RL Anger
Then they go on and on about how there's a wide world out there and it's the summer! Just go out and have some fun!
They don't say this where I live. Where I live, the news tells people not to go out due to allergens that are so bad that folks who have never been diagnosed with seasonal allergies collapse in unconscious, mucus-leaking heaps.
Fuck you, southwestern Ohio.
@Ganymede ... You people are a zombie apocalypse waiting for its Patient Zero to happen.
Then they go on and on about how there's a wide world out there and it's the summer! Just go out and have some fun!
They don't say this where I live. Where I live, the news tells people not to go out due to allergens that are so bad that folks who have never been diagnosed with seasonal allergies collapse in unconscious, mucus-leaking heaps.
Fuck you, southwestern Ohio.
I have a fable that solves this, as fables are want to do:
Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. The end.
Then they go on and on about how there's a wide world out there and it's the summer! Just go out and have some fun!
They don't say this where I live. Where I live, the news tells people not to go out due to allergens that are so bad that folks who have never been diagnosed with seasonal allergies collapse in unconscious, mucus-leaking heaps.
Fuck you, southwestern Ohio.
True story guys. SW Ohio is balls.
Central Texas, allergy capital of the US, lols.
I've found all of those pretty mild compared to Atlanta.
It was an endless , sparkling ocean of tree jizz.
I live there. That is a very accurate description.
When the wind blows, you can watch the pollen blow off the trees in giant clouds.
Kind of feel like I'm stuck in that awful movie The Happening, during spring...
"...it's the plants..!"
@thebird I am allergic to everything. The only places I find respite, is high desert like Arizona and parts of Nevada.
Otherwise, allergies destroy me year round there's always /something/ blooming that my body hates.
I feel your pain! Haha. Someday I'll move to a desert...or the arctic >> -
If you all collapse, then that just means more Bill's Donuts for me when I am there in June. And also Graeters, because I like to think that the people who actually make those things are magical robots who won't fall victim to the Great Pollination of Montgomery County.
@Gingerlily said in RL Anger:
I have the most annoying insomnia, and when I can sleep, I am the lightest sleeper ever so I just wake up. It fills me with RL Anger, especially anger towards people who can sleep. Like my husband, who just saunters into bed two hours after I go to bed, while I am still struggling, tossing and turning, and within FIFTEEN SECONDS of his head hitting the pillow is just snoring away happily. He's the worst, right? Grrrr. It's 1:15 am, I've been trying to sleep for an hour, and he's due any minute to just waltz in here and instantly crash.
People who fall asleep quickly are terrible people.
I don't exactly fall asleep quickly, but its not bad. My thing is.. if I'm asleep, and I wake up? For any reason at all? I do not go back to sleep. If my roommate is doing something stupid at 4am and wakes me up, if I've been asleep for one, two, three, four, or five hours, it doesn't matter. I'm awake then. That's it. I can try for an afternoon nap, but besides that? I'm awake.
And its not that I'm awake and alert. I'm awake and exhausted, tired, with difficulty processing. But sleep after I wake up is impossible.
I do not go back to sleep. If my roommate is doing something stupid at 4am and wakes me up, if I've been asleep for one, two, three, four, or five hours, it doesn't matter. I'm awake then. That's it. I can try for an afternoon nap, but besides that? I'm awake.
This is basically me.
A dude came in the store today and was like: "Hi Cobalt. How are you? I'm good. I had a dream about you last night!" ...
And then was like: "What are your plans for the weekend? Oh, do you still live at home since you're a college student?" And I'm slowly getting more and more skeeved out. The person I was checking out just looked at me with wide eyes, and I've got this smile painted on my face, wondering if my eyes are showing my internal screams.
Wednesday night. I have a couple coming through the line with WIC. Which is fine and isn't hard to do. However, they grabbed the wrong milk. And there is the old woman behind them. Who while I'm trying to figure out why the milk wasn't covered, starts freaking out. "Oh, I'm trapped here! Oh my god! Why is it taking SO LONG! I'm trapped! Isn't there anyone else in this store I can just pay and go?? Oh my god. I have an appointment I am late for! Oh my god I just want to go!"
And then the couple are just like: "We'll just leave the milk."
And I'm like: "I'm so, so, so, sorry. Have a good night."
And the bitch is like: "So what was the problem?"
And after I ring her up and get her out of the line (she had problems with her chip card, of course). And she yells at me that she only has two hands when I try to give her, her receipt... but whatever she's gone right? Got an appointment she needs to get to? Wrong. She goes, "Can I look around with these?" Pointing at the stuff she bought and I was just like .... as long as you have your receipt.
Off she goes, not off to the appointment, but to go look around the store more.
I move on to ringing another person up, and she walks up, comes into the line the wrong way, and shoves herself down practically ontop of the guys, buying tomatoes. So much for that appointment. Right?
She came in today as well. And I had an old woman and her old son with her. And had just finished ringing them up when she gets into the line. And the old woman is having trouble with the chip reader-- So, of course, the complainer from the night before starts complaining again. "Oh my god, every time I come here I get trapped here. Come on, come on! What is taking you so long."
And the guy just starts going "blah blah blah" back to her. And she starts back at him. They finally get rang up and she tells the guy-- "Give me five cents for a bag, ha ha ha!" And then demands he do her chip card for her. Which ... he dutifully does, and then she yanks it away from him and shoves his hands away and says, "Yeah, yeah, I know what to do."
And then demands a plastic bag from me for her rotissiere chicken and I'm like: "We don't have plastic bags here."
I want to purge your workplace with fire, Cobalt.
@Admiral when can you get started?
@Cobaltasaurus I was CSM'ing the other day when I got called over to a register. One of our cashiers had gotten a couple that apparently hadn't paid attention to all the 'WIC Approved' stickers plastered all over the small grocery section we have. They tried to pick up about $165 worth of 'WIC items'... except only about $20 of it was covered under WIC. The woman starts screaming at me about how her case worker told her she could get milk and cheese and bread and fruit and how our system must be wrong. I patiently explain to her that WIC doesn't cover just anything that falls under those categories (she'd tried to to claim that the blueberry/raspberry/blackberry and melon mixes in a plastic carton should be covered by WIC) and that she has to look at the shelves the items are on for the WIC Approved stickers to determine which items she can actually get with her WIC.
End result? She wanted us to void out anything NOT covered under WIC (about 85% of the order), so I had to abort the transaction and explain to the woman that SHE would have to take the items back to the grocery section to figure out which items were covered under WIC and which ones weren't. She yelled and threatened to 'report us' because apparently its not HER job to do that (even though its very specifically her responsibility to do exactly that).
Moral of the story: WIC and Food Stamp people are TERRIBLE to cashiers (generalization, yes, but one that I can provide TONS of evidence for). They act entitled and put upon and don't ever bother to look at what they can and can't buy with their government assistance. Best bet when coming across one of these people is just to affix a smile on your face, keep an eye on what they're trying to buy, and get them through your line as quickly as possible.
What is WIC?
Edit to add: Nevermind, googled it!
@Miss-Demeanor I actually have had zero problems from people with WIC or SNAP acting entitled. The closest was a woman getting the wrong kind of bread and wanting to know why the wic sticker was under it, if it was the wrong kind of bread. I get way more entitled attitudes from people buying alcohol. I had a woman demand to know why I was asking for her ID all of the sudden, since they hadn't asked for her ID here for a long time. I'm just like: I'm a bad judge of age and if you're under 40 I HAVE to put your birthdate into the machine.
I'm really sympathetic to those who come through my line with either SNAP or WIC because I understand there is a huge stigma attached to it, and a certain level of shame. I don't think anyone wants to be on foodstamps or WIC. Its embarrassing. The number of women who come through the line and whisper as quietly as they can "I'm on WIC" when they get to the register just breaks my heart. Like they expect me or the people in line behind them to ridicule them.
My parents were off and on foodstamps when I was a child. An important difference is that back then you got paper foodstamps and everyone in line behind you got to see your business. I remember how embarrassed they were about it.
so, yeah. I tend to feel for WIC/SNAP.
@Cobaltasaurus Not here. People are AGGRESSIVE about it. Like they WANT you to say something so they can light into you about it. And given that Florida is one of the few states that didn't really change or take away any of their government assistance programs, there's a TON of people that are on WIC, foodstamps, cash assistance, etc. There's no shame here. Just lots and lots of entitled bitches that think they shouldn't have to bother looking up what their own benefits are, that WE should just automatically know for them.
Busiest cake-decorating time of the year at work. Or one of them anyway. Graduation. It makes me want to sob with horror and fear just thinking about it.
Today was by far the easiest year since I've been there (yay new management understands that more than one person is needed for 80 cake orders! =D)
But! Damnit if some lady didn't manage to piss me off anyway.
Made her cake. Literally one of the prettiest I've done in a long while. She comes in and makes disgusted faces at it/me. I ask her what's wrong, maybe it's and easy fix? To which she responds - It just doesn't look right. I spoke to your manager originally, can you just check with her and make sure it's what we discussed.
Which is fine really. Manager says she doesn't know what's wrong, it's gorgeous. Ends up scraping the icing off this cake, and redoing it per customer direct instructions. When the cake is done, it looks just like the one I did, just messy and not as good.. "oh that's perfect!" says the customer.
Fuck you, customer lady =/ thanks for wasting almost an hour of my already busy-as-fuck day, and destroying a gorgeous (subjective I know) cake in the process.
Also, the blue in my hair is fading way faster than it did the last time I had it done, and that's pissing me off too.
I don't care that you're over fifty. You don't have gray hair and aren't bent over, neither does your wife. I have to card you both. Throwing a tantrum and saying that you should be able to buy it because you're going to be sixty doesn't work. Also, yes. I do have to card your husband. He can't just leave and then you get the beer. Doesn't matter if its for you. I have to card both of you! BOTH.