energy and medicine, there is a gigantic publicly funded research industry, there is nothing they could actually do to prevent something from being discovered and these companies do spend a lot of R&D resources on improving their own products in various ways.
@Sunny said:
People using the phrase "big pharma". I'm hearing a lot of it right now due to current events, and it drives me nuts. "Big Pharma" is the reason I'm fucking alive right now, thanks.
The silly thing is that the current events don't even involve "Big Pharma", it involves "Small Pharma bought by Hedge Funds and leveraged by complete soulless ass-holes"
@Sunny So much fucking this. Added to the conspiracy theory that Marijuana cures everything, and big pharma is just hiding that from us as they can't make money.
My oldest friend is part of a team studying it, his father passed away from cancer earlier this year. If it actually worked outside of a petri dish you would think he would give it to his fucking dad?It does do some things, but is not the fucking cure for cancer. And no Big Pharma is not hiding that.
On the topic of drug conspiracies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hug0rfFC_L8
RL Peeve: I'm sick of people constantly trying tell me how the Pope is trying to create a new world religious order where Protestants (or Christians, as they call themselves. Because Catholics aren't. Right.) are persecuted.
This is a thing. This conspiracy... is a real thing. That people keep trying to convince me of.
@Admiral I thought it was the gays who were trying to create a world where Christians are persecuted and thrown to the lions.
@Insomnia said:
Also, in what world are 85% and 88% a fail. 90% is a pass now? I need someone to teach me how to robot or some shit. I know I'm still new and they don't expect my numbers to be the best and they have been going up, but it's just disheartening to do your best and still be told you are failing.
I've had friends in customer service tell me that they get marked off for any score that isn't the highest available on one of those surveys. So the middle score I was assuming meant 'average and acceptable' is actually terrible and something their boss will yell at them for. I just give everyone 1s (or 5s) now if I ever get one of those things and am not really dissatisfied. It smacks of idiotic human resources bullshit signifying nothing, but meh.
I thought it was the Romans throwing Christians to the Lions. AND WHERE DOES THE POPE LIVE, HMM?
Hey, the pagans might have started it, in regards to throwing to the lions and burning at the stake, but the Christians /finished/ it, man.
@Three-Eyed-Crow Oh yeah, my NPR's are GREAT (I even got a 90% from the woman who said my voice was too husky and inappropriate LOL), QMP's are a different thing. They are all the things I'm supposed to say on the call, while not sounding scripted at all.
Mainly just complaining that an 85% and an 88% is still a fucking fail. Because seriously!
Also, because I apparently failed to hit send: To whomever signed me up for all the Christian Dating spam: I hate you. Why can't I have normal spam about how inadequate my penis is?
@Three-Eyed-Crow said:
It smacks of idiotic human resources bullshit signifying nothing, but meh.
Nothing idiotic about it. The best way to control your employees if you can't motivate them is to have them live in fear. One of the best ways of doing that in a buyer's-market economy is to hold over their head a threat of losing their job constantly.
Setting unreasonably high standards and then making (direct or indirect) threats for not meeting them keeps employees afraid and thus malleable. And it has the added bonus of giving a paper trail should someone decide to fire an employee because they don't like his skin colour, her medical history, or whatever.
Cynical? You betcha. You get that way when you see sausage being made over and over ad infinitum.