Once more.
RL Anger
In that case...can I have a whites only fraternity? Or a club for white heritage? Or a white heterosexual' only club?
I'm probably one of the most conservative people on MuSoapbox and even I know safe spaces do not do anything to help people navigate their future.
Please, go right ahead. Most black people endorse your suggestion totally.
Anything to keep you out of our afros.
Besides, there are numerous clubs of that sort. There is the KKK, the White Resistance Movement, the Knights of White Saxons, etc etc.
@Cirno said:
Please, go right ahead. Most black people endorse your suggestion totally.
Anything to keep you out of our afros.
Well, as a straight dude, I can say, you're not unattractive.
Also, I wish I could bust out a Afro, as it is I just have a stupid Irish dark brown curly mop.
Ha! That'll teach Arkandel. He was pretending to disbelieve that I am comely and good looking.
If my phone camera wasn't so shitty, and if I was not in public in front of easily frightened white people, I'd take my coat and shirt off so you can see my hot body.
You will have to pm me for dick pics, though.
Really? Is that so? Seems like every time I turn on the news I am being told to feel guilty because I am white, heterosexual, monogamous, breed other white children, and I identify with the gender that was assigned to me at conception.
Just the other day I was reading about how China has developed "political credit" called Sesame Credit. In other words, Sesame Credit tracks what you do, say, post, watch on social media and lowers/raises your credit score depending upon how conformist or subversive it is.
Can you imagine what that would be like if it were implemented here in this country? Social justice warrior wet dream...
And my hair is a bit too straight to do the afro....
@BigDaddyAmin said:
Really? Is that so? Seems like every time I turn on the news I am being told to feel guilty because I am white, heterosexual, monogamous, breed other white children, and I identify with the gender that was assigned to me at concept.
Just the other day I was reading about how China has developed "political credit" called Sesame Credit. In other words, Sesame Credit tracks what you do, say, post, watch on social media and lowers/raises your credit score depending upon how conformist or subversive it is.
Can you imagine what that would be like if it were implemented here in this country? Social justice warrior wet dream...
And my hair is a bit too straight to do the afro....
I swear to you that the news lies and that we want you to go start white power groups.
Louis Farrakhan has said as much numerous times.
Please. Help yourself.
@Cirno said:
I declare my race, gender, and sexuality frequently to avoid mixups.
I have no intention of declaring my race, gender and sexuality so I can enter a discussion. None of these things should matter, only the contents of our opinions.
@Three-Eyed-Crow said:
@Cirno said:
Let me just upload a picture of myself, by the way.
I frequently wish for the WORA archive, but I did not think I'd ever look back fondly on the "people accuse Cirno of not being black and he proves them wrong" thread.
We grow nostalgic about very strange things, as the years pass.
Ah, yes - the Day WORA Failed.
It can only be surpassed by the time BetterJudgment failed.
He taunted me by saying I would not open a game.
With @Alzie's help, I opened a game.
He failed hard. He was, as they say, pwnt.
@Arkandel said:
@Cirno said:
I declare my race, gender, and sexuality frequently to avoid mixups.
I have no intention of declaring my race, gender and sexuality so I can enter a discussion. None of these things should matter, only the contents of our opinions.
Can I call myself a beautiful Japanese woman, then? Surely you won't mind, because all that matters is our opinions.
@BigDaddyAmin From experience, trying to discuss politics that aren't some shade of progressive here generally end up in a dogpile*. You're better off not to.
*It may not be the case this time.
@Cirno said:
Can I call myself a beautiful Japanese woman, then? Surely you won't mind, because all that matters is our opinions.
That is exactly right. I don't care how you identify yourself - least of all on an internet forum.
All I care about is what you're saying. At the moment what you are saying is making me giggle.
Yeah, go be a right-wing conservagrump somewhere else.
@BigDaddyAmin said:
In that case...can I have a whites only fraternity? Or a club for white heritage? Or a white heterosexual' only club?
My U has a Ukrainian club, are they white enough?
@Cirno I know I've been sick and dopped up on NyQuil a lot, lately, but I didn't think I missed a whole year.
I guess I shouldn't mention that I think that people who have vaginas and/or don't own property should not vote? And that women should be mothers and not Jedi Knights?
Oh, piss....
That's some serious penmanship for someone who spends so much time on a computer. When I write with a pen it looks like someone broke my hands before I tried.
It's because it's said with love.