Also, 45 bucks for a fucking mini USB cord to charge my tablet? Jesus H. Christ.
RL Anger
Also, 45 bucks for a fucking mini USB cord to charge my tablet? Jesus H. Christ.
It wasn't even a funny joke. It was more an outright insult.
As @Ganymede said, I can't control how people choose to react. Whether or not it was funny, it was intended to be, if only mildly. I'm honestly not sure how anyone could read it as an insult (veiled or outright), but again, I've got no say in what you read into it.
If a topic upsets someone and it's known, why provoke them?
Maybe this just relates to the other shit you were talking about, but to be clear, if there was some post at some point by @Usekh saying "Hey guys I'm super sensitive about this so please no jokes, even little dumb ones, that use me and cancer as a framework." or anything of the kind, I never saw it. If there was, and if I had, I wouldn't have made the joke.
The response to 'dude, wtf' wasn't very good, either.
My response to what really were outright insults, you mean? YMMV, I guess. I felt they were pretty measured given what I wanted to type. I didn't even throw in any cancer jokes in my response to him. Almost as if once he'd made it clear they actually upset him, I didn't use them to provoke him. That didn't get him a get out of jail free card for how he framed his response, though. New depths? Really?
Also, 45 bucks for a fucking mini USB cord to charge my tablet? Jesus H. Christ.
What the fuck? Were you in an airport or something? I mean, you're talking about one of these, right? O.o
@HelloRaptor Nope. I had gotten a Nexus 7 when I had a job and used it to read graduate school stuff. The cord that came with it died (only charges for a few seconds when it's bent JUST RIGHT), so I went hunting. The 'official' charger was listed for 40-45 bucks. Slightly cheaper on Amazon.
I think I'm gonna say no thanks to that because looking at the end, it really is just a generic micro-USB.
What comes to mind when your Nexus 7 thinks about its mother?
@silentsophia said:
I think I'm gonna say no thanks to that because looking at the end, it really is just a generic micro-USB.
It's a mini-usb cable, which is what you said. Did you mean micro-usb?
As for the cost, I assumed you just meant the cable, not the whole charger. Far as I can tell the Nexus 7 uses micro-usb, which are still pretty damn cheap, at least in the US. The 'official' one might get jacked up, though. They like to charge an arm and a leg for that.
@HelloRaptor Yeah, I just grabbed a micro USB. We'll see how this one works. Brand names can be nice, but I just don't see myself paying full price for it.
And I meant micro. I had a brain failure.
@Misadventure It doesn't want to talk about it.
@silentsophia said:
@HelloRaptor Yeah, I just grabbed a micro USB. We'll see how this one works. Brand names can be nice, but I just don't see myself paying full price for it.
I've had really good luck with the amazon basics stuff, as far as straight cords go. The Nexus 7 seems to be kind of finicky in terms of chargers themselves, too. Are you just plugging your tablet into a usb porn on a computer, or into a socket charge-base? If the latter ever wears down, be careful in what you replace it with.
Or there's always something like this that seems to get good reviews, but would limit you to charging with an outlet only.
Charging from the wall only is fine. I'll check Amazon's stuff if the one I snagged at the electronics place doesn't work. It wouldn't shock me. And both, depending. Usually USB because I'm kind of lazy and impatient.
Someone trying to "correct" me because I used "shit disturber" rather than "shit stirrer". Uh, no, I said shit-disturber, I MEANT shit-disturber. I'm pretty sure that "Shit Disturber" is the Canadian version of Shit Stirrer anyway.
@Shebakoby who the fuck says shit stirrer?
@SG shrug The person who was trying to "correct" me was from the midwest originally.
This is also my peeve, but especially how people do it: "You mean whatever". Not do you mean this? But you meant to say this.
No. I meant to say what I said. I am not likely suffering a stroke or aphasia, and do not suffer from malapropisms so there is no need to correct me.
... I forgot I had my old address when I ordered the cord...
Fortunately, I called the apartment peeps and they'll hold it for me, I guess. I hope.
@SG said:
@Shebakoby who the fuck says shit stirrer?
Everybody? I mean, it's got a definition that pops up if you google it. It's in and and enough more it'd be even more redundant to list them all. So if not everybody, enough so that it's a stupid question.
'Shit Disturber' has entries too, but mostly just as a Canadianism. Bunch of weirdos, obviously.
I've heard shit stirrer a lot more than shit disturber. Granted, the plural of anecdote is not data.
Perhaps Canadians do not wish to malign the noble stirring profession.
I've never heard shit disturber, but I don't think I'd be a shit about someone else saying it.
This is my first encounter with shit stirrers, why would anyone disturb the shit and stir it?
I know that shit stirrer is troublemaker, and troublemakers stir up trouble, but I'm blanking on how to parse disturb in there instead. Trouble disturber doesn't work, nor does disturbing up trouble.
Canadians are weird.