Dragon Age: Inquisition
Leaked next Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC Trailer. Coming out September 8th. POSSIBLE SPOILERS!
Also may I say, Squee ?
Dammit. I only played about five minutes of Hakkon before wandering off, haven't bought the Deep Roads one yet, but this one looks cool.
Have now finished all three DLC, ending with Tresspasser, obviously.
Holy fuckballs. O___________O
I do think I got the best (or at least most positive) possible endings for all my people, though, which made me happy. Apparently it's possible to get some truly dark shit for many of them. ;D
So. Bioware. Take a good long look at Witcher 3. That's the kind of quality you want in DA4. The storytelling, the script, the set-building. This is stuff you need to look long and hard at. Because while I love DA: I, Witcher 3 was a couple steps above in the quality of the game(also, all the free DLC was a nice boon).
That being said, here's some things I'll point out that I think the next game needs. Spoilers from Trespasser, so don't read on if you want shit spoiled for you.
Either make a new character or continue with the Inquisitor and make his left arm being his special 'thing', whatever that 'thing' may be, granted I think your main character losing their arm at the very end was an interesting turn of events. Even if it's as something as cheesy as Ashe's mechanical arm from Army of Darkness.
If not a new character or the Inquisitor, bring back the Warden. I want to know what has become of the Warden. What he's doing, what his goals are since he obviously has an agenda of his/her own.
I loved DA:I's combat. And while I thought that DA:O's combat was too boring for my taste(I'm just not that into tactical combat #sorrynotsorry), the options for tactics in DA:I was lacking. For all of the complaint that DA2 was too button-mashy, it did give a lot of options for tactics, which I liked. I liked being able to program my companions tactics while still being able to beat away at an enemy. Which is why I think if DA:I had the combat it already had, while having the tactical options of DA:O or DA2, it would've been worlds better. But again, not options for those of us that just want to kill things.
Make Solas the villain. I know that this seems like a forgone conclusion considering Trespasser, but this needs to be a thing. Former companion turned bad guy(even if it's more anti-hero than anything else)? I've been waiting for that in a Bioware game in years.
Get your shit with the Dwarves sorted out. Considering Descent, there's a lot of 'wtf' going on and things were possibly not as well thought out at first. The intention is interesting, but this is slowly turning into a 'too many cooks in the kitchen' sort of situation. It's going to have to tie up sooner or later, or you're going to suffer the Christ Carter Effect(go watch the last two seasons of X-Files and you'll understand what I mean).
Bring back Sandal. I still maintain that he's the Maker in a human guise.
Bring it all together. Since I'm fresh off Trespasser, right now, I don't know if there should be a DA5. I feel like DA4 should wrap up this entire storyline, and it really does feel like it's building towards...well, /something/. I feel like every single plot thread that's been left lingering in the last three games should be all tied up and everyone(and I do mean /everyone/, covering companions and major players from the last three games)get their proper ending(based on whatever decisions you've made).
Please don't start catering to fan service shipping. You've avoided this so far in DA, while ME was sorta cringy in it. I'm glad DA:I was not the relationship simulator that ME sorta was(and I say even though I like ME over DA).
Keep the gold glitch in. Seriously, this has started to become a staple of DA games. There's always been something that's kinda been regarded as a gold dupe or gold glitch. I think it's a trend that Bioware should keep going. Almost like it's an inside joke at this point.
Get rid of resource mining. I have wasted far too much time scouring for resources(especially after the resource dupe was fixed). It's not fun, it's grinding, it's time-consuming, and it's just a way to extend the game's length more than what it needs to be. Now, I do like crafting, but just let us buy straight out or simply gain the resource itself allowing us to make whatever once we've earned, either via level progress, story progress, quest reward, or gold purchase. But don't make us look around for those three pieces of silverite I need to make a damn sword. Or, if you want, just go back to DA:O's material quality. THe more you level up, you find better quality items. That worked well, for me anyways.
Let us be a dick. No, really, in past DA games you could be just the biggest jerk in the world. You could drive companions away, hell, you could even kill them if you felt you needed to. None of that in DA:I. If that means some kind of Paragon/Renegade scale, whatever. Or Friend/Rival.
Not so many filler quests. Seriously, how many quests were there in the Hinterlands, alone? A lot, far too many to count, and eventually, I just stopped caring, because they really didn't mean shit. Or if you're going to do, and I'm going to point to Witcher 3 here again, give it's own story. Make it relevant. Many, or a lot of the quests there, a lot of them felt like they were important. Hell, many of them could make you /care/ about actually doing it, instead of just looking at it like just another box to check off.
Let us kill Anders if you let him live in DA2. I may be the sadistic type, but I'd want Anders to see exactly what he did, the results of his actions before I killed him(that's sorta why I let him live). Or magically tear Justice from him and /then/ kill him. Either/or, I'm not picky.
Skyhold. Keep it., but maybe give a bit more in customization options.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more if I sat down and thought about it.
I can't be arsed to finish Witcher 1. I'm trying, but it's so very, very eh. Yet in spite of how dated it is, I could go back and re-play Mass Effect right now, ugly weapon management and all.
Also, in Witcher I feel compelled to get the complete set of collectable cards for fucking. (So much eyerolling. So much.)
Meh meh meh meh meh. Okay, enough complaining about Witcher.
@Thenomain said:
I can't be arsed to finish Witcher 1. I'm trying, but it's so very, very eh. Yet in spite of how dated it is, I could go back and re-play Mass Effect right now, ugly weapon management and all.
Also, in Witcher I feel compelled to get the complete set of collectable cards for fucking. (So much eyerolling. So much.)
Meh meh meh meh meh. Okay, enough complaining about Witcher.
I'm right there with you on this one. I could (and have) replayed ME1 and ME2 many times, but I can't get through the Witcher 1 for whatever reason. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten the extended edition on GOG.
Though ME1 is... kind of annoying because I will eventually want to play ME2, and then ME3, and ME3 is great, but I have to stop it before the last 20 minutes every game.
@Lithium said:
Though ME1 is... kind of annoying because I will eventually want to play ME2, and then ME3, and ME3 is great, but I have to stop it before the last 20 minutes every game.
I play it right up until I put Liara back into the Normandy and send her home. Because I pick Liara every goddamn time.
Because Liara.
To be fair, the choices in ME1 were rather... meh, Liara was the only option I could really get behind. The marines were just... well one was a whiny bitch about his abilities, and the other was only for male characters (I tried that, but noo, especially when she was spouting poetry I was like, Augh... and people wonder why the blue alien girl got all the action).
ME2 was better, Thane, OMG Thane was great I loved how they ended his story and his voice, just... yeah anyways, enough off topic for now!
I liked Thane (chose romance option with a Femshep and Thane, because it worked), but wan't the same way DA:O Anders or DA2's Merrill, knowing that a lot of people hate Merrill for the same reason I like her. Bioware writes characters. And because of that, I will continue giving EA money, goddammit.
I liked Merril... way more than Isabella.