I fucking hate cancer.
My friend who is all of 27 and a single mother of a 7 year old, is most likely not going to see Tuesday.
Also those that can, put good thoughts out, especially for her child.
I fucking hate cancer.
My friend who is all of 27 and a single mother of a 7 year old, is most likely not going to see Tuesday.
Also those that can, put good thoughts out, especially for her child.
(I am reminded that I still need to buy the stuff for the embroidery I was going to do after my own run-in with the evil beast last year.)
I fucking hate cancer.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I do not at all mean to belittle her struggle or yours.
Cancer sucks. My partner has had six different kinds (neuroblastoma; melanoma; thyoid; ovarian; kidney; uterine). We sort of joke about it in several ways -- like, whether she's going to have the "Colonel's Cancer Recipe" or "a Baker's Dozen of Bad News."
About the funniest thing we heard was one doctor's prognosis: "you seem to have a very rare genetic mutation that results in the unfortunate 'ability' to manifest cancer anywhere in your body at any time." Worst X-Man ever.
I am so very sorry to hear about your friend.
I don't know how much 'anger' this is. There's relief to be had, but... that sort of frustration of wishing it hadn't happened in the first place.
My brother has always had issues. And for the most part, they've always been targeted at me. Not the run-of-the-mill resentment at an older sibling, either. Mental health issues do run on my mother's side of the family, but my father is of the 'you can pray it away' school of thought.
My brother, on the other hand, has, since he was about 18... 'self-medicated.' This year, he's kept himself on a steady stream of weed, kratom, acid, and Robitussin. What money he does make goes entirely to that.
I had to cut off contact last year. His episodes began getting more frequent and worse. He's had multiple ER visits and 2 week+ stays in psychiatric care. In between these were long, convoluted messages he'd send to me essentially blaming me and threatening my life (thankfully, I live across the country, but this is a large part of why I had to get my cat... I was afraid he'd take it out on her).
My parents have talked about forcing him to get some sort of actual treatment. During one of his extended stays, he was diagnosed as schizoaffective. He needs to be on medication and in therapy. But they've kept this 'well, if he actually harms one of us...' (I have always been the primary target; he attacked me numerous times throughout our childhood.)
Tonight, apparently, after taking a fair amount of acid... he stopped being able to discern between reality and television, attacked our father, and then the EMTs/cops when they were called. My mother has been messaging me because she can't sleep, she's so wound up over it. But she's finally decided to seek out court orders for treatment.
I'm upset it's taken them this long, but I'm relieved it's finally happening.
Tough love is always harder on the person that has to give it. Being raised in an addict environment or a 'self-medicated' one. I get it. I'll keep you and yours in my thoughts. If you need to talk or vent, always an IM away.
No offense taken. I have gallows humor as it is. When I was diagnosed with something incurable - I sat in the hospital and planned my funeral. There's going to be karaoke. It's going to be songs like 'Never Gonna Give You Up', no one gets to pick their own music.... but no I know you weren't making light of it. I'm sorry for your partner, too.
My embroidery is all by hand. Someday I shall have an embroidery machine so I can design fancier stuff...
...but I'd bet you could find someone with a machine. There's often folks out there who will put embroidery on things on commission.
That awkward moment in life when you realize you don't really know someone. In this case, your spouse.
You are almost 35 years old...HOW HAVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF CYPRESS HILL!?!?!?!?
@Faceless That's awful and tragic. My wife and i would rap along in the car to 'Til Death do us part' in a thoroughly embarrassing way all the time.
I wish I'd never heard of Cypress Hill.
Fucking metatarsophalangeal joint sprain and/or tendon tear.
Like, how the fuck did this happen? My last workout was on Monday. Yesterday, my left big toe hurt a lot, so I thought I got a sprain inadvertently. This morning, I wake up, and the fucking thing feels like it had exploded. Like my toe was bleeding, when it wasn't.
Like, what the fuck? I know that "getting older" means "getting injured when you didn't before," but I didn't realize it meant "waking up in the morning sometimes comes with a fucking stupidly painful injury."
Like, seriously, what the fuck.
@Ganymede I'm sorry. Seriously, that sounds like it fucking sucks. I hope you feel better soon.
I'm sorry. Seriously, that sounds like it fucking sucks. I hope you feel better soon.
Like, I don't care if I hurt myself. Well, I do. I just hate it when I'm hurt and I don't know how the fuck it happened. Granted, I tore this tendon back a year and a half ago when I was doing pushups barefoot.
Update: she thought Jump Around was by Cypress Hill.
Update: she thought Jump Around was by Cypress Hill.
OK that is just bizarrely unacceptable. I don't listen to rap but just basic being alive and noticing of the world around you should be able to tell the difference between House of Pain and Cypress Hill.
<Cheap Joke> She must be insane in the membrane, insane in the brain.
@ThatGuyThere said in RL Anger:
Update: she thought Jump Around was by Cypress Hill.
OK that is just bizarrely unacceptable. I don't listen to rap but just basic being alive and noticing of the world around you should be able to tell the difference between House of Pain and Cypress Hill.
<Cheap Joke> She must be insane in the membrane, insane in the brain.
I had to ask the wife and she started singing some lyrics, and I said, "Oh yeah that's them"!
We both concluded that this song was Cypress Hill
Wrong Hill I guess.