RL peeves! >< @$!#
I get that it is your job to upsell the gym stuff and you love working out.
I'm fat. I want to dip into this at my pace, and I pretty much want to do C25K on your running machines where I won't get heatstroke. Adding in weights, more exercise, another class... that means I likely will crash.
Also. When you are talking bout MY program, it isn't WE. It is ME.
@Luna said:
@Miss-Demeanor Then on some level you must also miss our lack of turn signal usage.
Oh no, we still have that here. I'm convinced that nobody in Florida is aware that turn signals exist.
I force my children to bring headphones for their electronics. Not because I give any fucks about the people around me, but because -I- don't want to have to listen to the same goddamn 3 stanzas of a shitty game song or whatever fucking youtube video my youngest has decided he absolutely MUST WATCH RIGHT NAO OMG. So... to all those people who have sat near me and my kids? You're inadvertently welcome!Also, I make my teenager return the cart now. Its good times.
As long as you understand that it may take between 1-2 months to see results, and even longer to be able to maintain a weekly regimen without damaging yourself, I think you'll be fine.
Ditch the gym. Do it all at home. Seriously.
@Ganymede said:
As long as you understand that it may take between 1-2 months to see results, and even longer to be able to maintain a weekly regimen without damaging yourself, I think you'll be fine.
Ditch the gym. Do it all at home. Seriously.
Heatstroke from running last week
Plan is to just use their air con so I can survive getting fit.
The fact that I suck at taking pictures and this pattern book keeps flopping shut.
I force my children to bring headphones for their electronics. Not because I give any fucks about the people around me, but because -I- don't want to have to listen to the same goddamn 3 stanzas of a shitty game song or whatever fucking youtube video my youngest has decided he absolutely MUST WATCH RIGHT NAO OMG. So... to all those people who have sat near me and my kids? You're inadvertently welcome!The only time my kids are allowed to play the sound on a video game is if it's in their own bedroom (which they each have their own stuff to play on in their respective rooms), if they have headphones (but if we are in public they are only allowed to have one plugged in their ear, because I can't stand it if something is said to them and they seem to ignore it, or if they are so tuned out of what's going on around them that they fail to pick up on the things that might require their attention), or if I'm at work and not around to tell them to turn the volume off. I'm not a noise pollution from multiple sources-sort of person - it tends to give me a headache really fast.
On the other hand though, they can play rock music as loud as they want in my house.
The biggest fence to living healthy to climb over is boredom. Part of why they upsell a lot at the gym is because the gym is about more than working out. The week should be filled with activities. Boot camps on the weekends. Exercise during the week. Cardio almost every day. Classes in different kinds of activities, from hitting the bag with gloves, to riding bikes, to walking, to group grocery shopping. The idea is, if you get bored, if things get stale, they become a chore, and nobody likes chores. Long-term, chores add up, we begin to see some of them as optional, especially exercise, and we start to cut it out of the schedule, eventually we spend more time sitting on the couch at some kind of a control, than we do anything else.
When the convenience of something easy to grab to sate hunger takes over and you aren't eating correctly anymore, you don't fuel the entire process. You want to fuel your activity, and avoid the potential for boredom. There's a crazy algebra at work to the whole thing, and it requires consistency and context. You have to keep track of measurements like the girth of your hips, waist, chest, the width of your shoulders, the circumference of your thighs and upper arms. This all has a meaning in comparison to how much you weigh. You can figure out, using your height too, how many calories you need in a day, how to divide it up so that your internal metabolism fuels the activity you are undertaking, so that you can increase your endurance, flexibility, strength, and focus.
It's like fine tuning a car. You can live with the ping, and the lack of horsepower on hills. Or you can make a few changes, and be consistent, and have a car that sounds and runs great, even on a grade.
It always feels like, yeah, they try to upsell the gym stuff, but there is a certain point between the sale, and the not getting any benefit from what you are doing. How many people do you see go to the gym and stay fat for 6 months, a year, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10. All that exercise does nothing if you are not fueling it in the right way, and maintaining your math.
When you find yourself resisting the activity. When 30 minutes on that machine is just too much. When you find yourself locking up. You have to look at why. Maybe you need to roll out for 10 minutes before your exercise, or roll out for another 5 minutes during, and 10 minutes after. Maybe you need a better way to warm up and cool down. Are you afraid of sweating? Do you think someone's looking at you sweat? You want to sweat. You want to be out of breath. You want to feel hot. This is what warming up is. It's getting things to work so that you are burning the right calories for the right reason to fuel continuing and succeeding.
People who stand in front of a fan at the gym drive me insane. You just spent 20 minutes warming up and you're forcing your body to cool back down. Way to go, super slick. You just defeated your own purpose.
In a nutshell, anything we do in life, we have to have some sort of a commitment to it, otherwise, you just get no benefit from it. There are better places to socialize than the gym. But you want to suffer, you want to have heatstroke, you want to crash. And then you want to change how you eat and how much water you drink so that you don't crash. You are creating a resistance. The way to battle that resistance dictates how you succeed or fail.
@Ganymede said:
As long as you understand that it may take between 1-2 months to see results, and even longer to be able to maintain a weekly regimen without damaging yourself, I think you'll be fine.
Ditch the gym. Do it all at home. Seriously.
Best investment I ever made, as far as exercise equipment goes, is a jump rope.
I LOVE my gym. It's in an uppity area, lots of trophy wife's and whatnot so there's tons of hot girls. Sometimes they do really weird shit that's amusing. One girl runs on her toes. I don't even know. There's another that is doing HIIT and she makes for interesting people watching too. One I encounter every so often runs backward. We've got two fitness models and several seriously hardcore lifting chicks. Alllllll the people watching. The weights area gets busy but I go at cardio bunny times to avoid that.
I did get a couple Dumbbells for home though because I will not lift when it's busy. Nope. No no no. No. And all the New Years resolution people are out in force. But I love going to the gym, running, etc. it's a thing. A process.
This reminds me of when a few of the Cirque performers came to my Y (while they were in town). Sweet guys, super friendly--who also stopped traffic in the hallways (the weight room has windows that open up into the corridor) especially when the little old ladies got out of water aerobics class.
I used to do a lot of tabata, but instead of looking interesting I was fighting the urge to dry heave into the trashcan depending on what we were doing. Kinda of how like TRX in theory should look really hot, but thanks to my hypermobile joints amongst other issues I end up looking/feeling like I'm one step away from a sideshow (and not a flattering one) if I'm not careful.
I like going to the gym too, but I have serious issues with the whole "all you need to do to lose weight is to eat less and move more." I mean, that is true in the purest sense. But having lost over 125 lbs almost 5 years ago and until pregnancy last year maintained that loss within 15 lbs (and even now I've still maintained most of it)...it's just a little more complicated than that for some people. I wish that I only had to tackle the physical act of losing. To me that's the easy part. Maintenance was harder, and dealing with OtherStuff was harder too.
If someone wants to run in front of a fan or isn't ready to sign up for a triathlon when they first start to move more, that's okay with me. It may not be the most efficient or correct way. But still, even the little old ladies who go to the gym every day and yet never lose weight or whatever--it's still getting them active in ways that they weren't before, and that still does have a benefit. I have done a tri (that and running half-marathons seem to be The Thing women of My Certain Age like to do). But if some had told me that I should the first time I tiptoed into the gym and felt so gross and ashamed, I probably would have run for the hills. Or if they told me I needed to hurt and suffer for it to go anywhere.
I started out just drinking more water and following a silly C25K podcast and doing Zumba (the big fad at the time). It was fun, it got me in the habit of Doing Things In Front Of Other People. Gradually the other stuff like good nutrition and resistance training and maybe I can do cool athletic things too started to come in when I was ready for them.
Why is your dog barking at 5am? Why has it been barking for an hour? Fuck you neighbors. Your dogs don't need to be out all day and night when they bark at every leaf that swirls into their path. We live on post, where the houses are close enough together to spit on your next door neighbor's windows from your own. Just stop it.
At its heart, weightloss is calories in/calories out. But that's on paper. In practice there's emotioal and life components that are hard. Not that calorie control and such aren't hard.
My current training goals are lose weight and gain strength so that I feel confident enough for a pole class. I'm such a classy bitch.
I fully support anyone making an effort. Or don't make an effort. Do what you want! I seriously will listen to anyone about their dieting woes. I will tell you to put down the cake in a crisis. However, I will make fun of you if you try to tell me that you can't lose weight even though you're basically starving and running daily marathons.
@JinShei said:
Heatstroke from running last week
Plan is to just use their air con so I can survive getting fit.
It's winter over here, so that doesn't make much sense to me. Also, running until you pass out. (Also, @Luna, running on your toes is arguably the right way to run.)
There's no one method to get into shape. It's a mix of everything said so far: from motivation to doing new shit so you're not bored, to being at a gym where there's eye-candy or excellent trainers.
Without outing myself too badly, I've been going to gyms for years. I like gyms because the equipment expanded what I could do on my own. But after spending a couple of years doing plyometrics, aerobics, and old-school exercises, about the only thing the gym has that I don't is a pull-up bar (which I could overcome with one of those door-frame attachments, but I don't want to chance fucking up my house).
I think what matters most, though, is the drive. You want to get in shape? Cool -- let's share stories. You want to dish on fat-cutting recipes? Shit, yeah -- let's do it. Don't want to pay gym membership or trainer fees? We've all got ideas. It'd be awesome to share success stories, just so we can all keep motivated.
Seriously, though, the Dailyburn is probably the best $10/month I've ever spent.
@Ganymede said:
@JinShei said:
Heatstroke from running last week
Plan is to just use their air con so I can survive getting fit.
It's winter over here, so that doesn't make much sense to me. Also, running until you pass out. (Also, @Luna, running on your toes is arguably the right way to run.)
It averages 30C here at the moment.. It was 7am
Not doing that again!
There's no one method to get into shape. It's a mix of everything said so far: from motivation to doing new shit so you're not bored, to being at a gym where there's eye-candy or excellent trainers.
Plan is... C25K in air con, and yoga / body balance x 3 a week. Not too much, not too little for me right now. Get that set in routine and see how we go
@Luna said:
My current training goals are lose weight and gain strength so that I feel confident enough for a pole class. I'm such a classy bitch.
Done one before. They are fun and hard work!
Dieting woes are... so woe. Have lost 4kg the last two weeks though so I'm happy
I made us a whole topic. Because, yes. Also, someone go there and tell me about Dailyburn. I'm looking into checking it out.
I have a new diet I'm on to counteract the holiday weight I put on. So far its been working REALLY well. Three weeks and I dropped a pant size! If I can keep this up, I may just make this my normal lifestyle. Its not for the weak of will, however, since you cut out pretty much ALL starches, gluten-free or not. And sugars. Even most fruits are off the menu. Protein and good veggies and that's about it. On the up side, I get to eat all the uncured bacon I want!
Wow. Those are awesome.
And I may just say that I'll scan a pattern or two per person. This thing is kinda floppy for photography. >_<
... yeah, I walked into that one.
Passive aggressive text messages. -- Just stop it.
If I'm at work, you can assume I am working. This means in with a client and without my cellphone. It is not okay to text me six times. It is not okay for the last text to read how you must not matter as I'm not responding.