When you find out the new website you started using two days ago to prompt your morning writing, that you've been enjoying, is only free for a month.
RL Anger
When you find out the new website you started using two days ago to prompt your morning writing, that you've been enjoying, is only free for a month.
@dontpanda I went back inside once the guy was clearly walking away so that I could get my shit together while my partner called after him, "Doing something like that is what gets people shot." Understand, if the guy had swung at me, I was screwed. I've never been in a fight in my life, and while my partner looks intimidating, he's also 75.
The asshat apparently lives two doors south in the one house on the cul-de-sac that is run down. It may be a multi-family house, but I've seen him with the young woman who herds eight four- to six-year-old kids around the neighborhood. I'm thinking of calling the city and asking if there is a licensed day care operation there. (I would be a better man if I wasn't vindictive, but oh, well.)
Be vindictive.
I mean, yes, they may have needs/troubles/etc., but you may be at least helping them get help. Or avoiding things being worse on you and your neighbors.
I had a neighbor for a while who had dogs. A lot of them. And we only called once one of them broke through the fence and attacked my dog. Found out they'd been fined once and then arrested for two previous cases of dog hoarding. They were squatting on a house where the original owner had died and there was no water or power. With kids.
It ultimately turned out that the mother with the two kids was in an abusive situation she didn't know how to get out of and the cops showing up to investigate the dog complaint were able to figure this out and help her. And the poor dogs got rescued.
Hypocritcial bitches.
Someone accuses me of 'Oh, now because you've said this, people will think <X> about me!' while we have not issued the name or anything regarding that specific person, at all.
That same someone is now muckraking on social media, doing the same thing they accused us of.I'm almost back to the point of 'fuck a bunch of LARPers'.
I have a summer cold, and since money is tight and it was on sale... I bought Buckley's.
I can breathe colours now!
@Insomnia ...and possibly cold fire!
I, too, have a summer cold.
They should be illegal.
I have, however, not gotten to the point of cough syrup and now I pray I don't because my level of pure curiousity would make me want to locate and try this stuff.
Summer colds have long been illegal. The police will be over to arrest you for having one shortly.
@Auspice It's a Canadian thing. The tag line is "It tastes awful, but it works!". Been making it since 1919 so no sugar, and it starts out like you are drinking a pine tree.
Oh but does it work!
@Auspice It's a Canadian thing. The tag line is "It tastes awful, but it works!". Been making it since 1919 so no sugar, and it starts out like you are drinking a pine tree.
Oh but does it work!
So UNLIKELY to find it here. Won't say impossible. I'm in rock-throwing distance of the border just about. Never know what might lurk somewhere.
But I'm such a fan of Nyquil, I'd probably not go for the curiousity anyhow.
That moment you finally finish a thing! ...only to have it not work properly due to a software limitation designed to 'help'. <grumble-mutter>
And then you fix it! And it's awesome 'cause it's a problem you've been beating your head against for almost two years! <cheering begins>
...and then you remember you now have to go back and redo all the shit you just 'finished' because now it needs tweaking.
I'm still torn as to whether this was a win or a loss on the whole.
We need a love-hate thread, for real. If there's one thing we all know, it's 'aggravated/frustrated celebration'.
@surreality Did it at least come with a free Frogurt?
@Insomnia I wish! ...but I did break down and attack some leftover cheesecake with a spork. That balanced things out real quick.
Sporks and cheesecake make almost anything better.
When someone starts to gossip about someone else and you tell them you don't want to listen to gossip and they get LIVIDLY angry with you over not "listening to their problems". Fuck you. You're only telling me this because you want to be a bitch and you want someone to revel in your bitchiness with you. I'm more than willing to listen to actual problems. Not mean-spirited gossip.
Do not ever throw up KFC biscuits.
Just... trust me on this.
It is not a happy experience at all.
(I know, I know, a health-conscious person wouldn't eat them in the first place, but fuck that.)
This isn't so much anger as...
So, I ran out of my anti-inflammatory and I've called the doctor about a refill (I misread, thought I had another month's worth). She hasn't gotten it into the pharmacy yet, so I've been without for a few days.
Oh dear god I will never again doubt that it 'actually works' (Naproxen variants never have, so I have to be on other kinds and I've been on the fence whether this one is actually helping and... yes, yes it has).
My local grocery store's unofficial rule is that if you have your dog with you, as long as it doesn't behave badly/pee/whatever and no one complains, you can go about your business and all is well. This is actually right out of a manager's mouth. You get one shot, effectively, and if your dog messes up, they're not welcome back.
The employees of the store love my dog. Several of them know him by name and are delighted to see him. Even the meat counter guys - who I don't really know at all - great him by name when they see him. I often get compliments and curious questions as he's of a very striking breed. By and large, it's a good experience, and it helps me develop my ability to handle social situations with strangers, aside from the fact that the dog enjoys going in there. He's also a comfort animal, even though technically ESOs are not the same as service animals.
Today, out of nowhere, a woman I have never seen before walks up to me in the middle of the store while he's with me on leash and goes into this lengthy explanation about how she's extremely allergic to dogs and so the only places she can go are restaurants and stores, and could I please stop bringing my dog to the store?
Now on one hand I get that if you're allergic you don't want to be near the cause of your allergies. But this woman came up to me and spent about 90 seconds at length in close proximity to my dog in order to ask me to not bring my dog to the store. I have never seen her before now, she's not a store employee (in which case I might consider it since regular exposure would be rude) but in this singular instance of never having met this woman and likely not meeting her again, I'm expected to accomodate her? And she expects me to explain to her the fact that he's an ESO or the state of my mental health like it's any of her business?
Frankly, if she was so allergic to my dog, she could have just walked away. I wouldn't even have minded "Miss, could you please go further down the aisle? I'm allergic and need to go that way."
Today, out of nowhere, a woman I have never seen before walks up to me in the middle of the store while he's with me on leash and goes into this lengthy explanation about how she's extremely allergic to dogs and so the only places she can go are restaurants and stores, and could I please stop bringing my dog to the store?
I don't know if there are actual legal/bylaw limitations where you live but if there are not you could direct her to management, explaining they permit dogs in that store given specific circumstances and that no, you won't simply not bring your dog over because she might be around. That's not fair.
This is a touchy issue for me, I've read so many horror stories over the years. A few months ago in Athens a blind woman with a freakin' guide dog got on a bus and the driver asked her to get out, threatening to call the police (!) if she didn't. The law explicitly states she can bring a registered guide dog anywhere she goes, including restaurants, but this one guy just didn't like it... so when she made a big deal by actually getting the police involved herself he backed down, figuring he might lose his job, and started apologising and crying to the media about how he didn't mean it.
Today, out of nowhere, a woman I have never seen before walks up to me in the middle of the store while he's with me on leash and goes into this lengthy explanation about how she's extremely allergic to dogs and so the only places she can go are restaurants and stores, and could I please stop bringing my dog to the store?
My response would be:
"That's nice, but you have no right to tell me where I can and cannot bring my dog, much as I have no right to tell you where to stick your self-entitled, ugly-ass head. I can recommend you stick it up your ass to prevent us all from having to hear your voice, and can tell you it would be a great favour to the world were you to do so."