RL Anger
@Arkandel said:
So they'll happily go gobble down pounds of meat harvested from less exciting animals systematically living their lives under truly horrible conditions and reward the people doing this by paying for that meat, but ohno that one lion.
I can accept people killing and eating animals. I reject the idea of hunting and killing for sport.
I'm just happy to see that lions in Africa are important to people. Not like those people in the States who come from Africa. Those can be killed with impunity.
/sarcasm, just in case.
@Coin said:
I'm just happy to see that lions in Africa are important to people. Not like those people in the States who come from Africa. Those can be killed with impunity.
/sarcasm, just in case.
Man fuck Dave Matthews.
@tragedyjones said:
The fact that there are people who think that's a serious hashtag instead of mocking them for caring more about animal lives than human ones, is consistently hysterical.
Why, it's almost as if people could care about more than one thing at a time...
@silentsophia said:
Why, it's almost as if people could care about more than one thing at a time...
No, no, you're right. There totally aren't an overwhelming number of people on social media who haven't once commented on #blacklivesmatter or any variations of the same but whose facebook and twitter accounts are on fire with outrage and tears over Cecil the lion's cruel, cruel fate.
My bad. I shouldn't have directed my sarcasm at those people I was pretty obviously not talking about. If only I'd indicated in my comment that it was directed at those people, some way I could have implied that people who care about both were not the source of my scorn.
Or maybe it's still just funny as hell whenever people jump on a #hashtag bandwagon without taking the time to figure out what it actually represents, regardless of any of that shit.
Honestly I tend to me more concerned about animal lives then human ones., for the most part animals are more deserving of sympathy.
Note this does not stop me from eating them, and I have zero problem with hunters who eat what they kill. -
It must be difficult, going through life with severe sarcasm poisoning. I sincerely hope that you get better.
Also, I am fine with hunting for conservation and eating (we have to cull the deers here or else they become the 11th plague). I think it was pretty shitty what happened with the lion and what's been happening with cops.
And yeah, people do often post/link things without much thought.
Edit: That was kind of mean. Too mean.
@HelloRaptor said:
@silentsophia said:
Why, it's almost as if people could care about more than one thing at a time...
No, no, you're right. There totally aren't an overwhelming number of people on social media who haven't once commented on #blacklivesmatter or any variations of the same but whose facebook and twitter accounts are on fire with outrage and tears over Cecil the lion's cruel, cruel fate.
People CAN care about more than one thing. But Raptor is like five billion percent right that this is going on and it's bullshit.
To all of you referring to things as 'the FF movie':
To hell with all of you.
You got me all excited thinking that there was a Final Fantasy movie. This is not that. Can't you like, call it F4 or something, and leave us humble and hopeful Final Fantasy fanboys alone with our FF tag?
That is all.
FF was fantastic Four long before final fantasy existed.
First Issue was in 1961 and Stand Lee was referring to then as the FF no later then mid sixties. -
My wife has at times mistakenly referred to them as the "Fabulous Four".
I naturally debated divorce.
Ouch you have my sympathies, that is almost worse then mixing up Star Wars and Star Trek. -
@Arkandel Divorce? She sounds like an A+ troll. You gotta appreciate talent.
@ThatGuyThere said:
Ouch you have my sympathies, that is almost worse then mixing up Star Wars and Star Trek.What's the difference? I mean one's in Hogwart's the other's in Middle Earth but they're basically the same thing, right?
Don't make me cut you. -
Maybe she writes fanfiction.
@WTFE said:
What's the difference? I mean one's in Hogwart's the other's in Middle Earth but they're basically the same thing, right?
The difference is one of them contains Edward and Bella's supremely interesting love story, and the other contains the Power Rangers.
I want to scream. This morning my laptop started going insane. I haven't lost my data (thank god), but it doesn't want to do much beyond start and lag. IE uninstalled itself. Chrome crashed and when trying to uninstall it, it won't reinstall.
It was an old laptop anyway, and I had the spare cash, so I went and bought a new one. Nothing fancy, but good for what I need it for (and bonus, it has a better video setup so doing some stuff like gaming will be a little easier) But god damn it, I hate Windows 8.1 so far. I really like the interface in 7 and hope I can hack 8.1 or 10 to look and function like 7.