@Sovereign said:
I prefer the people who bitch about the racism and misogyny. The number of SJWs...
Stopped reading there, thank you.
@Sovereign said:
I prefer the people who bitch about the racism and misogyny. The number of SJWs...
Stopped reading there, thank you.
No you didn't.
@Sovereign said:
No you didn't.
Yes. Also, I don't take people who complain about ESS JAY DUBYAS seriously, so now I am going to pretend you are playing circus tunes on a kazoo.
Cirno, literally anyone else on this forum could claim that and stand a chance of being taken seriously, but you are a troll who would literally die if you didn't have outrage and drama to breathe in. Not only did you not stop reading it, you read it three times, the veins in your neck popping.
@Sovereign said:
Cirno, literally anyone else on this forum could claim that and stand a chance of being taken seriously, but you are a troll who would literally die if you didn't have outrage and drama to breathe in. Not only did you not stop reading it, you read it three times, the veins in your neck popping.
Nah, I don't subscribe to the "Save the White Males from duh evil ESS JAY DUBYAS AND DUH BLACKS AND DUH FEMINAZIS! PEE CEE CULTURE! #whitemalelivesmatter!" group.
What I did do is take a sip from this beer I'm drinking.
Oh, and I found this picture.
I absolutely believe you stopped reading and don't care. That's why you've gone image hunting.
I'm not a fan of the white SJW circle jerk group. It's a bunch of white people rescuing, I mean 'speaking out for' people of color. Bonus points if you're a fat white girl who is a 'native American' and have awfully colored colorful hair.
I have seen these bitches get mad when black girls don't invite them to their black feminist Facebook groups or get mad when they redirect the conversation about their actual fucking experiences.
You can be body positive and not dog on thinner women. You can be white and anti racist without literally keeping actual people of color from speaking. You can be feminist without pointing the finger at every man and saying this is all your fault.
You can be, but boy oh boy there are some people who have a holy mandate to make you think otherwise.
@Luna said:
I'm not a fan of the white SJW circle jerk group. It's a bunch of white people rescuing, I mean 'speaking out for' people of color. Bonus points if you're a fat white girl who is a 'native American' and have awfully colored colorful hair.
I have seen these bitches get mad when black girls don't invite them to their black feminist Facebook groups or get mad when they redirect the conversation about their actual fucking experiences.
You can be body positive and not dog on thinner women. You can be white and anti racist without literally keeping actual people of color from speaking. You can be feminist without pointing the finger at every man and saying this is all your fault.
Well, as far as I'm concerned, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, ergo, I got no beef with the dreaded ESS JAY DUBYAS.
Which is why it's funny that @Warma-Sheen called me an anti-black person; it proves that he doesn't know what I'm about, because this forum knows how violently Pro-Black I am.
Far as I can tell, about 15% of the world might be "white". That's less than the Han people alone.
I am going to jerk off to this Sovereign Cirno feud. (Not really)
I'm anti white people calling themselves/speaking for people of color. I'm also anti creepy dudes calling themselves feminists just to get leverage with damaged chicks.
@Cirno I get it. And frankly just because that's how you feel doesn't mean I think any differently about you anyhow. I think we're cool despite some disagreement on this. My experiences also color my opinion. That group has been horrible to me and I just tend to avoid them. I don't know who's cool and who's a name calling douche canoe so I just leave them be.
@Luna said:
I'm anti white people calling themselves/speaking for people of color. I'm also anti creepy dudes calling themselves feminists just to get leverage with damaged chicks.
@Cirno I get it. And frankly just because that's how you feel doesn't mean I think any differently about you anyhow. I think we're cool despite some disagreement on this. My experiences also color my opinion. That group has been horrible to me and I just tend to avoid them. I don't know who's cool and who's a name calling douche canoe so I just leave them be.
Oh, I have had bitter arguments with black people who don't like SJWs.
They don't like white people speaking up for them because it feels patronizing, I'm like, fuck that - we are at war and require all the help we can get.
I am like the war-leaders who hire mercenaries of ill repute to get the job done.
I'm all for any group calling out poor behavior on its members. It's an expression of the never ending conflict of who the group is going to be for the next while.
I think we sorta do that here for our so called group of online text based RPers.
I am also not a big fan of black people who say things like, "We should distance ourselves from white and Asian and Latino people, forever!"
Why? What does that do?
They usually reply lamely with how white people segregate themselves, to which I ask them if we're gonna actually be Pro-Black, or just imitate white people with a thin veneer of African culture.
And then the shit hits the fan because black people don't like being questioned or debated, ESPECIALLY by other black people.
Edit: I especially don't care for this attitude because it increases hostility from other races.
Like, I bump heads with Asian people who tell me that "black people only care about themselves", and I am like, no, not really.
Or the white people who mockingly say " Oh, you're problack? You must hate whitey! Kill whitey! LMAO!"
And that's just not true.
Even @Thenomain accused me of "hating whitey".
Here's some RL anger...my kid has several bettas. One looks dead. All the time. He just looks sad and dead. He's not. But it scares me every time.
Even @Thenomain accused me of "hating whitey".
Well it helps to not drop pictures of crying white people and talk about their tears.
The way some Pro-Black people and organizations slavishly imitate white attitudes is a RL anger of mine.
Like the Segregation tip.
Or people like the New Black Panthers, all marching around in all-black uniforms, looking like the Nazi SS in blackface, which makes for bad PR and doesn't help their case with malicious white people who mockingly call them Black Nazis.
Who the fuck came up with their uniforms? Were they ignorant or had they never seen a picture of SS troops before? Yes, you have black skin, but that doesn't mean your uniforms have to be black. The Chinese army does not wear yellow uniforms.
I want to start my own Pro-Black Paramilitary Militia, with safeguards against white people talking shit to ruin our reputation, such as:
Sensible green-colored Battle Uniforms, so we don't look like fascists.
White, Asian, Native American, and Hispanic personnel, so we cannot be accused of hating whitey or w/e.
Sadly this will never happen, because nobody will want to join. The nonblack people won't be interested in shedding blood for black people, and the Black people would be upset that I'm letting nonblacks in.
That's just bettas. We had one that did that. He just chilled on the bottom of his bowl. He lived for a long time, too.
@Bobotron He's still a dickface for doing it! Her other two swim around quite a bit. They all have a little hidey cup (a frosted glass votive) that they chill in but he's the only one that curls up dead like in his.
TIL bettas are dicks.