@silverfox Yeah, we had the meeting to 'update' his IEP, but its like... the things he needs he still can't get because they refuse to acknowledge that he needs in-person assistance despite his IEP stating that pretty clearly.
RL Anger
@silverfox Yeah, we had the meeting to 'update' his IEP, but its like... the things he needs he still can't get because they refuse to acknowledge that he needs in-person assistance despite his IEP stating that pretty clearly.
I vote for every single damn tax levy for schools on the vain hope I suppose that with better salaries comes better vision in management.
At least out here, it's very rare that the school's executive officers, much less the teachers themselves, have much say in overarching policy - which this COVID crap presumably falls under. And magically no matter how much money the school authorities have, it doesn't tend to get spent on us... weird.
With the way the system is designed, it's almost impossible to accommodate everything, even in the best-case scenarios, and this falls way outside of that. Teachers are, for the most part, basically the front counter folks at your local fast-food restaurant or the folks in the call centre you call when your internet goes down, with marginally better hair.
We don't set the rules, so please don't blame us.
@tinuviel The only thing I reserve the right to be mad at his teachers about is the fact that they keep TEXTING AND EMAILING ME in the middle of my workday. I cannot possibly make it any clearer that I cannot be reached between the hours of X and Y on Days G, H, I and L. Piling daily emails on me is not going to make me more likely to respond to you, I guarantee it.
@too-old-for-this Does the middle of your work day also happen to coincide with their work day?
When else should they get in contact with you, during their (far too few) off hours?I'll reiterate that we don't make the rules. If the rules say we have to contact you, we have to contact you. Preferences be damned.
@tinuviel Given that I work from 8am to 7pm, yes. Given too, that I have clearly stated that I can be reached at any point on day X has resulted in exactly 0 attempts to reach me on that day? Yes, I still reserve that right. I have clearly communicated when and how to reach me. If they cannot be bothered on the ONE DAY that I am available, then do not be surprised when I do not respond to their otherwise constant requests for 'confirmation' that I have received their 'attempts to contact'. If there is a rule that they cannot contact on the one day that I am available, then THAT needs to be clearly communicated to me, not ignored under the deluge of emails sent during the rest of the week.
@too-old-for-this Mmm, then yeah it looks like... stupidity or incompetence.
I just checked my school's policies for such things and it seems like... well one, we rarely phone/text/email home - unless there's actual punishment involved. But it's email once when the event occurs - has to be same day, and then once three school days after if no confirmation. And since they're emails, we don't expect same-day replies.
Honestly, these people just need to email and turn read receipts on. It's not like there's anything anyone can actually do at this point anyway.
@tinuviel That's my issue. The insistence for same-day response for everything. I get that a lot of people are home right now, or not working. But UGH. I'm still working and I need that to be respected.
@too-old-for-this said in RL Anger:
@tinuviel That's my issue. The insistence for same-day response for everything. I get that a lot of people are home right now, or not working. But UGH. I'm still working and I need that to be respected.
Yeah, that's exceedingly stupid. Like... even if you get to the email when you get home from work and fire off a reply... the fuck are they going to do? Do work emails at that time?
I sure as shit wouldn't.
ETA: It might have something to do with their internal system, but I dunno.
@tinuviel I have no idea, but either way, the lack of communication is ridiculous. If there are rules that they need to follow and the schedule I've given them doesn't fit within it, someone needs to say something so I can try to work out a compromise. I can't work something out when they won't communicate with me.
- 3 months later
Telling Someone important in your life about this cool/amazing/wonderful thing happening to you right now, and their immediate response is
"Wow. How come that never happens to me?"
"Yeah, haha, that won't happen to me ever because xyz."
"Well you're just very lucky."
"It won't last so enjoy it while you can."Cool. I will stop sharing my happy with you then, it makes you feel inadequate and makes me feel like shit.
@yourmamasayswhat You can share your happy with me, and I will just be happy that good things are happening.
@yourmamasayswhat said in RL Anger:
I will stop sharing my happy with you then, it makes you feel inadequate and makes me feel like shit.
Oh, what a difference a little indifference makes.
I'm always excited for someone's happy. OVERLY excited. I will squee for you. I have two settings sleep and kitty freakout. There is no in between.
- 26 days later
Office 365 ducking changed where the buttons are again and THIS TIME I can't put them back. grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Office 365 ducking changed where the buttons are again and THIS TIME I can't put them back. grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Atlassian is no different. Sometimes, updates are super functional and exciting and my whole team squees about it....
Other times, I squint at my screen and am like, "Atlassian is fucking with all of us because they're bored, aren't they?" This week's utterly random Confluence updates that make everything look different while still be stupid af about adding files to Confluence pages sometimes but not other times stand as evidence.
My doctor has known the results of my MRI for two weeks but wasn't allowed to tell me about it before worker's comp gave him permission to, which seems just a wee bit fucked up that my employer's insurance provider is allowed to have information about my health before I am and can direct my healthcare provider to withhold that information from me until such time as they give him explicit permission to disclose my medical status to me. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. What the shit kind of sense does this arrangement make?
@greenflashlight said in RL Anger:
My doctor has known the results of my MRI for two weeks but wasn't allowed to tell me about it before worker's comp gave him permission to, which seems just a wee bit fucked up that my employer's insurance provider is allowed to have information about my health before I am and can direct my healthcare provider to withhold that information from me until such time as they give him explicit permission to disclose my medical status to me.
There's more going on here. Physicians owe their duty of care to their patients, not to the insurers.
When your second job has utterly shit auto dialer software - you tell your team lead when it's lagging, not completing a cycle, what have you. You keep him updated.
He bitches and tells you to restart. A million times. So when it does it again, you tell him and close it out to restart it... and he demands you screen share. But there's nothing to show him, and he flips shit, and calls a more senior supervisor into the chat, and tells her that you just refuse to let him help you ...
Fuck you, dude.
Today I learned about excited delirium, a supposed medical condition in which a person suddenly gains superhuman strength, becomes imperious to pain, and then dies for absolutely no reason. I say "supposed" because general medical consensus is pretty damn sure it does not exist, and it's not included in the DSM. There are medical organizations who are proponents of it, however, including the National Association of Medical Examiners and the American College of Emergency Physicians, both of whom work intimately with police officers.
Now take a wild guess who is most likely to claim a person died of excited delirium rather than, oh, I don't know, a two hundred pound man kneeling on the back of the decedent's neck for nine minutes.