At work, I've been training someone to take over for me when I'm finally like "alright bitches, part time for real, none of this 12 hour days bullshit anymore" at the start of November. Considering the other person has only been doing the job I'm training them to do for about two weeks, they're absolutely fantastic - just slow and stuff still since they don't know what anything is, or where it's at.
So, cue this morning, after three days of absolutely busting ass trying to get stuff done, but still running behind, because teaching new-person. I was on my own, fully intending to bust ass for another day and get all of the production done, since I knew we were so behind. Thankfully I work better on my own these days...
Get to work and there's this snarky note from my manager about how I "need to find [my] hustle today". Totally struck a nerve, and I've been pissed off ever since. Plus another twelve hour day. I am only one person. She apparently got chewed out by upper management because we were missing pies or something... I don't know. I get that she's trying to do her job, but fuck... I literally cannot work any harder while I'm there.
Anyway... TL:DR - twelve hour days, snarky attitudes and managers who think you haven't been doing fuck-all for days when you've been doing the work of about three people piss me the hell off.