So against my better judgement, I accepted my instructor's offer to go over my week 1 script (act one of a TV episode) via phone conference rather than just receive his written notes.
I figured: sure, I've got receiving harsh criticism in text down, but I should learn to handle it in person.
I wish I had listened to my gut.
This man is an ass.
This wasn't just harsh criticism.
He never said a single positive thing. He cut me off constantly. He was practically yelling at me at times.
At one point, he misheard me. I tried to correct him. He snapped: "I know." and continued on with the misunderstood stuff.
The changes he wants me to make make no sense in places. Like it turns New Girl (the show the script is a spec for) into more of a drama than a comedy.
I had a 'part 1' to this class where we did our outlines. In a class taught by someone else, but that he designed. I got a 100 on my final outline. My instructor and classmates loved it. This guy? Wants me to throw out 2/3rds and rewrite based on what he wants (which is, again, more drama than comedy).
And the final lovely thing:
I emailed him last week after I watched the lecture recording. In the recording, for all the other show options we had to write for, he had script format tweaks. 'I know in Modern Family they do this, but I want you to do that instead.' etc. But he had none for New Girl. So I emailed to ask: 'Hey, is there anything in their script formatting that I shouldn't do?'
He said no, use their format as is.
Well, part of the call was chewing me out for not tweaking my format.
I admit it, I was crying at one point. Just being cut off constantly and chewed out... That is not getting critical feedback on your work. And I wasn't even trying to forcefully stand my ground on things. I was trying to explain why I wrote things a certain way to help him better understand (since he made it clear he never read the outlines we turned in the first day of class).
I'm going to be lucky to pass this class and I'm already done caring.