@cupcake I did a quick Google - this looks promising for links on the end? https://transequality.org/issues/housing-homelessness
RL Anger
@cupcake I did a quick Google - this looks promising for links on the end? https://transequality.org/issues/housing-homelessness
I'm hesitant to contact any kind of services because I worry she'll get kicked out of the field.
Don't. It's not your place to make her decisions for her and if you think there's a possibility of some agency swooping in and kicking her out of the field, then you're thinking about saying too much.
By all means, get her groceries. Research options, even making calls while being very ambiguous about details. You don't know if she's been kicked out of any shelters already or assaulted, which is a very real possibility.
Present options once you have them but then let her make her own decisions on who to contact, if anyone.
Edited to add because I just have to: Swooping is bad.
This isn't anger so much as... sadness, I suppose.
My senior students are off to study hard and prepare for their school-leaving exams now. (School here ends in December, rather than the American times.)Year after year I see entire cadres of students depart for futures unknown, and I do my best to help prepare them for those unknowable futures. But it's sad every time. I never want it to not be sad, for I fear if that happens then my passion for my vocation will have evaporated. But all the same, sadness is hard.
Like... holy shit.
Like... holy shit.
I know some of his victims. So gross.
No, $MyISP, it's not a goddamn billing issue. I'm a very, very decent way in credit.
It's a tech support issue. I pay for two services from you, and the signal is only strong enough to get one barely working at a time. So stop transferring me all over the goddamn building and send someone out to fix the goddamn internet and cable. -
When you're sitting in your new apartment wondering what to do when you have no internet and a handful of local channels that are showing your long ads on how to reduce back pain.
So boot up the Xbox. Only I can't play any of my saves because it says I don't have the dlc for it. Check the xbox's hard drive. Well it's all there just like you thought. But because you're not online its going to tell the game you don't have it which means your saves are all but useless. Which also means the only thing available to play is skyrim. But you've played skyrim to death.
To utter death.
The morning cannot come soon enough. T
Spectrum better be here with bells on.You know, I do remember a time in my life where I could perfectly fine without internet. I call those times the dark ages. At least when it comes to gaming in any form.
Double post. Had my internet installed today. Which is great.
But now I have shitty cable management. The back of my desk will never be organized.
Coworkers who want you to take over their shifts, but always have an excuse for not taking yours or anyone elses.
Occasionally, I like to get really angry.
Get angry with me! Go watch Netflix's Dirty Money series.
Get angry.
(And then vote.)
That feeling you get when you find something broken in a way that it was not previously and there is no way of pointing this out without it looking like you didn't do your job in the first place, but you DID and something changed, and dear god it sounds like you're covering your ass for not doing it then, even though you did.
@darinelle Which show?
...It's quarter past six and yes, most of my office has left. But no, dude from the externally contracted telecom installation team, it is not appropriate for you to be loudly recounting your glory days of having your sun-roof open so a girl could be riding you with her tits bouncing in your face. Especially not at a volume I can hear quite clearly from several rooms down the hall.
And as for you, dude who said "I told you" to your coworker after my very calm and polite request to "tone it down a bit because we still have employees here", all of whom I should note happen to be female? If you knew it was inappropriate, you should have told him again because you were the one he was trying to impress with his story. And yeah, bro. Yeah. I noticed you wouldn't look me in the eye, so you're clearly pretty fucking aware you should have done better.
Dude just got fired and escorted off our site by the VP of his firm. He was so new, he didn't have his badge yet.
And according to said VP who followed up with me, the guy didn't even try to deny it. Fuck you, guy.
That is wonderful to read. I am so glad. SO GLAD. Gogo your place of work.
@sunny Yeeeeeeup. Their VP of Field Operations was on our site today, and their firm really doesn't want to lose our business after working with us for 35 years and us no longer even going out to bid anymore. When I told him that I called and left a message for their site manager today and didn't hear back at all? He seemed a bit shaken by that. Moreso when I said that at 2PM, after waiting more than half the day, I went to HR about it, so he's probably going to be getting a phone call from the people that hold their contract.
Happily, when the head HR relations rep for our division gets back to me, I will be telling them he handled it well once we sat down. Within an hour of actually getting back to me and hearing me out, he identified the guy, confronted him, and let him go. Then came back and confirmed with me that he's been escorted off-site and doesn't have further access to my building.
@darinelle said in RL Anger: