@Arkandel - At least you don't quite jump on the hate-wagon. I even said that it's probably a legit reaction, several times over, but that it's simply not the reaction that I would have personally chosen to apply, because I tend to think in a different way, and that -potentially- there is another valid way to look at it. Why is that so wrong?
I don't waste my time hating people on forums. It's not even that entertaining on a Monday, when my hatred pool is nearly full.
The error in your reasoning is in thinking like a recipient. You're assuming what your reaction would be if what happened to @mietze happened to you - which is of course different since most of us react in different ways to the same thing. So you'd have been cool about it, there's nothing wrong with that part.
I was attempting to point out that, as someone to whom such a thought might occur ("this is a person I literally haven't seen iRL in 30 years ever since she was a child, so let's look hard enough to track her down then drop in at her job and try to speak with her with notions of kindling some sort of romanticism between us") there are many layers of warning bells that should have prevented that from ever actually being realized. Entire parts of those plans should be giving off red flags as being social inappropriate - which is what makes it creepy.
Because the kind of person who ignored every single one of those bells and actually went through with it probably has some issues. Do you see where I'm coming from? The very act of going ahead with it is telling.