In the city I live in, drivers and cyclists more or less kind of hate each other. This is a lot of cities. But. Anyway. The city here on some problematic streets installed bike lanes. It took a lot of money and 3x the projected time to finish. This is a lot of cities.
It was done in order to give drivers a line and cyclists a lane with a median between that would keep one out of the path of the other and also prevent cyclists from getting doored by removing most of the street parking. Mostly, its been an expensive eyesore. Drivers avoid the street now because the traffic flow is all effed and the timing of the lights, which also has to account for light rail, is super effed. And you have enough cyclists who refuse to use the cyclist lane to make a point about their right to the road.
I am mostly in awe of people who try to cycle in this city because its so dangerous. The whole thought makes me squeamish but I do get irrationally angry at the cyclists who fling themselves into commute traffic to make a point about their right to be there. I totally support your right to be there when you're not blocking traffic and potentially causing accidents to make your point, dude.
This happens about once a week, like today. I hate this city sometimes.