@ixokai said in RL Anger:
I do not go back to sleep. If my roommate is doing something stupid at 4am and wakes me up, if I've been asleep for one, two, three, four, or five hours, it doesn't matter. I'm awake then. That's it. I can try for an afternoon nap, but besides that? I'm awake.
This is basically me.
A dude came in the store today and was like: "Hi Cobalt. How are you? I'm good. I had a dream about you last night!" ...
And then was like: "What are your plans for the weekend? Oh, do you still live at home since you're a college student?" And I'm slowly getting more and more skeeved out. The person I was checking out just looked at me with wide eyes, and I've got this smile painted on my face, wondering if my eyes are showing my internal screams.
Wednesday night. I have a couple coming through the line with WIC. Which is fine and isn't hard to do. However, they grabbed the wrong milk. And there is the old woman behind them. Who while I'm trying to figure out why the milk wasn't covered, starts freaking out. "Oh, I'm trapped here! Oh my god! Why is it taking SO LONG! I'm trapped! Isn't there anyone else in this store I can just pay and go?? Oh my god. I have an appointment I am late for! Oh my god I just want to go!"
And then the couple are just like: "We'll just leave the milk."
And I'm like: "I'm so, so, so, sorry. Have a good night."
And the bitch is like: "So what was the problem?"
And after I ring her up and get her out of the line (she had problems with her chip card, of course). And she yells at me that she only has two hands when I try to give her, her receipt... but whatever she's gone right? Got an appointment she needs to get to? Wrong. She goes, "Can I look around with these?" Pointing at the stuff she bought and I was just like .... as long as you have your receipt.
Off she goes, not off to the appointment, but to go look around the store more.
I move on to ringing another person up, and she walks up, comes into the line the wrong way, and shoves herself down practically ontop of the guys, buying tomatoes. So much for that appointment. Right?
She came in today as well. And I had an old woman and her old son with her. And had just finished ringing them up when she gets into the line. And the old woman is having trouble with the chip reader-- So, of course, the complainer from the night before starts complaining again. "Oh my god, every time I come here I get trapped here. Come on, come on! What is taking you so long."
And the guy just starts going "blah blah blah" back to her. And she starts back at him. They finally get rang up and she tells the guy-- "Give me five cents for a bag, ha ha ha!" And then demands he do her chip card for her. Which ... he dutifully does, and then she yanks it away from him and shoves his hands away and says, "Yeah, yeah, I know what to do."
And then demands a plastic bag from me for her rotissiere chicken and I'm like: "We don't have plastic bags here."