@silentsophia this is why I'm happy I don't work maintenance.
RL Anger
@silentsophia this is why I'm happy I don't work maintenance.
@Miss-Demeanor the other night a guy with a full cart walks up at 9:59, and my shifts ends at 10. there is another register open behind me. Guy goes, "You look like you need something to do." And i'm like nope i'm off in a minute and he goes, "You are not going to make it" laughes at me and starts piling shit onto my lane.
I was so mad.
I got this when I worked bakery/deli all the time. Some asshole would watch me sweep and mop and cover all of the salads, then walk up at 11PM and ask for a quarter pound of fucking fruit fluff.
I licked a few serving spoons in my time. No regerts.
@Cobaltasaurus I used to work in the lumber yard part of a hardware store. 15 mins before close, dudebro pulls his truck into the lumber lot (without having made a purchase), and heads into the store. 14 mins later, he returns with an invoice. Guy bought enough stuff to build a garage - including insulation and shingles.
He hands it to my coworker who looks at it and says, "Nope. Come back tomorrow." Dudebro gets cranky, but none of us are backing down. He wants the manager, who comes out and gets the story (keeping us open with his truck, etc) and tells Dudebro that he can come back tomorrow at 6, or spend the evening with the guard dogs that we hire to protect the yard, but the gate will be locked.
I loved that Manager...
@Cobaltasaurus Twice now at the service desk I have had a woman come into the store with a cart FULL of items that she 'bought for her daughter' that her daughter didn't like. She keeps saying this girl is going on a trip, but I would like to know what trip she's going on that requires multiple shopping trips made MONTHS apart. In either case, she knows that service desk closes at 10pm. Yet she routinely shows up at 9:58pm with a cart full of items to return. If you attempt to tell her no, she'll start off pleading ('Oh I didn't know, please help me out, I need this for my daughter's trip'), then move on to indignant ('The customer is supposed to come first, why aren't you helping me!'), to downright pissy ('I want to speak to your manager, this is ridiculous, you have to take my items back!'). The last time she pulled this on me, it was five minutes AFTER 10pm. There were two other girls, both of whom had a single key they were trying to return cause they accidentally brought in the wrong key to be duplicated. Because I felt bad for them, I did her damn return (almost $200 worth of clothes and shoes). By the time I finished with all of them, it was 10:30, I still had to shut down the registers AND take my claims to the back before my shift ended at 11. So I start shutting down registers and pulling garbage and stuff, getting everything ready. This woman comes BACK to the desk and insists that she needs an itemized copy of the receipt for her return because she doesn't think she 'got enough back'. I explain to her that I -cannot- reprint her receipt as a) I have taken other customers after her and b) I don't have the access to do so and c) the register that I took her on has been shut down for the night. I go through this with her for TEN MINUTES before finally losing my patience and telling her that I'm not going to print her receipt, that she got the full amount for every item she returned, and that if she wants to pull something like this then she needs to show up BEFORE the service desk is scheduled to close. So of course, she runs off to tell the closing CSM what a terrible bitch I am. Meanwhile, I continue collecting up my claims. When the CSM shows up and starts trying to harass me about it, I tell them the exact story, and then mention that if I'm held up any longer, I'm going to go over my hours for the week since her return cost me thirty minutes of time, and oh, I STILL haven't had the fifteen minute break I'm entitled to. The CSM just mutters something about not talking to customers that way and wanders off to let me finish my shit.
@thebird I can sympathize.
My wife cut off her mother about 5 and a half years ago, when our second child was about 6 months old.
MIL was/is a malignant narcissist, and I supported my wife's decision wholeheartedly.
It's been more than 5 years of pure bliss. No more holiday craptaculars. And no more having to put up with her coming over unannounced.
I remember when our first child was a few months old. My wife was changing him and, for whatever reason, that offended her mother, who ended up calling my wife, her own daughter, a bitch.
I took her by the elbow and walked her out of our home, thanking her for stopping by. She tried to force her way back in, but palm-pushed her in the chest, and told her that her visit was over. She was in a time out for a few weeks, but she also realized at that point that I had her number. She was a bit more careful with her attitude after that, but would sometimes slip.
I never pushed for my wife to cut her off, but when she decided to do so, I will confess to throwing myself a little party involving a cigar and some fine single malt scotch.
I'd love to cut off my MIL. The only thing that makes me sad about is ..well two things.
She's great when she's properly medicated.
To my husband, she can do no wrong. His mommy is perfect in every way.
The later throws a wrench in things, and the former has me holding out hope for eventual normalcy =/
@thebird Yeah, that can definitely be a problem.
I wish you the best in this and congratulations on the impending arrival of hell.
Our first one was what we now affectionately refer to as the decoy baby. Everything was easy with him. Slept through the night by the time he was 6 weeks old. We could go anywhere with him.
Then the Antichrist came along, aka our second born. Didn't sleep through the night until he was 6 months old.
Even now, at 6 years of age, he likes to start his day around the ass-crack of 4:30am.
He's re-decorated our kitchen with a permanent marker. I have a curtain in the living room half hanging off the rod because someone wanted to swing around like Spider-Man.
Apparently, you can't return them.
@Miss-Demeanor Ngh. Oh, so. I don't know if this is the policy for ALL walmarts, or just the ones here in Oregon. But we have to ID everyone person in the group when someone comes in for alcohol or cigarettes. The only exception is when someone says "that's my kid", or if someone is obviously a minor with their parent. We also cannot sell alcohol or cigarettes to a person if it seems like it is going to a third party, and we can't ID that party.
So a chick came through the line the otherday. She's got a bunch of stuff and a 24-pack of beer in her cart. I scan it and ID and start doing everything else. And then she goes: "Oh, yeah, I only came in for the beer. I'm getting it for my neighbor." And I'm like, erh. Meanwhile, the woman is complimenting me on my hair, how beautiful it is, etc. And being just as sweet as pie. I call my CSM over on instinct. Tell her the woman said she was getting the beer for someone else. CSM says, nope refuse it. I ask my CSM to do it.
"Well, can't I leave the store and come back and get it?" No. You already told us it was for your neighbor. "Okay, I'm just trying to find a way around it, I can't go to another store." There is no way around it, because you told it was for a third party we can't sell it to you.
Woman flips out. "I can't believe this! This is ridiculous. Its getting harder and harder to shop here. I'm done with this store. No you can't help me put anything into my cart. I don't want your help, I'm leaving this store."
Sometimes people should exercise their right to keep their mouths shut whenever it's them doing something against some sort of regulation. See: @Cobaltasaurus's case.
Sad as it is, she (customer X) should have stayed silent.
Well... metastasis.
Fuck everything.
Fuck, man.
@deadculture I agree. I hated it when I'd get IT calls like 'lol, bet you wish you were home already! TOO BAD!' or 'yeah, sorry, you're staying late with me'. Now I just get 'help me NOW!'. No, fuck you, buddy. I'll help you but I'll give you the absolute minimum service and then I'm gonna nope the fuck out.
@Vorpal I'm so sorry. My condolences.
@Vorpal I'm really sorry to hear that.
I hope your mom is okay.
That utterly sucks. I'm sorry.
People that like white backgrounds on webpages. I want to stab you in your eyeballs.
Stab away. I like white backgrounds.